

I.T.S. Hall of Famer
Apr 17, 2012
The fact that there is no requirement for public disclosure of financial records for Presidential candidates troubles me. I have trouble believing Trump would even be able to get a security clearance if he weren't President. Why should the American public be granted less background information in choosing their top employee than a bank is when constructing a mortgage?

It would have been nice to know during the election that he's being financially supported by Russian Oligarchs.
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I'm certainly not against that type of disclosure for candidates running for the U.S. House, Senate or President.

What story are you speaking of?
I think they're going to have to do better than a single anonymous source reported by MSNBC before this gets any type of traction by those not named MSNBC, CNN or NYT.
I think they're going to have to do better than a single anonymous source reported by MSNBC before this gets any type of traction by those not named MSNBC, CNN or NYT.
Well, this came on the heels of a ruling that could potentially allow Deutsche Bank to disclose Trump's financials and tax returns to congress. It seems more plausible to me than just a random unnamed source considering that news having come out this week.
I would expect to see some bank docs "leaked" to the press shortly if the claim is true. I'm not saying it's not true just that you need more than one anonymous source for a story about a sitting President to be run by most reputable news agencies.
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I would expect to see some bank docs "leaked" to the press shortly if the claim is true. I'm not saying it's not true just that you need more than one anonymous source for a story about a sitting President to be run by most reputable news agencies.
Fair... but it would explain a lot of things.
Suppose Aston has his answer as to why it wasn’t a top story anywhere. MSNBC and CNN doing their thing.
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If it comes out later as verified O'Donnell will look justified and a dumbass in on fell swoop.

I doubt it gets verified though, otherwise the reaction by everybody would not have been so quick and so absolute.
I mean, if it is true, do you really expect Trump / Trump's lawyers to not try and sequester the story?

It was retracted but no one said it was false. It is just uncorroborated. Still hoping we get more public info from Deutsche Bank.
I mean, if it is true, do you really expect Trump / Trump's lawyers to not try and sequester the story?

It was retracted but no one said it was false. It is just uncorroborated. Still hoping we get more public info from Deutsche Bank.

And if it’s false they’d still want to sequester the story. I have no idea if it’s true, but this is an example of the news cycle, on all sides of the political spectrum, first is everything. Facts and evidence be damned.

Now it’s report then verify, it you’re wrong it doesn’t matter. The media decides what message they want and know people that hate Trump will believe the improbable and those who like Trump don’t care. Some of us just want to be informed of facts, there’s too much unprovable in the news. It leads to apathy amongst another sect of citizens, but maybe that’s part of the goal too?
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if it is true

It is just uncorroborated. Still hoping we get more public info from Deutsche Bank.

"If" is a very big word. "Hoping" is another interesting word, Aston is still hoping that something is afoul with Deutsche Bank. Two very partisan comments in one post. Not seeking truth, just hoping something bad can be found.
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I don't think Deutsche Bank cares in the least who the co-signers on the loan are as long as they have the money to pay for the loan if the borrower defaults (and we all know trump was likely to default as has happened numerous times). Plus Trump has had declared chapt. 11 bankruptcy 3 times (?) meaning he is likely considered a high risk borrower. While I don't think Deustche Bank has done anything nefarious, even if Trump and his Russian backers haven't done anything illegal, it's a bad look especially since now he and McConnell are doing their darnedest to block legislation to protect elections. It's a bad series of events that even if they are pure coincidence, just has an awful optic about it.
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"If" is a very big word. "Hoping" is another interesting word, Aston is still hoping that something is afoul with Deutsche Bank. Two very partisan comments in one post. Not seeking truth, just hoping something bad can be found.
There's been a ton of sketchy things going on with Russians and Deutsche Bank.... not just related to Trump.... Yes, I would like to know more about how Russia laundered money and went around sanctions through them.
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There's been a ton of sketchy things going on with Russians and Deutsche Bank.... not just related to Trump.... Yes, I would like to know more about how Russia laundered money and went around sanctions through them.
If that is true, heads will roll at the bank.
Sometimes I wonder if Trump's team plants these stories, because man does it muddy the water and make people question if anything the media reports on him is accurate
Sometimes I wonder if Trump's team plants these stories, because man does it muddy the water and make people question if anything the media reports on him is accurate
Or it muddies the water and makes you question whether Trump ever tells the truth at any time about literally anything.
A large part of the problem (especially as it relates to Russia) is we have "news" organizations which have no issues with running stories without even the basic fact checking or sourcing. Printing false unverified stories was once a major faux pas in the news business and quickly ruined an organizations reputation in the industry. Doesn't seem to matter these days.

CIA slams CNN's 'misguided' and 'simply false' reporting on alleged spy's extraction from Kremlin
The Central Intelligence Agency on Monday evening slammed what it called CNN's "misguided" and "simply false" reporting, after the cable channel's chief national security correspondent authored a hole-filled piece claiming that the CIA had pulled a high-level spy out of Russia because President Trump had "repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy." The extraordinary CIA rebuke came as the New York Times published a bombshell piece late in the evening, which largely contradicted CNN's reporting. According to the Times, CIA officials "made the arduous decision in late 2016 to offer to extract the source from Russia" -- weeks before Trump even took office.
Or it muddies the water and makes you question whether Trump ever tells the truth at any time about literally anything.

The question isn't whether or not he would lie about these things (of course he would). the question is whether I should trust news organizations that frequently run bad stories because these stories are just too good to verify. It makes them look so bad that it makes me question whether or not they're just getting played.
"If" is a very big word. "Hoping" is another interesting word, Aston is still hoping that something is afoul with Deutsche Bank. Two very partisan comments in one post. Not seeking truth, just hoping something bad can be found.
He might get his wish after Trump gets out of office. Both of Trump's bankers from Deutsche resigned, and one of them(Vrabilic) said she would cooperate with the investigations, if they wanted her to do so.

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