China issues red alert in Beijing due to pollution.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003

They are closing schools to protect children.

These are the people who will follow our lead and slow the growth of their pollution if we drastically low our CO2 emissions.

These are the people that will be handling tar sands crude instead of the US. They don't have the technology that large American coastal refineries do to remove harmful chemical from the atmosphere and oceans. They will put out not only the CO2 but sulfur (acid rain), fugitive emission of light hydrocarbons and NOX (smog), metals and particulates. They already do and it will be in larger quantities. It will spread globally.

If global pollution is really a threat, why turn more over to the worst offenders. Back in the days of DDT they found that pesticide at the South Pole.
Interesting how a good Socialist / Communist nation cares less for the environment than an Exploitive Capitalist one.. go figure..
Maybe we could send China a few billion dollars to "help" them contain and clean up their air problems. I'm sure they'd take the money if, ya know, Obama offered it. After all, ultimately its our fault they have these problems in the first place. We've dumped all those fossil fuels on the world market and its so cheap now that China can't help but buy it.

It's all the Republicans' fault. :confused::eek:o_O

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