China deal


I.T.S. Senior
Nov 17, 2017
As predicted many months ago, Trump signed a China deal and claimed victory. My view is that is just a replay of the North Korea debacle: the US gave up more than it got (especially given the pain it inflicted on our economy) and like NOK phase 2 will never happen. But for perspective, here's the BBC's analysis:
I've heard many mixed reviews of the trade deal. Importantly, that Trump still hasn't repealed many of the primary sanctions that have hurt the American manufacturing industry in terms of their ability to buy component parts for their products. Also, that it's yet to be seen if China will actually uphold their agreement on intellectual property since they've made assurances about that in the past and haven't actually followed through.
Actually intellectual property is becoming less of an issue because at this point China has and is building substantial intellectual property of its own to protect, such as Huawei's 5G technology which is currently better than the US's. Chinese had already established functioning courts to deal with IP theft.

China has been copying the US research model for decades. A few examples: In 2002 the head of Princeton's computer science department went back to China for the summer in 2002 and was offered research facilities and a position at a leading Chinese university that he couldn't turn down. At the time Princeton was one of the top two computer science programs in the US. Five years later Li Kai Fu, Microsoft's head of Chinese business was recruited away by Google to set up an R&D facility for Google about 50+ Chinese CS PhD's. The talent was there.

But it's clearly a win for Trump in the same way that North Korea was. Most people had no idea what the deal really is except what DT touts it is the best deal ever. The substantive parts have not been addressed--another "phase 2". The costs ($40B in tariffs paid by consumers and $28B bailout for farmers) are largely hidden or spread out.

that it's yet to be seen if China will actually uphold their agreement on intellectual property since they've made assurances about that in the past and haven't actually followed through.
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US efforts to ban semiconductors and software from 140 Chinese companies have put steroids in China’s efforts to develop their own industry. Basically the US is forcing China to go it alone. Some US semiconductor companies could fail, but the biggest hit will be their ability to continue their R & D efforts which is crucial for them to keep moving forward. With lower revenues and more competition, many US companies will fall behind.
US efforts to ban semiconductors and software from 140 Chinese companies have put steroids in China’s efforts to develop their own industry. Basically the US is forcing China to go it alone. Some US semiconductor companies could fail, but the biggest hit will be their ability to continue their R & D efforts which is crucial for them to keep moving forward. With lower revenues and more competition, many US companies will fall behind.
These academics are never right. Paul Krugman is a great example. Oh he also likes to diddle kids.
I heard Rippin liked to diddle kids.
Dude, quite low... although I wouldn’t hurl accusations like that around toward anyone without evidence (not even toward you). Then again, what more should I expect from a liberal? After all, they support the sexualization of children through drag kids & drag queen story hour. They “tolerate” TED talks that include people calling pedophilia a “sexual orientation.” In fact, most people who openly joke about something so sick as as what you just said are often, indeed, masking an inner desire of their own.
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Paul Krugman did some brilliant work on trade back in the day. He didn’t get a Nobel prize for no reason. The guy is legitimately an expert when it comes to trade.

His problem is that he has a relatively narrow field of expertise and when he steps outside of it he sometimes makes himself look really bad. But trade is his wheelhouse

Why do you think the President refers to him as “Liddle Adam Schiff?” That’s not an accidental misspelling (99.9% of his misspellings in tweets are not accidental).
I figured if you could go around saying every Democrat liked to diddle kids without any proof, then what justification would you have to say I couldn't make that accusation against you without any proof. Conspiracy theories are not proof. Pedophilia is not a partisan crime. Just like almost any crime out there, people from both parties are guilty of doing it.

You have made that accusation not just about one or two democrats, but five or six. I'm sure you think that about many others. As an example, you don't seem to realize that there were just as many Republicans surrounding Epstein as there were Democrats. If you want to spout your conspiracy theories about his death, then stop being so partisan about it. But in all realities, I and most people on the board, don't want to hear you go off the deep end with conspiracy theories. You do it in every other post, whether it be in Crossfire or Hurricane Alley. You do realize that, that was one of the reasons Crossfire was created, to keep politics off the sports boards.

And just like Trump, you making accusations towards me of being a liberal/libtard/democrat does not make it so. Saying it over and over does not make it truthful. It is just an failed attempt to convince others it is truthful. Just because I am not a far right wacked out conspiracist like you does not mean I am a libtard. There is such a thing as a centrist republican, despite people like you calling them all neocons in the most derogatory way.
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I figured if you could go around saying every Democrat liked to diddle kids without any proof then what justification would you have to say I couldn't make that accusation against you without any proof. Conspiracy theories are not proof. Pedophilia is not a partisan crime. Just like almost any crime out there, people from both parties are guilty of doing it.

You have made that accusation not just about one or two democrats, but five or six. I'm sure you think that about many others. As an example, you don't seem to realize that there were just as many Republicans surrounding Epstein as there were Democrats. If you want to spout your conspiracy theories about his death, then stop being so partisan about it. But in all realities, I and most people on the board, don't want to hear you go off the deep end with conspiracy theories. You do it in every other post, whether it be in Crossfire or Hurricane Alley. You do realize that, that was one of the reasons Crossfire was created, to keep politics off the sports boards.

And just like Trump, you making accusations towards me of being a liberal/libtard/democrat does not make it so. Saying it over and over does not make it truthful, it is just an attempt to convince others it is truthful. Just because I am not a far right wacked out conspiracist like you does not mean I am a libtard. There is such a thing as a centrist republican, despite people like you calling them all neocons in the most derogatory way.
I may be registered republican but I do not identify with them. I’m a traditional, constitutional/paleoconservative. There are many people in the republican establishment that are wrong. I don’t agree with everything the President does - in fact, if I were President I would put a 10 year moratorium on ALL immigration into the USA - both legal & illegal.

Speaking of the Republican establishment, why is Lindsay Graham (who was a never-Trumper) opposing calling Hunter Biden to the stand in the impeachment trial? We know that H. Biden would have to either plead the 5th or commit perjury... why doesn’t Lindsay Graham want him on the stand? What is Graham hiding? Clearly, he’s hiding something. I have plenty of negative things to say about Republicans, including the President. Don’t even get me started on traitor John [no name] McCain. It just so happens that even if they are corrupt they are less likely to be pedophiles than democrats.

Seriously the amount of Dems/Leftists that are pedophiles is so much greater than conservatives it’s exponential.
I figured if you could go around saying every Democrat liked to diddle kids without any proof then what justification would you have to say I couldn't make that accusation against you without any proof. Conspiracy theories are not proof. Pedophilia is not a partisan crime. Just like almost any crime out there, people from both parties are guilty of doing it.

You have made that accusation not just about one or two democrats, but five or six. I'm sure you think that about many others. As an example, you don't seem to realize that there were just as many Republicans surrounding Epstein as there were Democrats. If you want to spout your conspiracy theories about his death, then stop being so partisan about it. But in all realities, I and most people on the board, don't want to hear you go off the deep end with conspiracy theories. You do it in every other post, whether it be in Crossfire or Hurricane Alley. You do realize that, that was one of the reasons Crossfire was created, to keep politics off the sports boards.

And just like Trump, you making accusations towards me of being a liberal/libtard/democrat does not make it so. Saying it over and over does not make it truthful, it is just an attempt to convince others it is truthful. Just because I am not a far right wacked out conspiracist like you does not mean I am a libtard. There is such a thing as a centrist republican, despite people like you calling them all neocons in the most derogatory way.
Also, can you please tell me who, exactly, I accused of pedophilia without evidence?
Paul Krugman did some brilliant work on trade back in the day. He didn’t get a Nobel prize for no reason. The guy is legitimately an expert when it comes to trade.

His problem is that he has a relatively narrow field of expertise and when he steps outside of it he sometimes makes himself look really bad. But trade is his wheelhouse
Actually he did get a Novel Prize for no reason. Not that a Nobel Prize even means anything these days - hell, Barry Soetoro, I’m sorry, “Barrack Obama” won a Nobel for NOTHING, too! Hell, they almost gave it to a 16 y/o girl whose admitted truancy shows as she knows nothing about what she speaks! Lol the Nobel Prizes are meaningless!
Actually he did get a Novel Prize for no reason. Not that a Nobel Prize even means anything these days - hell, Barry Soetoro, I’m sorry, “Barrack Obama” won a Nobel for NOTHING, too! Hell, they almost gave it to a 16 y/o girl whose admitted truancy shows as she knows nothing about what she speaks! Lol the Nobel Prizes are meaningless!

I'm not surprised you don't know the difference between Nobel prizes in a field of study and the Nobel Peace Prize.
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I'm not surprised you don't know the difference between Nobel prizes in a field of study and the Nobel Peace Prize.
I do know the difference. Pedophile Paul got his for economics. Barry’s was the Nobel peace prize. I’m nowhere near as stupid as you think. In fact, I’m certain I’m much smarter & more educated than you are. Most people who vote democrat are, by definition, manipulative sheep at the very best. Those who run as democrats are tyrannical, narcissistic sociopaths who want nothing more than money & power over you! A lot of republicans are the same.
China looks to have a serious problem on its hands having nothing to do with trade.
I'm not surprised you don't know the difference between Nobel prizes in a field of study and the Nobel Peace Prize.
Yeah, he's much smarter and more educated than you. He went to the school of Conspiracies Unlimited. It's kind of like Trumps status as an Official Stable Genius. He's in the Menstal organisation. He doesn't realize bragging about his edumacation is usually a red flag.
I get the feeling we will be lucky if it's only the Avian flu. This one has me nervous.
I agree. People being contagious without showing symptoms always worries me. Also, it's basically a viral form of pneumonia. Nothing that antibiotics can do to combat it. I would take the flu over pneumonia 10 times out of 10.
I get the feeling we will be lucky if it's only the Avian flu. This one has me nervous.
There are two biochemical warfare facilities in the city of Wuhan. Also, to watu & uredskin, I wasn’t bragging about my education or intelligence. I was simply stating facts.

We’re talking about a few guys on this board who gave probably never lived outside of the country, don’t speak another language & certainly don’t have friends/business associates living in that specific area.

A common theme among tiblards/commies - they take God-given rights for granted & don’t realize just how much people all across the globe hate them for being citizens of the USA. Seriously, go anywhere in Europe, anywhere in South America anywhere in Africa anywhere in the Northern/Middle/Far East & you will find that people truly hate United Statesmen. A lot of it is jealousy & whatnot but the point is THEY HATE YOU & THEY DO NOT CARE HOW YOU VOTE!

It blows my mind how people can say stuff like “we’re all humans & humanity is the same everywhere if you’re kind” or whatever & they believe if they keep that pro-radical attitude toward people in other countries that their “love” will be reciprocated. This same nonsense has caused many people to be raped & beheaded from Morocco to China to Mexico. They don’t know how the world works & it’s honestly sad - heartbreaking, in fact.

Then again, they didn’t fight & pay the ultimate sacrifice for the petty freedoms & God-given rights that they enjoy today - they didn’t know any of those people & thus take it all for granted. It’s sickening.
The funniest part about your rant is about 3/4 of the people you're talking to on here, both conservative and liberal, were in the army and deployed at least once.
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There are two biochemical warfare facilities in the city of Wuhan. Also, to watu & uredskin, I wasn’t bragging about my education or intelligence. I was simply stating facts.

We’re talking about a few guys on this board who gave probably never lived outside of the country, don’t speak another language & certainly don’t have friends/business associates living in that specific area.

A common theme among tiblards/commies - they take God-given rights for granted & don’t realize just how much people all across the globe hate them for being citizens of the USA. Seriously, go anywhere in Europe, anywhere in South America anywhere in Africa anywhere in the Northern/Middle/Far East & you will find that people truly hate United Statesmen. A lot of it is jealousy & whatnot but the point is THEY HATE YOU & THEY DO NOT CARE HOW YOU VOTE!

It blows my mind how people can say stuff like “we’re all humans & humanity is the same everywhere if you’re kind” or whatever & they believe if they keep that pro-radical attitude toward people in other countries that their “love” will be reciprocated. This same nonsense has caused many people to be raped & beheaded from Morocco to China to Mexico. They don’t know how the world works & it’s honestly sad - heartbreaking, in fact.

Then again, they didn’t fight & pay the ultimate sacrifice for the petty freedoms & God-given rights that they enjoy today - they didn’t know any of those people & thus take it all for granted. It’s sickening.
I was in France for a year, and nobody I ever met hated me or my country. One guy got mouthy with me in a bar. Then I stood up to him, and he was my best friend for the rest of the night.

Turns out he was a major arms dealer.
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Empty promise by china and trump.

Suppose to be fair this took place long before the trade deal and likely predates Trump as well. That said, I don’t believe anyone outside of WATU expects China to abandon its criminal activity as it related to IP theft.
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The most interesting one was apparently a girl. She was a researcher at Boston U. She lied (via omission) about being a lieutenant in the people's liberation army on her student visa application. She then accessed government / military files and sent them back to China.... She's in China now.... meaning we let the spy go.
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Suppose to be fair this took place long before the trade deal and likely predates Trump as well. That said, I don’t believe anyone outside of WATU expects China to abandon its criminal activity as it related to IP theft.
I didn't mean to imply that it was a new policy that Trump was responsible for all on his own. What I meant was Trump was acting as if nobody could get this through but him and taking credit for a hollow promise by the Chinese.

I would give the policy some credit if they were able to stay on top of the multiple infractions the Chinese will undoubtedly commit on a regular basis. But they would have to find an effective self disciplining method to punish the Chinese with, in order to bring their behavior more in line with the original promises. That would be a real accomplishment. That won't happen.

So esssentally it is Xi and Trump making empty promises and attempting to get something for nothing. Xi gets us off his back while China continues to make money off our backs. Trump gets to claim credit for this wonderful new trade policy that does nothing does nothing to really stop them from making money off our backs. It's all a really obvious shell game and just fodder for his reelection campaign. All he cares about is his own insecurities and getting reelected so he can continue to focus on those insecurities. Actually accomplishing something that benefits the public never enters his mind.
Suppose to be fair this took place long before the trade deal and likely predates Trump as well. That said, I don’t believe anyone outside of WATU expects China to abandon its criminal activity as it related to IP theft.
We were sold out by previous politicians dating back to G HW Bush & even earlier than that.
The most interesting one was apparently a girl. She was a researcher at Boston U. She lied (via omission) about being a lieutenant in the people's liberation army on her student visa application. She then accessed government / military files and sent them back to China.... She's in China now.... meaning we let the spy go.
This happened many times over when HR Clinton & J Kerry were Secretary of State.
I didn't mean to imply that it was a new policy that Trump was responsible for all on his own. What I meant was Trump was acting as if nobody could get this through but him and taking credit for a hollow promise by the Chinese.

I would give the policy some credit if they were able to stay on top of the multiple infractions the Chinese will undoubtedly commit on a regular basis. But they would have to find an effective self disciplining method to punish the Chinese with, in order to bring their behavior more in line with the original promises. That would be a real accomplishment. That won't happen.

So esssentally it is Xi and Trump making empty promises and attempting to get something for nothing. Xi gets us off his back while China continues to make money off our backs. Trump gets to claim credit for this wonderful new trade policy that does nothing does nothing to really stop them from making money off our backs. It's all a really obvious shell game and just fodder for his reelection campaign. All he cares about is his own insecurities and getting reelected so he can continue to focus on those insecurities. Actually accomplishing something that benefits the public never enters his mind.
I have faith that the President knows what he’s doing de: this issue. He had to get them to blink first & he did. They (really just Xi) are/is hopeful that the President won’t win re-election.
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Poor English but I agree.
Emphasis on the second that. It's conversational English that doesn't translate well to text. I didn't care enough to think about it for more than two seconds. The thought got through, that's all I cared about.
i have faith that the President knows what he’s doing de: this issue. He had to get them to blink first & he did. They (really just Xi) are/is hopeful that the President won’t win re-election.
You've got to be kidding. Xi and Putin so want Trump to win. We look stupid, immoral, and ridiculous to the world with him in office. It is Putin's dream that he got elected the first time. Relations are breaking down with Europe, Australia, Canada, Latin America etc. Trump is ignorant, gullible, and separatist. Why would they want anyone else to win the election. Xi didn't blink, he smiled and waited until it was politically convenient for him to make a deal. A deal that he won't abide by unless it suits him.
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Trump got nothing from the Chinese. Everything businesses want is in phase 2. Just like with North Korea, it won’t happen. Of course Americans paid $50+ billions in tariffs and farm bail outs for zippo.

Trump is all fake reality TV. The Bachelor never marries the girl, but people keep watching.

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