Garcia made a big impact when he came in. We are praising Odom and we should but what
would this have looked like if Garcia had not played...
After 2 1/2 seasons, Konkol&Co. finally have the potential to field a front court that actually
looks like an AAC team's front court!! When Barnes returns, we will (barring injury to some
one else) have our full complement of front courters....Carrington will complete our full orig.
roster when he gets over the ankle....
Several good news happenings have contributed....The new rule governing prev. JUCOs
has allowed Garcia to play this 2nd semester and still have a year of eligibility left, plus the
fact he is actually healthy enough to play..Smikle's development has been rapid, and his
rebounding has been a God send....He is very much ahead of his expected learning curve..
A front court that includes Garcia, Smikle, Amadi, and Barnes is certainly not the best we
have ever had, but isn't "chopped liver" either....If my home made eligibility sheet is correct,
they all have at least an additional year left (if we can KEEP them)....
It keeps getting harder and harder to give Reed much P.T. His defense is so weak, it seems
we slump as a team when he is in....It's a pity, for he tries really hard, and he was much
needed when Barnes and Garcia were both injured....
Wins will still be hard to come by, but the potential seems to be there for a better finish
than we were anticipating...Konkol's future employment status may have improved from
the level of a couple of weeks ago!