CDC data seems to indicate masks are largely ineffective

Once again , non credible sites. When they start spitting out conspiracy theories, they are no better than the MSM . Btw, don’t see how that is “ getting in my feelings “.
So for clarification, you are admitting to knowingly and willfully listen to MSM lies? You already admitted to doing that so really no answer is required from you. For your info, I have and always will pursue seeking the truth no matter what site the truth is posted on. Left, Right leaning media ......doesn’t matter to me. Truth is truth. You should be asking yourself why you aren’t doing the same! Knowingly or willfully ignorant?
So for clarification, you are admitting to knowingly and willfully listen to MSM lies? You already admitted to doing that so really no answer is required from you. For your info, I have and always will pursue seeking the truth no matter what site the truth is posted on. Left, Right leaning media ......doesn’t matter to me. Truth is truth. You should be asking yourself why you aren’t doing the same! Knowingly or willfully ignorant?
Where did I admit to “ listening to MSM lies?”
So for clarification, you are admitting to knowingly and willfully listen to MSM lies? You already admitted to doing that so really no answer is required from you. For your info, I have and always will pursue seeking the truth no matter what site the truth is posted on. Left, Right leaning media ......doesn’t matter to me. Truth is truth. You should be asking yourself why you aren’t doing the same! Knowingly or willfully ignorant?
I literally said they both lie and have agendas , just like all of your theories, you twist words with what people say to make it fit YOUR AGENDA, which is why I said you are no better than the MSM
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Go to Rumble, Gab, Twitch, Dlive, and many other Non MSM sites and you will hear a very different narrative.

You say you don’t care if your sources are left or right leaning yet all of the social networks you mention, except Twitch which is predominantly used for live streaming video games, are notorious for their use by the far right, neo nazis, and conspiracy theorists. Additionally, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you post anything from non-MSM sources that are left leaning.
You say you don’t care if your sources are left or right leaning yet all of the social networks you mention, except Twitch which is predominantly used for live streaming video games, are notorious for their use by the far right, neo nazis, and conspiracy theorists. Additionally, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you post anything from non-MSM sources that are left leaning.
As you can see he twists other people’s words as well like he tried to do with me. This is what an extremist does
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I literally said they both lie and have agendas , just like all of your theories, you twist words with what people say to make it fit YOUR AGENDA, which is why I said you are no better than the MSM
😂 Even though MSM lies and have agendas, how dare you quote something they call radical or created by racist? That’s what you meant right? The truth is the truth. Sorry not sorry you don’t like the wrapping papers the gift came in!
You say you don’t care if your sources are left or right leaning yet all of the social networks you mention, except Twitch which is predominantly used for live streaming video games, are notorious for their use by the far right, neo nazis, and conspiracy theorists. Additionally, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen you post anything from non-MSM sources that are left leaning.
We haven’t had many direct conversations but I refer you back to one that I remember very vividly. Please reference the recent hack. When we discussed the hack and I referenced several articles, why didn’t you dispute the accuracy of these articles from non MSM sites? Was it because they were accurate? You argued many points but accuracy wasn’t one of them. Now bc you you are looking for attention and acceptance, you jump on the bandwagon? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 We all have our weak moments bro! 🤣🤣🤣 No worries
😂 Even though MSM lies and have agendas, how dare you quote something they call radical or created by racist? That’s what you meant right? The truth is the truth. Sorry not sorry you don’t like the wrapping papers the gift came in!
Why do you keep putting me with being for the main stream media ? I literally said I don’t listen to them either . I can see why you are fooled so easily .
Why do you keep putting me with being for the main stream media ? I literally said I don’t listen to them either . I can see why you are fooled so easily .
So if you don’t listen to MSM what baseline Standard are you using to argue that the information I present is inaccurate against? How would you ever know bro or are you lying and prolonging the conversation to prevent yourself from being exposed?
So if you don’t listen to MSM what baseline Standard are you using to argue that the information I present is inaccurate against? How would you ever know bro or are you lying and prolonging the conversation to prevent yourself from being exposed?
I quit watching the news about 2 years ago because of all of the agendas that were being pushed ( actually something I agree with you on) my difference in opinion with you is just because something is exactly the opposite does not mean it is right. That’s what is wrong with this country , there are too many extremists on both sides.
I quit watching the news about 2 years ago because of all of the agendas that were being pushed ( actually something I agree with you on) my difference in opinion with you is just because something is exactly the opposite does not mean it is right. That’s what is wrong with this country , there are too many extremists on both sides.
Ok. So again I ask because you never answered my question. If you haven’t watched the news in 2 years, what baseline standard of knowledge are you using to argue that the information I present is inaccurate?
We haven’t had many direct conversations but I refer you back to one that I remember very vividly. Please reference the recent hack. When we discussed the hack and I referenced several articles, why didn’t you dispute the accuracy of these articles from non MSM sites? Was it because they were accurate? You argued many points but accuracy wasn’t one of them. Now bc you you are looking for attention and acceptance, you jump on the bandwagon? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 We all have our weak moments bro! 🤣🤣🤣 No worries

Huh??? I didn’t say anything about accuracy then or now. I was asking a legitimate question, because I was curious. No attention seeking or bandwagon jumping here.
Ok. So again I ask because you never answered my question. If you haven’t watched the news in 2 years, what baseline standard of knowledge are you using to argue that the information I present is inaccurate?
My sources are from professionals in the medical field , not some nut off of YouTube who has the credibility of some Billy Bob that sits at a cafe all day talking about how he could throw a pigskin a quarter of a mile when he was in highschool
Huh??? I didn’t say anything about accuracy then or now. I was asking a legitimate question, because I was curious. No attention seeking or bandwagon jumping here.
I use all kinds of sources. Click on my last 20 post and you will see that reflected.
My sources are from professionals in the medical field , not some nut off of YouTube who has the credibility of some Billy Bob that sits at a cafe all day talking about how he could throw a pigskin a quarter of a mile when he was in highschool
Ah, so just so im clear, sources from academia are accurate and trustworthy? I wouldn’t want to put words in your mouth right? 😉
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My sources are from professionals in the medical field , not some nut off of YouTube who has the credibility of some Billy Bob that sits at a cafe all day talking about how he could throw a pigskin a quarter of a mile when he was in highschool
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Guys, just ignore it. It derails every thread it steps into. It doesn’t ever argue or ask questions or discuss in good faith. Not once. Once every hundred posts or so, it makes a semi-coherent point by pure chance. Otherwise, all it does is make this board worse by dragging everyone down into the cesspool of amateur-hour sophistry.
Guys, just ignore it. It derails every thread it steps into. It doesn’t ever argue or ask questions or discuss in good faith. Not once. Once every hundred posts or so, it makes a semi-coherent point by pure chance. Otherwise, all it does is make this board worse by dragging everyone down into the cesspool of amateur-hour sophistry.
😂 You can’t still be mad about our last conversation
He doesn't even see the forest for the racist sites he quotes.

Nobody buys his bs and he still won't go away. I'm thinking 🤔 one of them is a troll playah. Why would rippin not stay around to play wit his new friend.
He doesn't even see the forest for the racist sites he quotes.

Nobody buys his bs and he still won't go away. I'm thinking 🤔 one of them is a troll playah. Why would rippin not stay around to play wit his new friend.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂I’m living my best life rent free in your head everyday playah 🤣
My sources are from professionals in the medical field , not some nut off of YouTube who has the credibility of some Billy Bob that sits at a cafe all day talking about how he could throw a pigskin a quarter of a mile when he was in highschool
Last ditch attempt to get this thread back on track.

Almost 80% of severe Covid cases occur in obese people. This is a stunning percentage. So....why haven’t we seen national initiatives aimed at obese people losing weight? Obesity obviously poses other health risks as well. Covid has just brought the issue to light...or it should have.


Convincing yourself you matter to me.

You are just representative of a growing nutjob segment of the US population who is using their ignorance to be convinced of whatevah.

That this segment is growing is the only source of irritation to me. You are insignificant.
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Last ditch attempt to get this thread back on track.

Almost 80% of severe Covid cases occur in obese people. This is a stunning percentage. So....why haven’t we seen national initiatives aimed at obese people losing weight? Obesity obviously poses other health risks as well. Covid has just brought the issue to light...or it should have.

That is behavioral. The hardest thing to treat. It's about as easy as convincing them sex isn't that fun.
That is behavioral. The hardest thing to treat. It's about as easy as convincing them sex isn't that fun.

If marriage can accomplish that feat for many women one would think we could put some effort in ending obesity seeing the number of people it kills and the huge cost it has on our health care system. :)
Last ditch attempt to get this thread back on track.

Almost 80% of severe Covid cases occur in obese people. This is a stunning percentage. So....why haven’t we seen national initiatives aimed at obese people losing weight? Obesity obviously poses other health risks as well. Covid has just brought the issue to light...or it should have.

The point you illuminate is actually the downfall of western medicine. They overmedicate everything. Someone gets diagnosed with type 2diabetes and they immediately recommend pills over a diet change. The poor health our country is in is a direct reflection on our vulnerability to viruses like Covid. If you don’t correct the vulnerability (diet/health status), you can’t effectively control the spread of a virus.
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If marriage can accomplish that feat for many women one would think we could put some effort in ending obesity seeing the number of people it kills and the huge cost it has on our health care system. :)
Someday in a distant future we we'll kill the fat American stereotype. I am confident we'll solve climate change first.
Last ditch attempt to get this thread back on track.

Almost 80% of severe Covid cases occur in obese people. This is a stunning percentage. So....why haven’t we seen national initiatives aimed at obese people losing weight? Obesity obviously poses other health risks as well. Covid has just brought the issue to light...or it should have.

That echoes what my wife has seen. She has told me that the patients under 65 that make it to the ICU are almost always obese. Not always, but enough to be a strong indicator. Anecdotal, of course, but there is at least one study to confirm it, apparently.

As for what we should do, it is hard and I have no idea. Michelle Obama tried to plant a vegetable garden at the White House and teach kids to eat healthy, and got an absurd backlash. Not trying to bring politics into it, I think most first ladys projects are by design pretty non-controversial and non-partisan, including hers. Bottom line, people don't want to be told to lay off the sugar and fats. When someone tells them that they ought to change their habits, they respond... poorly. And I don't think that things like legislated drink size limits are good precedents or even effective.
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Biden has relaxed border regulations which has produced a surge. There is sanctuary camp in tucson for the ones here, but there are no federal funds to support it. Not a good plan.

Why cant we require immigrants to register BEFORE they get to the border and BEFORE they get in
Last ditch attempt to get this thread back on track.

Almost 80% of severe Covid cases occur in obese people. This is a stunning percentage. So....why haven’t we seen national initiatives aimed at obese people losing weight? Obesity obviously poses other health risks as well. Covid has just brought the issue to light...or it should have.

Biggest problem in my mind... fast food , it’s too easy for people to just go through a drive thru then it is to cook a healthy meal
Biggest problem in my mind... fast food , it’s too easy for people to just go through a drive thru then it is to cook a healthy meal

That along with a lack of discipline. I know fast food is one of my vices. Work all day and the last thing I want to do most evenings is cook. Same for work lunches. Fast food is just easy. I think most people understand at least on some level the dangers of obesity. However, once you get to a certain point losing all that weight is a daunting task. I’m cheap and refuse to but “fat” clothes so that tends to keep my from crossing that line. :)
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That along with a lack of discipline. I know fast food is one of my vices. Work all day and the last thing I want to do most evenings is cook. Same for work lunches. Fast food is just easy. I think most people understand at least on some level the dangers of obesity. However, once you get to a certain point losing all that weight is a daunting task. I’m cheap and refuse to but “fat” clothes so that tends to keep my from crossing that line. :)
I try to pack mine as much as I can, luckily my job keeps me in shape as well as raising livestock, but there are some days a burger just sounds amazing 😂
I try to pack mine as much as I can, luckily my job keeps me in shape as well as raising livestock, but there are some days a burger just sounds amazing 😂
If I raised livestock, I think I'd make a point of eating a burger every day. I never met a herd of cattle that made me feel bad about eating cows. Usually the opposite.
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If I raised livestock, I think I'd make a point of eating a burger every day. I never met a herd of cattle that made me feel bad about eating cows. Usually the opposite.
You should try being around sheep. They’re literally like mentally handicapped toddlers. You would eat mutton / lamb every day.
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