Can We Ask For A Refund!


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Congress egregious waste of time and money trying to impeach a private citizen was the epitome of an ultimate clown show and encompasses everything wrong with our current political leaders . Can We The People get a refund under fraud, waste, and abuse for the purchase of Congress’s flight, meals, and hotel fees? This was a complete waste of OUR tax payer dollars built on complete BS.
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Other than impeachment and adding pork to the relief bills, What has congress done for the past 5 years?

We need term limits. Congressmen need to do their own work. Cut their staff to just a few. When they leave congress there are no freebies and No bennies. All you get is a handshake. Then you become a private citizen and live like the rest of us.
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Congress egregious waste of time and money trying to impeach a private citizen was the epitome of an ultimate clown show and encompasses everything wrong with our current political leaders . Can We The People get a refund under fraud, waste, and abuse for the purchase of Congress’s flight, meals, and hotel fees? This was a complete waste of OUR tax payer dollars built on complete BS.
No one tried to impeach a private citizen. Clearly you are one of the people I hear about being completely ignorant when it comes to civics and the constitution.
No one tried to impeach a private citizen. Clearly you are one of the people I hear about being completely ignorant when it comes to civics and the constitution.
I like that! 😂😂😂😂😂👍🏽 A young, very inexperienced guy, full of testosterone, looking to show off his interpretation of the constitution he learned from his liberal (Confucius infiltrated) university. Young man, if you would like to discuss civics and the constitution, I would be more than happy to do that with you. 😂 Where would you like to start?
You know nothing about me but the fact that you think anyone tried to impeach a private citizen says everything about your ignorance of the constitution. You go on spreading your conspiracy theories and acting like an idiot. Goodnight.
You know nothing about me but the fact that you think anyone tried to impeach a private citizen says everything about your ignorance of the constitution. You go on spreading your conspiracy theories and acting like an idiot. Goodnight.
First off, I know a lot more about you than you think 😂. You might want to stay off certain sites. Those cookies are bad for you! If you think you are anonymous think again! The Dem lawyers who argued the case against Mr Trump stated that just because there had never been a situation where a former President now private citizen was tried, doesn’t mean it’s not constitutional. That was their interpretation of constitutional law. However, not even the Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court agreed with that interpretation and declined to preside over the trial. They had no standing and ended up getting caught fabricating evidence which is a federal crime! I’m sure if somehow they would have been able to impeach, the precedent would have been established to try a private citizen, but since they lost their case, there is no precedent and still must be considered unconstitutional. No conspiracy theories there young guy! Does Goodnight mean your coming back? I sure hope so! I will be waiting! 😉
Nothing has decided it constitutional or unconstitutional but go on with your delusions. I assume the Chief Justice loves your misinterpretation.
Nothing has decided it constitutional or unconstitutional but go on with your delusions. I assume the Chief Justice loves your misinterpretation.
😂 Constitutional under the Raskins Law right? I know the Dems want to rewrite history and change the constitution but thank God there are still politicians willing to push back against the stupidity!

The Dem lawyers should be in jail for tampering with evidence, obstruction, and perjury. I know you are cool with that unethical and illegal behavior because you hate the former President but that should outrage and scare the hell out of ALL Americans that individuals representing a political party boldly, outright lied and doctored evidence in the name of their version of justice!
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No one tried to impeach a private citizen. Clearly you are one of the people I hear about being completely ignorant when it comes to civics and the constitution.
hes gone. congress should give it a rest and do some real work

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