California and Coronavirus

Bread and circuses
Crumbs! HURRUMPH I SAY! Google rolls back their diversity program?! THE HOUSE MUST INVESTIGATE WHY!!! These people are too stupid to realize this coincided with James Damore & his two other unidentified co-plaintiffs agreeing to settle out of court with Google & demand not only to be set for life financially but that google publicly announce their (forced) decision to eliminate the diversity & inclusion program(s.) I’m certain terms of the settlement included NDAs for both parties but these people calling for House representatives to investigate it & even the House reps (Dems) are too stupid to read between the lines! LOL
Weird. Every surgeon and anesthesiologist I work with are ready to get rid of all these precautions. They dont even want to wear n95s.
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Weird. Every surgeon and anesthesiologist I work with are ready to get rid of all these precautions. They dont even want to wear n95s.
For what reason? They have to wear surgical masks during surgery anyway. What difference does it make to surgeons and assistants whether it's a surgical mask or an n95 mask. As far as I can tell, it doesn't affect their ability to do their job in any way. It would seem to put their patients at a possible risk.
Weird. Every surgeon and anesthesiologist I work with are ready to get rid of all these precautions. They dont even want to wear n95s.
Because it makes them feel less godly in the presence of infectious disease specialists no doubt.
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Lots of the precautions we're taking are really just safety theater in the same way that TSA does airport security theater so I kinda get it
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The same people complaining that China lied to us so they could buy up masks are the same people who lied to us later on and said we didn’t need to buy masks until they had bought them all up. Now suddenly I have to pay $20.00 for something that costs a nickel to make or go to jail.
For what reason? They have to wear surgical masks during surgery anyway. What difference does it make to surgeons and assistants whether it's a surgical mask or an n95 mask. As far as I can tell, it doesn't affect their ability to do their job in any way. It would seem to put their patients at a possible risk.
N95 are significantly more uncomfortable and harder to breath in. The patients are risk to their patients. Do you know what happens during surgery? Lol.
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Because it makes them feel less godly in the presence of infectious disease specialists no doubt.
Zero truth to this statement. In fact the infectious disease specialists are the worst. They blindly pull new rules out their butts that they think sound good with no logic or evidence behind those decisions.
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Zero truth to this statement. In fact the infectious disease specialists are the worst. They blindly pull new rules out their butts that they think sound good with no logic or evidence behind those decisions.
I never knew all y’all were infectious disease specialists ....
Exactly. Illusion of safety.

I get wearing masks indoors and some of the other things, but then you've got mandatory mask-wearing outdoors with no one around, closing hiking trails, and stringing up yellow tape around swing sets. I can see how fatigue can set in and people just wanting to be done with it. Putting in restrictions that don't make sense makes it much harder to get people to comply with things that do.
For what reason? They have to wear surgical masks during surgery anyway. What difference does it make to surgeons and assistants whether it's a surgical mask or an n95 mask. As far as I can tell, it doesn't affect their ability to do their job in any way. It would seem to put their patients at a possible risk.
This is true, actually. The virus seems to be 100% human to human transmitted. It’s not able to stay dangerous (survive) on surfaces.
I think TUME was a Navy man. After enough ports they're all infectious disease experts
I pulled my Like down for the post. It was changed after the "like." All it originally said was "Zero truth to the statement."

Actually I was Army, 1st Cav. VN. The Navy guy was WATU3
I get wearing masks indoors and some of the other things, but then you've got mandatory mask-wearing outdoors with no one around, closing hiking trails, and stringing up yellow tape around swing sets. I can see how fatigue can set in and people just wanting to be done with it. Putting in restrictions that don't make sense makes it much harder to get people to comply with things that do.
You don’t have to wear a mask. Anywhere. It does not cover your eyes. You definitely shouldn’t wear one outdoors.
I pulled my Like down for the post. It was changed after the "like." All it originally said was "Zero truth to the statement."

Actually I was Army, 1st Cav. VN. The Navy guy was WATU3
Thank you for your sacrifice. Many people in this country (*cough the left*) don’t. Half of the country (myself included) certainly does.

Where we go one we go all.

For God & Country!!
I pulled my Like down for the post. It was changed after the "like." All it originally said was "Zero truth to the statement."

Actually I was Army, 1st Cav. VN. The Navy guy was WATU3

Ah my bad. I wasn't trying to be negative toward you though. Just a little inter service trash talk (Army, 4-17 INF, 1st Armored, OEF), but I had the wrong guy lol
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Ah my bad. I wasn't trying to be negative toward you though. Just a little inter service trash talk (Army, 4-17 INF, 1st Armored, OEF), but I had the wrong guy lol
No problem, the only bad was WATU was our Navy guy. And he is okay except on politics.
I pulled my Like down for the post. It was changed after the "like." All it originally said was "Zero truth to the statement."

Actually I was Army, 1st Cav. VN. The Navy guy was WATU3
At least you weren't 7th Cav... that could have ended badly back in 76'... *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

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