Bye Bye ACA?


I.T.S. Senior
Nov 17, 2017
Trump has asked the courts to declare the entire law unconstitutional, and he is making headway. Primary victims of this decision will be ending coverage of pre-existing conditions and coverage for millions. After 9 years of being the law of the land, the ACA is deeply embedded in our health care system in numerous ways. Since Republicans have zero alternatives to offer, Republican judges are slowing its going to the Supreme Court so it will be less of a 2020 campaign issue. As Trump repeatedly promised to deliver the best health care system ever, it should make for an interesting campaign issue.

Even now medical costs are still the number one contributor to 2/3's of personal bankruptcies (even for those with insurance), and ER visits are going up at twice the rate of population growth. Which are clues as to why our medical 'system' costs twice what other countries' systems cost even though those countries cover everyone and the US covers only a fraction.

If current insurance plans are inadequate to protect people from bankruptcy, what will the scaled down plans Republicans are pushing do?
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The ACA was passed to fail so a full blown single payer would become law.
Does that mean all my employees can get their health insurance back? The one with better coverage, lower deductibles, and lower premiums ?

I’ve always questioned whether the federal government can constitutionally mandate individuals carry private insurance using the IRS as an enforcement mechanism? I do assume the Supremes will allow the mandate to stand based on their prior decision.

Agree it was designed to fail. No way a law with this many glaring issue would be written and passed without an ultimate goal of failure.
Let me know when Republicans or Trump come up with a plan the even remotely delivers what every other industrialized countries’ plans do at any where near the cost or that in any way shape or form resembles Trump’s promises.

Better insurance? No coverage for pre existing conditions, kids not on parents insurance, death panels run by people earning bonuses for denials, tens of millions again denied coverage, more medical bankruptcies? Great stuff.

Does that mean all my employees can get their health insurance back? The one with better coverage, lower deductibles, and lower premiums ?

I’ve always questioned whether the federal government can constitutionally mandate individuals carry private insurance using the IRS as an enforcement mechanism? I do assume the Supremes will allow the mandate to stand based on their prior decision.

Agree it was designed to fail. No way a law with this many glaring issue would be written and passed without an ultimate goal of failure.
Since the Pubs don’t control tbt House they have zero power to pass anything. We both know the parties can’t work together on a solution. Unfortunately, the Dems failed when they controlled the House, Senate and White House. I argued when the ACA was passed that it would eliminate options and raise insurance costs. The Dems has to know as well if some stupid attorney in Oklahoma could figure it out. They either passed the law in order to fail and replace with single payer or were simply so desperate to pass anything that they enacted an awful law knowing the consequences. Take your pick.

As I’ve said many times, anytime you eliminate choice and competition in a capitalistic system the cost the consumer pays will increase and his options will decrease. The ACA folks didn’t care and the sheep bought in. Some are still buying in :(
Let me know when Republicans or Trump come up with a plan the even remotely delivers what every other industrialized countries’ plans do at any where near the cost or that in any way shape or form resembles Trump’s promises.

Better insurance? No coverage for pre existing conditions, kids not on parents insurance, death panels run by people earning bonuses for denials, tens of millions again denied coverage, more medical bankruptcies? Great stuff.
Less than 10% of the people that aca was susposed to help, bought in.