Boren Wants More Money for "Education" - Here's Really Why

As bad as higher education has been destroyed the last 6 years of the Mary Fallin regime, I'm very much against this regressive sales tax on the hard working people of Oklahoma. It is a regressive tax, unlike the progressive income tax, which has been hacked bit by bit by the party of the Koch brothers in this lovely state. I know Boren is a wits end at what has transpired to common and higher education by the knuckle draggers currently in charge of our state, but this is not the answer.
From what I've read "higher ed" will get about 30% of the proceeds/moneys if this measure goes to a vote/passes and the reason I posted this was to show how outrageous some of the spending practices are at the state colleges and universities. It may not be a lack of funds as much as run away spending and salaries that need to be adjusted. Can anyone justify those kinds of salaries at universities supported by taxpayer money? I think not. But it goes back to the vast amounts of money the govt has on hand to spend and the mindset that there isn't a lot of oversight going on.

One of the election slogans is always "our kids are being shortchanged" or "Oklahoma is 48th or 49th in pay". I think Oklahoma teachers make a good middle class salary and they are also pension entitled. Pensions are seldom used anymore and I wish everyone still had them, but in OK a teaching job is still a pretty good one. But its outrageous to see the kinds of salaries a college professor such as those I linked actually make. But you still have the money grubbers like Boren increasing the pot. Follow the money.