Bo Pelini

Lots of schools have unrealistic expectations of being top dog every year. Unfortunately as more and more good players come out of HS teams that were also Rams are now starting to get better and better. Schools that get good talent that stay all 4 years get great while the teams that get the great ayers are constantly rebuilding from year to year because they lose players to the NFL and no real continuity or cohesiveness is built. Watch 'BAMA and their struggles to start seasons as they try to integrate new pieces on both sides of the ball. As the bottom and middle come up (see Minnesota, Ole Miss, Miss St) most of the top stay the same or even experience slight drops. When Nebraska only had 1-2 games per season it really had to worry about, now they've got 8-9 tough games in the B1G (it'd be the same if the were in the Big 12). Really there are only 4-5 teams who can realistically expect to be in the hunt EVERY year while others (like OU, LSU) are more of the every 2-3 years. Places like FLorida, Michigan, and now Nebraska think firing coaches because they go 9-3 is the answer when it isn't necessarily.

That said, look for Nebraska, if they're smart to follow Ohio St's lead when they replaced John Cooper and look to FCS (read No. Dakota St.) for their new coach. Jim Tressel came from I-AA (Youngstown St) and quickly built Ohio State into a dominant team.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by jesterondirt:
He was fired for contacting Tulsa regarding the open HC position.
Forgive my sarcasm meter, but are u being serial?
Originally posted by Gmoney4WW:
Originally posted by jesterondirt:
He was fired for contacting Tulsa regarding the open HC position.
Forgive my sarcasm meter, but are u being serial?
No, Sheldon.
Originally posted by jesterondirt:
He was fired for contacting Tulsa regarding the open HC position.

Might be tough to take another job if you land a $7.9 million severance.
The radio guys said Pelini never had Nebraska ranked higher than 14th.

Clever move firing him before the Bowl Game, or they may have had to fire a Coach with a Bowl Victory and 10 wins.