Bidens wore no masks.


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003

The White House's new press secretary was asked why President Biden wore no mask at the Lincoln Memorial on the night of his inauguration.

Mr Biden had signed an executive order hours earlier mandating face coverings on all federal property.

Jen Psaki replied that he was "celebrating an evening of a historic day" and that there are "bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time".

Well, darn, the are 4000 deaths each day. It didn't take long for "Big Me, Little You" to settle in.

The White House's new press secretary was asked why President Biden wore no mask at the Lincoln Memorial on the night of his inauguration.

Mr Biden had signed an executive order hours earlier mandating face coverings on all federal property.

Jen Psaki replied that he was "celebrating an evening of a historic day" and that there are "bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time".
Was he distanced and was he preparing to speak? He was outdoors. There of course is some need for common sense. We got what was reported he signed which probably excludes all of the nuance of what the EO actually said and covered.
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Can be said of most politicians regardless of party “do as I order not as I do”.
Yes, very true. They all have a lot in common. Even nonpoliticians often just make an exception. Still, it annoys a bit. But most of us, even though we hate them, do wear them out doors. What annoys me the most is people who intentionally leave their nose out. From a distance they look to be in compliance. It is not a Repub/Demo thing.

The White House's new press secretary was asked why President Biden wore no mask at the Lincoln Memorial on the night of his inauguration.

Mr Biden had signed an executive order hours earlier mandating face coverings on all federal property.

Jen Psaki replied that he was "celebrating an evening of a historic day" and that there are "bigger issues to worry about at this moment in time".

Well, darn, the are 4000 deaths each day. It didn't take long for "Big Me, Little You" to settle in.

He should have just dined at the French Laundry.
Very important thread.

I guess we could discuss how the press and hollywood is once again fawning over a democrat.

We could discuss the press advocating "reprogramming for conservatives"..

Or how the new asst secretary of health makes Bruce Jenner look stunning.

Or.. we could stay with minor hypocrisy..


I still have 1-24-2023 as The Big Guy's end of term.
Very important thread.
Thanks, you are right.

With 4000 people dying a day and vaccine in short supply, we are heading for half a million deaths before long. Everyone should listen to the President, even the President.
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Thanks, you are right.

With 4000 people dying a day and vaccine in short supply, we are heading for half a million deaths before long. Everyone should listen to the President, even the President.

My my, how standards have changed.

BTW recall that when 3,000 people were killed on 911, the Bush administration started a process that killed 100,000+ Iraqis and send million of Iraqis to exile and destitution in other countries, plus killed that many American servicemen. All for a mere $4+ Trillion dollars.

Now that the Trump administration has presided over the deaths of 400K Americans, the key point to make is .....this?
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My my, how standards have changed.

BTW recall that when 3,000 people were killed on 911, the Bush administration started a process that killed 100,000+ Iraqis and send million of Iraqis to exile and destitution in other countries, plus killed that many American servicemen. All for a mere $4+ Trillion dollars.

Now that the Trump administration has presided over the deaths of 400K Americans, the key point to make is .....this?

Biden did say today that there was nothing he could do over the next several months to change the trajectory of the virus so there’s that. Not sure why you throw in the towel on your third day in office.

Either way...this was simply a bad look. Nothing more nothing less.
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My my, how standards have changed.

BTW recall that when 3,000 people were killed on 911, the Bush administration started a process that killed 100,000+ Iraqis and send million of Iraqis to exile and destitution in other countries, plus killed that many American servicemen. All for a mere $4+ Trillion dollars.

Now that the Trump administration has presided over the deaths of 400K Americans, the key point to make is .....this?
We are not talking about 4000 people being dead. We are talking about that many each day. It goes down on the weekend because the people who determine the cause of death don't work everyday and you yourself said 400,000 have already died.

Trump didn't do a good job in the early days. But you want to make it political. How long will Biden be president before the running total switches to him? How many will die because he unfrozen insulin prices? (Disclosure: My granddaughter, 20, is Type 1 diabetic. We will keep the insulin coming, but not everyone can afford to.)

It is called a pandemic. We all know what the "pan" means. UK is in lockdown. France, Spain, Italy continue to have major problems. Third world countries, who knows how reliable the count is. Pfizer has made promises it can't keep, at least not in the short run. Fauci says that there may still be a worse round to come and Biden seems to agree that it will take its course. If it goes on next year when will the count start being on Biden?

There is plenty to hang on Trump, don't worry.
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Biden did say today that there was nothing he could do over the next several months to change the trajectory of the virus so there’s that. Not sure why you throw in the towel on your third day in office.

Either way...this was simply a bad look. Nothing more nothing less.
Ya, that wasn’t a very wise thing to say since that’s what he made his campaign about, all of the people that die now from the virus should be under “ his doing” . I’m not a Republican or a democrat, but if they blame Trump for all of those deaths during his time, we should blame Biden for these
Would you go to a heart doctor who weighs 400 pounds, unless he was over 7 feet tall or any doctor who is a chain smoker?

Here is a president who makes it unlawful to be without a mask on federal property then takes his family (with multiple members) to federal property without a mask on any of them. And poses for a picture. The message is clear, he is above the rules he sets.

It doesn't cause harm, or does it. There are a lot of people who will tell you that masks do no good and the picture of the Biden family gives them cause to stay with their opinion. I see lots of people at the gym with their masks around their throat. I hate the damn masks, but mine stays where it belongs.
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One thing I hope comes out of all of this is an honest discussion on obesity and the dire health consequences associated with the same. While I’m not advocating “fat shaming” there needs to be straight talk about the topic even it’s uncomfortable at times.
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One thing I hope comes out of all of this is an honest discussion on obesity and the dire health consequences associated with the same. While I’m advocating “fat shaming” there needs to be straight talk about the topic even it’s uncomfortable at times.

As someone who has struggled with weight issues since puberty I agree 100%.

It isn’t about shaming people, such as myself, it is about educating and making people understand how unhealthy it is. Thus far, I’ve not had any serious health issues caused by it but I know that it puts me at higher risk for a lot of issues.
We are not talking about 4000 people being dead. We are talking about that many each day. It goes down on the weekend because the people who determine the cause of death don't work everyday and you yourself said 400,000 have already died.

That is my point. There has not been a ground swell of pro-mask posts on this site until Trump departed. Some Republican members of the House refused to wear masks when they were locked in a small room with other House members on Jan 6 to hide from rioters. Now a single out of context photo of a President not Trump or Trump staff and it is Big deal? Suddenly all the photos of Biden wearing a mask the past year and now are meaningless?

Well, Republicans in Congress will now suddenly claim that government debt is suddenly an paramount issue too. The BS cycle continues. Didn’t take long.
As someone who has struggled with weight issues since puberty I agree 100%.

It isn’t about shaming people, such as myself, it is about educating and making people understand how unhealthy it is. Thus far, I’ve not had any serious health issues caused by it but I know that it puts me at higher risk for a lot of issues.
I think the biggest thing on that is fast food, so many people know it’s much faster and easier to through the drive thru than it is to go home and cook a good meal
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I think the biggest thing on that is fast food, so many people know it’s much faster and easier to through the drive thru than it is to go home and cook a good meal
I lost a lot of weight after my stents. But recently I realized I had lost too much. It is a chore trying to get it back up. I had got past the good area into a low wieght bad area.
One thing I hope comes out of all of this is an honest discussion on obesity and the dire health consequences associated with the same. While I’m NOT advocating “fat shaming” there needs to be straight talk about the topic even it’s uncomfortable at times.
Did you mean to put not in there?
That is my point. There has not been a ground swell of pro-mask posts on this site until Trump departed. Some Republican members of the House refused to wear masks when they were locked in a small room with other House members on Jan 6 to hide from rioters. Now a single out of context photo of a President not Trump or Trump staff and it is Big deal? Suddenly all the photos of Biden wearing a mask the past year and now are meaningless?

Well, Republicans in Congress will now suddenly claim that government debt is suddenly an paramount issue too. The BS cycle continues. Didn’t take long.
I have been wearing masks for a number of months and have been told by others that they don't do any good. I have a good supply. Maybe the wear masks posts are because Trump is gone and is not talking them down.

This was a family photo, on the day he banned masks from federal sites after the banning. I believe at the Lincoln Monument. No, wearing a mask is not meaningless but neither is doing something that you have banned. It was not out of context, it was released.

I don't remember you ever posting anything bad that Obama had done. You swipe at Bush, who by the way was anti-trump. Then you fast forward to Trump. Obama must have had a perfect 8 years. There is no BS here, just truth. The "Let's all get along" is one sided. The healing only goes one way. The minute anyone mentions anything even slightly negative about a Democrat the knives come out. What Biden did is not a major thing, but it is an example that most leaders become tone death and "It's okay because it is me."
I don't remember you ever posting anything bad that Obama had done.

I'm sure you don't remember. Likely because of the posts on this board were so anti-Obama and factually incorrect. Bush left Obama with the biggest financial crisis in 70's along with Mitch McConnell who publicly claimed his sole goal was to make Obama a one term president in much the same way that Trump has left Biden with not only a pandemic, a country so divided that the Capitol was attacked, and perhaps an even worse economic crisis along with a staggering national debt.

Yet a single photograph of Biden is worth taking shots for his leadership in fighting Covid19--something Trump didn't even comment for many months on other than to whine that Fauci was trusted more than he was.

Yep, the political cycle has started all over again.
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Biden literally wore a mask during his entire inauguration sans one 5 minute bit. Everyone attending and performing in the inauguration did too. He’s been better about wearing a mask than any Republican and most Democrats throughout the pandemic. Barely held rallies for his own campaign... has already been vaccinated as I’m sure his wife, Kamala and her husband have as well, and you guys are throwing a fit over what looked like a 5 minute pretaped bit? It took Trump 6 months and actually catching the virus before he would do it.
Must be nice to be that hypocritical and not have a conscience.

Why weren’t you throwing a fit that neither Trump nor Melania were wearing one as they boarded marine one, or Air Force one, or when they arrived in Florida?
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I haven't been throwing a fit. You have. I pointed out a single fact documented in a picture and you jumped out of your skin. You simply couldn't stand it.

This is the way it's going to be. 04WATU is back. I'll give Aston credit, he stayed and played. 04 didn't get the word that co-existance is the new way. Biden did win and he started changing from day one. At least, he won't have legions to attack the Capitol.

" Bush left Obama with the biggest financial crisis in 70's " I'm not sure what that means.
I'm sure you don't remember. Likely because of the posts on this board were so anti-Obama and factually incorrect. Bush left Obama with the biggest financial crisis in 70's along with Mitch McConnell who publicly claimed his sole goal was to make Obama a one term president in much the same way that Trump has left Biden with not only a pandemic, a country so divided that the Capitol was attacked, and perhaps an even worse economic crisis along with a staggering national debt.

Yet a single photograph of Biden is worth taking shots for his leadership in fighting Covid19--something Trump didn't even comment for many months on other than to whine that Fauci was trusted more than he was.

Yep, the political cycle has started all over again.

All I remember is you blaming Bush for every one of Obama’s blunders and then lecturing us not to bring up Obama when talking about Trump. You finally got frustrated and disappeared. That said....welcome back. We rarely agree but I do enjoy the commentary.
I haven't been throwing a fit.

Did I say you were?

I disagree with arguments and posts and do not attack people or speculate about their mental states. One of the disagreeable elements of this board is the inability to distinguish between the two. The result, unfortunately, is personal attacks substituting for substantive rebuttals or debate.
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Did I say you were?

I disagree with arguments and posts and do not attack people or speculate about their mental states. One of the disagreeable elements of this board is the inability to distinguish between the two. The result, unfortunately, is personal attacks substituting for substantive rebuttals or debate.

"and you guys are throwing a fit over what looked like a 5 minute pretaped bit? "

That was from Aston's post. My apology.

and you guys are throwing a fit over what looked like a 5 minute pretaped bit?
Tume, I take your point about healing; let's move to more productive conversations.
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My my, how standards have changed.

BTW recall that when 3,000 people were killed on 911, the Bush administration started a process that killed 100,000+ Iraqis and send million of Iraqis to exile and destitution in other countries, plus killed that many American servicemen. All for a mere $4+ Trillion dollars.

Now that the Trump administration has presided over the deaths of 400K Americans, the key point to make is .....this?
If you had Bush and Iraq in the WATU pool.. please see Aston to collect your winnings..

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