Berry Tramel appears to call TU Football the New JUCO of Football

He may be trying to outdo Bill Haisten in degrading the quality of TU athletics and tries to instill this attitude into the community of Tulsa.
Do you have an intense dislike for the University of Tulsa?
Ok, you're hired.

Must be making it one of the prerequisites for hiring.
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When my Dad was living in OKC about 15 years ago he ran into Trammel. It was some type of sporting PR event and Trammel asked if Dad subscribed to the Daily Oklahoman. Dad replied he use to but they didn’t cover TU so “I dropped my subscription”. Trammel replied that nobody cared about TU to which my Dad responded “my family and I do” and walked away.
I am surprised Trammel hasnt brought Jenny Carlson on at the World.. she was the original Title IX hire at the D'ohK..

Trammel believes that the media cant create interest through well written articles..
When my Dad was living in OKC about 15 years ago he ran into Trammel. It was some type of sporting PR event and Trammel asked if Dad subscribed to the Daily Oklahoman. Dad replied he use to but they didn’t cover TU so “I dropped my subscription”. Trammel replied that nobody cared about TU to which my Dad responded “my family and I do” and walked away.
All of those OKC media guys are just absolute hacks.
All of those OKC media guys are just absolute hacks.
Definitely not at the writing level as his cousin. And it appears he doesn’t have the personality that Jimmie has. I used to talk with Jimmie about TU football/basketball when he was covering sports at the World. He wasn’t stuck on himself and provided great info. He seems to be a very nice man. At least that was my opinion of him.
Definitely not at the writing level as his cousin. And it appears he doesn’t have the personality that Jimmie has. I used to talk with Jimmie about TU football/basketball when he was covering sports at the World. He wasn’t stuck on himself and provided great info. He seems to be a very nice man. At least that was my opinion of him.
I miss Sittler and Connors..
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Berry Tramel is a good writer who has a conception of the landscape. His grasp of Oklahoma athletic history is as good as any writer in Oklahoma.

Unfortunately, what he wrote is the truth.

College football is the minor league of the NFL anyway, and now, universities have a salary cap of 20 million a year for athletes. This does not even include NIL money.

I love the pageantry, but the constant movement around the portal and the players' pay ruin much of it.

This is professional athletics all the way around. If you don't believe it, you are dumber than dirt.
I don't miss Sittler. Bill Connors was a legend. He was fair to everyone.
At least Sittler wasnt a low rent mercenary.. Berry is working at the World cause no one else would have him after he burned bridges in OKC..
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Berry Tramel is a good writer who has a conception of the landscape. His grasp of Oklahoma athletic history is as good as any writer in Oklahoma.

Unfortunately, what he wrote is the truth.

College football is the minor league of the NFL anyway, and now, universities have a salary cap of 20 million a year for athletes. This does not even include NIL money.

I love the pageantry, but the constant movement around the portal and the players' pay ruin much of it.

This is professional athletics all the way around. If you don't believe it, you are dumber than dirt.
Its been professional athletics for years in the major conferences .. amateur athletics dont generate $100MM in revenue and pay coaching staffs $50MM+ in salaries
Tramel is the stereotypical OU/OSU a** kisser. I would expect nothing less. The only time I remember us being front-and-center in OKC media was the end of October 2010.
Wasn't Sittler the one that wrote an article where he copied and pasted comments made on our Rivals Board and then credited them to "unnamed sources" close to the University some years ago...
There probably have been others........ Chris often beats them to the punch.
I feel I should comment about Berry Tramel. When I was covering TU for the Oklahoman, Berry was terrific to work for. He gave me great assignments. He was the sports editor my first 2 years there in 2000-2001. He was pushing for expanding coverage for TU and in the Tulsa area, and the Oklahoman covered more Tulsa stuff then than any other time I know of. After he quit being the sports editor there to just write, which he prefers, coverage for TU slowly started to go down. By the my last year there in 2006, it has whittled down to next-to-nothing.

Berry was at the press conference Monday. He didn't have to be. He could have watched the online feed. He lives in OKC.
I feel I should comment about Berry Tramel. When I was covering TU for the Oklahoman, Berry was terrific to work for. He gave me great assignments. He was the sports editor my first 2 years there in 2000-2001. He was pushing for expanding coverage for TU and in the Tulsa area, and the Oklahoman covered more Tulsa stuff then than any other time I know of. After he quit being the sports editor there to just write, which he prefers, coverage for TU slowly started to go down. By the my last year there in 2006, it has whittled down to next-to-nothing.

Berry was at the press conference Monday. He didn't have to be. He could have watched the online feed. He lives in OKC.
He does know his sports history, noticed that immediately when the TW hired him in his first few articles. Just get tired of the TW sooner worship, even my OSU siblings feel the TW shorts them of content in favor of the Sooners.
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