And it begins...Big12 adopts new scholarship rules


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2002
Scholarships will now cover the full cost of attending the school and no longer be one year renewable ships. Ships will be guaranteed until the athletes eligibility runs out and may no longer be cancelled by the university. The other power conferences are expected to adopt the added cost ship standard which will put an extra three to five thousand dollars to the cost of each ship.
You bet your bottom dollar that they still reserve the right to transfer those ships from "athletic" to "academic".

If a coach doesn't want you on his team.... you're not going to be there.
Believe the AAC has said they will be doing the same thing.
I've never gotten the full cost argument...

Tuition + summer school
Equipment (laptop)
Board (food)
Tutors and academic support
Travel stipends (cash)
Game tickets (usually 4)

At a private school that's $60-70k.

What else is there? I get that they aren't rich by any means, but if they took out 1/3 the loans I did they'd have a thousand dollars a month in pocket change. Being poor in college is the status quo.

If anything provide healthcare and a few travel vouchers (to go home or have family visit). I really don't get the full cost argument.
So they are going back to the 70's when schollies were for 4 years.
The person on a non-athletic scholarship can get full cost of attendance. Athletes cannot...even though they "work a job" for the university.

At least give them full cost of attendance, because they simply can't do much part time work to cover such things.
Originally posted by TU Man:
The person on a non-athletic scholarship can get full cost of attendance. Athletes cannot...even though they "work a job" for the university.

At least give them full cost of attendance, because they simply can't do much part time work to cover such things.
How? Presidential scholarship is still listed as full time tuition and basic room and board. That's it. For four years, not five.

I paid for my books as a presidential scholar and the total award can be reduced to offset an outside scholarship.

This post was edited on 12/1 9:49 PM by TUBballJunkie
The point is you COULD have gotten cost if attendance. If you were poor, grants could be combined. Plus, you didn't work an extra 20-30 hours a week doing presidential scholarship "stuff" like athletes do.

I like the "back to the coaching search line". I'm there
I'm quite certain "poor" athletes can also qualify for grants. And they get books. And 10 semesters instead of 8. Fortunately presidential scholars don't have 20 hours of scholarly commitment since they don't get to take 12 hours fall and spring and summer school. 4 years, fall and spring and that's it. Summer is on your own, plus a much higher minimum GPA required to maintain. And plenty do work separately to help with their cost of attendance.

The base scholarship is already $60-$80k more than an academic full ride.

I'm fine with "cost of attendance" but it's not some grossly unlevel playing field award-wise currently.
Personally I have never bought into the 'full cost of attendance" argument. Full cost of attendance is tuition,room, board, books. If you want to throw in some travel costs to help students get back to their families during the holidays and other breaks, great, I'd buy that. But saying they need and extra $1000/month (essentially what TX has said they are going to pay all athletes) so they can go to the movies and pay their cell phone bills is BS, IMO. Basically they want to pay athletes for playing whatever sport they're playing a little extra to get them off of the personal licensing arguments the O'Bannon case addressed. If the NCAA does not step in and put limits to the "stipends" then recruiting will basically take the "well we will pay a higher stipend than X-school so you should come to Texas". You are basically turning it into a free agent bidding war.

I'm with Junkie on this one.

Who will be the next coach? I want an announcement by Monday otherwise it has dragged on too long.
Originally posted by TUBballJunkie:

Originally posted by TU Man:
The person on a non-athletic scholarship can get full cost of attendance. Athletes cannot...even though they "work a job" for the university.

At least give them full cost of attendance, because they simply can't do much part time work to cover such things.
How? Presidential scholarship is still listed as full time tuition and basic room and board. That's it. For four years, not five.

I paid for my books as a presidential scholar and the total award can be reduced to offset an outside scholarship.

This post was edited on 12/1 9:49 PM by TUBballJunkie
Not sure how it is now but when I was looking at schools OU had a University Scholar program that included all fees,books, room and board plus a cost of living stipend (and some special ring). They would also allow you to aggregate scholarships (University Scholar + Naval ROTC = buy a new car). At that time, the TU program was extremely weak by comparison and did not aggregate scholarships (University Scholar was partial tuition and offset by, in example, National Merit or other Academic scholarships). I would expect that a similar disparity exists today between what the schools offer to students.

I'm not surprised that you have such suspicions!
Originally posted by lawpoke87:
Scholarships will now cover the full cost of attending the school and no longer be one year renewable ships. Ships will be guaranteed until the athletes eligibility runs out and may no longer be cancelled by the university. The other power conferences are expected to adopt the added cost ship standard which will put an extra three to five thousand dollars to the cost of each ship.
All that money spent in Stillwater and whoops right back to where they started.

Middling B-12 program.

GO TU!!!!
I had a partial academic scholarship to TU, but paid for undergrad and the rest of grad school with cash/loans. So I'm not into the grants and other forms of payment that can be added in. Nonetheless, I'm still really in the dark about what else counts as "full cost" that isn't covered by:

Tuition + summer school
Equipment (laptop)
Board (food)
Tutors and academic support
Travel stipends (cash)
Game tickets (usually 4)

Is "full cost" code for "spending money?" If so, we can debate on whether or not athletes should be given spending money or not. I get that could mean travel money, clothes, tooth brush - things everyone has to have and figure out but maybe athletes can't get student loans or aren't allowed spring/summer jobs? Fine, lets debate that.

But "full cost of attending" I just do't get. What costs am I missing?

not trying to be obtuse, I really don't get it.
I agree on the terminology, Jesse.

In my mind it's a stipend so let's just call it that.

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