America in Color 1939-1943

Cool pictures, thanks for sharing!

The photos from the state fair in Vermont reminded me of the HBO dramatic series "Carnivale," which was set in the mid 30's. It was on from 2003-05 I believe.

I recall seeing the McIntosh County shots before but I can't remember if it was in a magazine or an exhibit.
This post was edited on 4/11 11:37 AM by 'Cane-man
You can tell by the grooves on the edges of the transparencies that most of these photos were taken with a 4" x 5" view camera. I used view cameras extensively (4x5 and 8x10) when I was the photographer at Gilcrease Museum, my first post-TU job. That equipment has been rendered pretty obsolete now with the development of high-resolution digital technology.

But there are some effects you can achieve with the bellows cameras that are not easily duplicated on the computer.

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