A Lieberal Defined


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jan 2, 2004
I've used the term "lieberal" occasionally to identify the tactics that politicians use to disinform the american people. And I've used it quite a bit since Obama has been in office because I think he epitomizes what a lieberal truly is.

Many of us have seen instances when someone simply lies because they want to divert blame from themselves even though they ARE to blame. It happens on the school yard, in the board meeting, the dinner table all the time, but it should not be condoned.

The way I use the term "lieberal" has been misunderstood imo. So here is what the term means - at least how it is used. A lieberal can be any politician (left or right) who habitually deceives the public. They are experts in the art of deceptive speech. IMO all politicians have at some point used this, shall we say, tactic to convince the uninformed that their pov has merit.

The degree at which lieberals lie is what I've been concerned with. Lying isn't just a Nixon coverup or a Clinton perjured "mispeak" under oath, its a culture of "bate and switch", coverup and "untransparency". The lieberals know they lie, but are so corrupt, it simply doesn't matter to them. Lying is an art of sorts, but it is a way of taking advantage of the uninformed and disinformed. But why do politicians do this? Well, its self preservation in the world of politics. Because politics is a mine field of people who want to catch them in a gaff or weak moment and every recorded misspeak will be played over and over for the rest of their adult lives - they basically lie their butt off.

But what I look for is a politician from either party who lies the least and someone who is less interested in being reelected than truly serving and I have someone who I think is that person. A true american political hero who IMO has strived to tell the truth every single time and someone who should be the model - and he's from right here in this state - Tom Coburn. Mr Coburn IMO has been a true servant of the people of the state and nation, has always tried to shoot straight with us and had our long term best interests at heart. We need more like him. But his days are numbered and I fear the senate will be much worse off when he retires from politics. I hope whoever his replacement is - and it looks like it'll be Lankford will use Mr Coburn as a model.

For those who care, I'd like to include what wikipedia defines as a liar. All liars use these tactics to deceive and to disinform the listener. But politicians have the power and the skill to do the most harm. DC is full of them and they have trillions of dollars to give their lies importance.

So when I use the term lieberal, it isn't onesided, its a way of identifying crooked politicans - liberal, conservative, republican, democrat.

This post was edited on 7/2 9:00 AM by rabidTU
This is one of the top five weirdest rants I have read in a while. Do Nixon and Dick Cheney fall under this liebral category too? What do you think about Iran Contra? I am sure you think Iran Contra is all good with you but Bergdahl is different.
Originally posted by goldfan83:
This is one of the top five weirdest rants I have read in a while. Do Nixon and Dick Cheney fall under this liebral category too? What do you think about Iran Contra? I am sure you think Iran Contra is all good with you but Bergdahl is different.
Yes they do fall into the lieberal category but not necessarily in the way you may think.

Any politician who intentionally deceives is a "lieberal" in the context of the way I have used it for many years. A lot of liberal leaning posters don't like its similarity to the term "liberal" those who have distanced themselves the last few years from the term liberal by rebranding themselves as "progressives" which is another way of using terms to confuse the voter.

There is one caveat to your example which is that lieberals never admit they lie. If the lie is admitted as was the case in Iran-Contra, then the person who admits to it is no longer lying. In effect by admitting to the lie, they transform it to a mistake rather than a deception/lie. This is a way of asking for forgiveness and its usually granted by the majority of voters.

Yes, IMO liberal politicians tend to use deception as a means to an ultimate end. The end justifies the means. Obama has been very good at lieberalism and I don't see him ever admitting to lying even though its obvious he often does. Thanks for bringing that up!

This post was edited on 7/2 4:03 PM by rabidTU
I think there needs to be a higher bar for our politicians at the federal level. My occasional "lieberal" comments are a way of referring to many of them as no more than paid deceivers - again on the right AND left.

The culture of lying must be stopped and should then become a requirement to keep their job. For instance it should become a part of the oath of office - not to lie to the american public. If it requires an ammendment to change this culture, so be it. For instance the example of Reagan admitting to a falsehood (known or not) would be an impeachable offense. Clinton, Bush1 (no new taxes), Nixon and LBJ. They all were liars as far as I'm concerned and should have known better - and probably did know. Reagan at least fessed up - whether he knew he deceived the american people or not about Iran- Contra, he'd parcel his comments better. If it had been his job never to deceive, then he'd have fact checked his statements better IMO. Also, there'd be more scrutiny in the campaigns to make sure we didn't have a habitual liar elected.

IMO we have a habitual liar now and the culture of lying has increased over the last 6 years. In effect, now a POTUS, a congressman, cabinet member etc is virtually expected to lie/disinform the voter. If you want to understand what our current problem is in DC, thats it.

In the movie "Cowboys", John Wayne "interviewed" a cowhand that was looking for a job (Bruce Dern). The cowhand lied about his experience as a wrangler and Wayne made him admit he hadn't been "cowpunching" the last several years, but was in prison. Wayne told him, "I don't hold prison against you, but I can't stand a liar." In effect the cowhand wasn't hired because of his lying, not the prison. Well, I agree and we shouldn't allow our lying politicians to be hired either.

We have to stop the culture of lying in DC.

Originally posted by Tax Guy:
I've always found this fun!

Here is a very short list of things the POTUS has not told the truth about - I emphasize its a "short list".

If you like your hc/doctor you can keep it

Benghazi caused by a video

"Not a smidgen of corruption" - IRS

I don't support lobbyists

I'll be transparent

"My campaign will accept only public funding" -

"I'll never bypass congress"

I do not support same sex marriage

No more wiretapping

"There'll be no earmarks in the stimulus"

Healthcare bill - on C-Span

Stimulus shovel ready jobs

"I will defend the constitution, not ignore it"

Obamacare is not a tax

No federal dollars for abortions

HC will not increase the deficit

"I will secure the border"

Obama was called out by the SC congressman (very publicly) as a liar during the SOTU address when he stated "no illegal would receive HC benefits"

This post was edited on 7/4 11:06 AM by rabidTU
Originally posted by eastcane:
Nice going from the 1% ball washers on this board.
Should we actually believe that if - you support lieberalism - and most of all since it could be a lie? We can't believe anything a lieberal says including this?

Just kidding. Maybe?
Obviously she needs to enroll in drug rehab.

Coke, herion, morphine, pot, etc is not real food Nancy! , and it shouldn't be part of your daily diet. Breakfast - coke. Lunch - pot. Supper - prescription meds. Late night snack - all of the above.

You're an old woman now. You are past your prime. Grow up. Act your age. Shut up. Get back to reality. As a matter of fact, stay away from the tube, you're embarrassing yourself and your country.

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