6.4 earthquake in southern NV downgraded to 5.8 then upgraded to 6.5??!


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
Why is no one talking about this?

I have never seen this is all my years following/studying geology. What’s interesting about this is it’s all surrounding Area 51, we know there are underground military bases. It’s basically ground zero where you have military testing & training, air combat command Nevada range testing area whatever you want to call it - there are COUNTLESS underground facilities in this area. Department of energy is there. Other federal agencies & emp testing etc

This happens only a year after China Lake experiencing the same type of earthquake.

You also have 28 of 31 army battalions actively focusing their training on underground warfare over the past 3.5 years.

Read between the lines.

This relates directly to Tulsa as we have seen unusual turnover at the Port of Catoosa (most inland international port) & have also has some quakes around our area - most have speculated that is due to fracking & I tend to agree with that explanation, but who knows?

People training these troops have said it can take up to 40 hours (or more than 70 in some cases) to breach a secure facility. Some of these breaches of super secured underground facilities ultimately require explosives.

Read between the lines.

If you were a bad actor in government & have all the wealth & power in the world, where would you hide the most valuable, backup-type weapons (including bioweapons?). Underground.

I believe in a coincidence but not coincidences.
What’s also interesting about these earthquakes the depth. They are all very shallow. I’m talking less than 0.1 meters in some areas all the way to 13 meters. Many of them only 2 meters underground.

This is not normal.

More to follow, must be careful with wording/what I share but this is something to which we need pay attention. Any geologist (I’m sure there are others on this board) will tell you this is far from normal. In my lifetime it seems to be unheard of but I don’t know what happened 25-30 years ago.
I was right about Flynn. I knew that the entire time, but many of y’all didn’t. Go ahead & look at this as conspiracy theory if you want but this is 100% something everyone needs to watch very closely. I would say more, hell, I’ve probably already said too much. In fact, I know I have.
Let me make this clear - I am not a geologist. I study it & have paid attention to it for professional/personal reasons. I was referring to one person that I know is a geologist on this board when I said I am “sure there are others.”