💥CISA Issues Emergency💥


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Turns out our Cyber Hero’s discovered a vulnerability with Solar Winds Software. Wait 🤭 Doesn’t Dominion systems use Solar Winds Software?😱 what was the vulnerability and what were its capabilities? What did State election officials know? Crowdstrike, says Russia.😂😂. How could they know so quickly or was this already planned? 🤔I wonder what DNI‘s report on Election Security This week will say 🤔 Does this mean Homeland Security was wrong about this being the Most Secure Election in American History? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Stay tuned.........Oh wait, will we be able to stay tuned bc of the Solar Storm? 🤔 Be prepared for anything
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Wait 😱 If this Hack was done by foreign Russian hackers, why did the FBI, Texas Rangers, and US Marshals need to raid Solar Winds in Austin, TX? 😂 im so confused about what’s going on! 😉
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🤔 Wait........Why would they confiscate the CEO‘s passport unless..........What is he being accused of?
Why does the government buy defective and unreliable software. Was it the lowest bidder, a brother in law deals or just kick backs?
Im not sure what the deal is here. The CEO was an OU grad and the company used to be located in Tulsa. This is a HUGE issue. Did the owner sell out to China? I don’t know, however Foreign influence is killing us. Banning all foreign or foreign associated software and hardware is the only solution but we need a Congress and a President strong enough to pass legislation as well as providing incentives for US owned tech companies to produce without depending on Other countries for components. That’s why America First Policies are the only way we survive as a country moving forward!
There is no evidence Dominion Voting Systems uses the Orion product from SolarWinds.

aTUfan, this isn’t a case of buying the cheapest software, SolarWinds is highly respected across their product line. Any software company providing solutions to the government is going to face intense attacks constantly due to the nature of the data they’re protecting.
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There is no evidence Dominion Voting Systems uses the Orion product from SolarWinds.

aTUfan, this isn’t a case of buying the cheapest software, SolarWinds is highly respected across their product line. Any software company providing solutions to the government is going to face intense attacks constantly due to the nature of the data they’re protecting.
SolarWind is on the Dominion GUI.........To your credit the investigation has not been completed however their actions are very suspect.
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There is no evidence Dominion Voting Systems uses the Orion product from SolarWinds.

aTUfan, this isn’t a case of buying the cheapest software, SolarWinds is highly respected across their product line. Any software company providing solutions to the government is going to face intense attacks constantly due to the nature of the data they’re protecting.
That logo is for SolarWinds Serv-U product, not Orion

Two separate products.
Oh my, someone used actual facts and knowledge as an experienced person in the industry, using verifiable references. With that they pretty much told Shon he was wasting his time,(and a little bit of the boards) jumping down that huge rabbit hole. He's having fun with Alice.
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Solar Winds isn't run-of-the-mill cheap software. It's used by a ton of major entities around the globe including the Vatican. This was a MAJOR error by them. Interestingly enough: solar winds was actually founded by a couple of brothers who were former high-level software guys for Walmart. They both lived in Tulsa and I actually became good friends with one of the founders' kids while in college (one of my fraternity brothers went to Victory Christian with him and they were best friends). Very nice kid who didn't grow up rich, but his dad got rich as he got older. Wasn't going to 'big boy school' because he didn't need to since his dad was loaded. I think they moved the company to Austin a year or two before we all were Freshmen / Sophomores. The kid was living in a South Tulsa gated mansion pretty much by himself until he got a girlfriend. Indoor heated pool and all. His dad had bought another one down in Austin when the company moved.

I hope everything turns out alright for Solar Winds as their software is almost foundational for a lot of entities' networking systems. There is no way that Solar Winds was in on some elaborate scheme to defraud American voters. Some of their software (Orion) might have been vulnerable, but they were not complicit.
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Solar Winds isn't run-of-the-mill cheap software. It's used by a ton of major entities around the globe including the Vatican. This was a MAJOR error by them. Interestingly enough: solar winds was actually founded by a couple of brothers who were former high-level software guys for Walmart. They both lived in Tulsa and I actually became good friends with one of the founders' kids while in college (one of my fraternity brothers went to Victory Christian with him and they were best friends). Very nice kid who didn't grow up rich, but his dad got rich as he got older. Wasn't going to 'big boy school' because he didn't need to since his dad was loaded. I think they moved the company to Austin a year or two before we all were Freshmen / Sophomores. The kid was living in a South Tulsa gated mansion pretty much by himself until he got a girlfriend. Indoor heated pool and all. His dad had bought another one down in Austin when the company moved.

I hope everything turns out alright for Solar Winds as their software is almost foundational for a lot of entities' networking systems. There is no way that Solar Winds was in on some elaborate scheme to defraud American voters. Some of their software (Orion) might have been vulnerable, but they were not complicit.
Ok let’s break this down Barney style. It won’t be perfect but close. SolarWinds has a centralized global management and monitoring system called Orion which houses the digital license keys to all of their products. When a Customers buy SolarWinds plug in tools, they then instal these plug ins onto Orion and activate with a license key. So, BOTTOM LINE, if Orion is compromised, that means that every single plug-in purchased by SolarWinds customers is also compromised. Even though Dominion tried to scrub their GUI of all traces of SolarWinds, we know Dominion used SolarWinds plug-ins so it can be deduced that Dominion was also compromised. Some of the most critical plugins are Network Traffic Analyzer and Network Performance Monitor. You can look them up and see for yourself what they do if you do desire. The hackers didn’t disable the network, only collect data.
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The question isn't cheap or expensive. The question is reliability. I worked for company that was a leader in supplying reluable equipment to the phone companies. We made a a software change where one byte was wrong and it brought down the phone grid all along the east coast
After that we last credibility for quite awhile. It took a large industry team nearly a year to find the problem.

My point is that the voting machines have documented glitches; intentional or accidental. So until they are resolved, the machines are not reliable and lack credibility, and should not have been used
The question isn't cheap or expensive. The question is reliability. I worked for company that was a leader in supplying reluable equipment to the phone companies. We made a a software change where one byte was wrong and it brought down the phone grid all along the east coast
After that we last credibility for quite awhile. It took a large industry team nearly a year to find the problem.

My point is that the voting machines have documented glitches; intentional or accidental. So until they are resolved, the machines are not reliable and lack credibility, and should not have been used
Well, tell Republicans to invest more money and resources into election security... you know that same stuff they were ignoring when called out a few months ago. Democrats tried to warn them that we were vulnerable after the shenanigans we saw from Russia in 2016.
The question isn't cheap or expensive. The question is reliability. I worked for company that was a leader in supplying reluable equipment to the phone companies. We made a a software change where one byte was wrong and it brought down the phone grid all along the east coast
After that we last credibility for quite awhile. It took a large industry team nearly a year to find the problem.

My point is that the voting machines have documented glitches; intentional or accidental. So until they are resolved, the machines are not reliable and lack credibility, and should not have been used

You literally said "was it the lowest bidder", and I'm telling you that no, it was not.

Furthermore, there being a security vulnerability in the software does not mean it is unreliable or of poor quality. If the software is internet accessible, in any way, it is vulnerable. Period.
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Ok let’s break this down Barney style. It won’t be perfect but close. SolarWinds has a centralized global management and monitoring system called Orion which houses the digital license keys to all of their products. When a Customers buy SolarWinds plug in tools, they then instal these plug ins onto Orion and activate with a license key. So, BOTTOM LINE, if Orion is compromised, that means that every single plug-in purchased by SolarWinds customers is also compromised. Even though Dominion tried to scrub their GUI of all traces of SolarWinds, we know Dominion used SolarWinds plug-ins so it can be deduced that Dominion was also compromised. Some of the most critical plugins are Network Traffic Analyzer and Network Performance Monitor. You can look them up and see for yourself what they do if you do desire. The hackers didn’t disable the network, only collect data.

You are correct that Orion has plug-ins, however, most of SolarWinds products are not plug-ins for Orion, only some are. You can see the list of plug-ins impacted vs not here ( Yes, I'm aware it says "believed to not be impacted" which is standard language in IT until a security audit is performed of every product in their line.

To my knowledge, there is no evidence Dominion tried scrubbing their GUI of traces of SolarWinds. The only evidence that exists at the moment is they use SolarWinds Serv-U product, which is not known to be impacted by the vulnerability discovered in the Orion product line.

Does Dominion use Orion and they're lying? Possibly. I am an executive for a software firm and have many years of experience overseeing IT security groups. I only mention that because I'm quite familiar with how vulnerabilities and security work in IT. For a product, Dominion's voting solutions, being at such a high risk of cyber attacks, I would be absolutely shocked if they used a vendor supplied monitoring solution for their product line.

As of this moment, what we know is there's a severe security flaw in Orion that CISA has identified. It is a big deal but it is not related to Dominion or the election results
You are correct that Orion has plug-ins, however, most of SolarWinds products are not plug-ins for Orion, only some are. You can see the list of plug-ins impacted vs not here ( Yes, I'm aware it says "believed to not be impacted" which is standard language in IT until a security audit is performed of every product in their line.

To my knowledge, there is no evidence Dominion tried scrubbing their GUI of traces of SolarWinds. The only evidence that exists at the moment is they use SolarWinds Serv-U product, which is not known to be impacted by the vulnerability discovered in the Orion product line.

Does Dominion use Orion and they're lying? Possibly. I am an executive for a software firm and have many years of experience overseeing IT security groups. I only mention that because I'm quite familiar with how vulnerabilities and security work in IT. For a product, Dominion's voting solutions, being at such a high risk of cyber attacks, I would be absolutely shocked if they used a vendor supplied monitoring solution for their product line.

As of this moment, what we know is there's a severe security flaw in Orion that CISA has identified. It is a big deal but it is not related to Dominion or the election results
Air gap for the win!
You are correct that Orion has plug-ins, however, most of SolarWinds products are not plug-ins for Orion, only some are. You can see the list of plug-ins impacted vs not here ( Yes, I'm aware it says "believed to not be impacted" which is standard language in IT until a security audit is performed of every product in their line.

To my knowledge, there is no evidence Dominion tried scrubbing their GUI of traces of SolarWinds. The only evidence that exists at the moment is they use SolarWinds Serv-U product, which is not known to be impacted by the vulnerability discovered in the Orion product line.

Does Dominion use Orion and they're lying? Possibly. I am an executive for a software firm and have many years of experience overseeing IT security groups. I only mention that because I'm quite familiar with how vulnerabilities and security work in IT. For a product, Dominion's voting solutions, being at such a high risk of cyber attacks, I would be absolutely shocked if they used a vendor supplied monitoring solution for their product line.

As of this moment, what we know is there's a severe security flaw in Orion that CISA has identified. It is a big deal but it is not related to Dominion or the election results
I posted a pic Dominions GUI before they changed it. Things never disappear from the net. You can find it two times in this post. SolarWinds probably would have Never been investigated had it not been for the FireEye Hack and them doing their due diligence checking every line of code and finding the back door source code SolarWinds along with the virus planted. My sources doubled down. If they are wrong, I will buy you lunch at next years homecoming.
I posted a pic Dominions GUI before they changed it. Things never disappear from the net. You can find it two times in this post. SolarWinds probably would have Never been investigated had it not been for the FireEye Hack and them doing their due diligence checking every line of code and finding the back door source code SolarWinds along with the virus planted. My sources doubled down. If they are wrong, I will buy you lunch at next years homecoming.

I don't know how much clearer I can make it, the Dominions GUI screenshot you show is stating they are using the Serv-U product -- it is not related to Orion. Period. And SolarWinds did not plant a virus. There was something called a man-in-the-middle attack that compromised their installation files.
I don't know how much clearer I can make it, the Dominions GUI screenshot you show is stating they are using the Serv-U product -- it is not related to Orion. Period. And SolarWinds did not plant a virus. There was something called a man-in-the-middle attack that compromised their installation files.
And it only compromised systems using a certain update. If the election officials hadn’t updated their software (which I don’t really trust them all to have done) then it wouldn’t matter anyway.
And it only compromised systems using a certain update. If the election officials hadn’t updated their software (which I don’t really trust them all to have done) then it wouldn’t matter anyway.

And it would require the server the software is on to have access to the internet. A whole lot of ifs in here.
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And it would require the server the software is on to have access to the internet. A whole lot of ifs in here.
That’s why they confiscated the server yesterday. We shall all soon find out what if any connection this has.
Im not sure what the deal is here. The CEO was an OU grad and the company used to be located in Tulsa. This is a HUGE issue. Did the owner sell out to China? I don’t know, however Foreign influence is killing us. Banning all foreign or foreign associated software and hardware is the only solution but we need a Congress and a President strong enough to pass legislation as well as providing incentives for US owned tech companies to produce without depending on Other countries for components. That’s why America First Policies are the only way we survive as a country moving forward!
And yet good 'ol Mitch refused to bring the election security bill to the Senate floor for a vote.
If you ask me who would be behind some crazy plot to take POTUS out, the first place I would look would be his own party.
Well, tell Republicans to invest more money and resources into election security... you know that same stuff they were ignoring when called out a few months ago. Democrats tried to warn them that we were vulnerable after the shenanigans we saw from Russia in 2016.
Bho was president during the 2016 election season. What did he do to fix it?
Tried to not have a Russian asset elected to the presidency.
That’s how we got Obamagate. What a hot mess. I won’t hold my breath on the Durham report but we already know about the crimes that took place and the plot to end a presidency before it began. Sad!
None of the democrats questionable actions will ever be investigated. And even when they do, its only superficial. I

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