Climate Change: the costs of doing nothing

Called a gaffe, she meant to say pollution. Call Newsmax immediately, maybe they'll make you a cub reporter.
Seems to be a lot of "gaffes" in this administration..

But then Kamala isn't really at her best when thinking on her feet..
Insurance companies are the birds in the coal mine for Florida home owners facing the effects of climate change. As insurance companies can no longer charge premiums high enough to offset the damages they cover, they are leaving the state. Although homeowners blame the companies, the market is only recognizing what people refuse to admit.
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Watu talks a lot about Florida. Does Xi have a vacation home there?
After the initial round of fires in California, homeowners found their rate increase sso large that they began reducingtheir coverage from 100% to small fractions. Those who had been hit once, thought it wouldn't happen again. Then it did, and they couldn't rebuild. The fires in Maui indicate that there's no completely safe place anymore. Insurance companies have already left the Florida and California markets. There are places in Washington state where only a single insurer offers fire insurance. With huge losses becoming the norm, it may be that insurance companies provide the wake up call that people need to understand that climate change is here and needs to be addressed.
After the initial round of fires in California, homeowners found their rate increase sso large that they began reducingtheir coverage from 100% to small fractions. Those who had been hit once, thought it wouldn't happen again. Then it did, and they couldn't rebuild. The fires in Maui indicate that there's no completely safe place anymore. Insurance companies have already left the Florida and California markets. There are places in Washington state where only a single insurer offers fire insurance. With huge losses becoming the norm, it may be that insurance companies provide the wake up call that people need to understand that climate change is here and needs to be addressed.
the fire in Maui is due to climate change?
After the initial round of fires in California, homeowners found their rate increase sso large that they began reducingtheir coverage from 100% to small fractions. Those who had been hit once, thought it wouldn't happen again. Then it did, and they couldn't rebuild. The fires in Maui indicate that there's no completely safe place anymore. Insurance companies have already left the Florida and California markets. There are places in Washington state where only a single insurer offers fire insurance. With huge losses becoming the norm, it may be that insurance companies provide the wake up call that people need to understand that climate change is here and needs to be addressed.
I don’t believe China gives a damn about California, Florida, Washington or even Hawaii. Which is ultimately the problem
Nice selective reading of that article. It leaves me thinking it could be caused by both equally or one over the other. It doesn't leave me thinking that it was agricultural practices to blame over climate change.(Instead of vice versa.) But both situations need to be dealt with to stop situations like this from reoccurring. It's just like in all the other wildfires. They almost always say more controlled burning should have been taking place over the years to cut down on it becoming so devastating and frequent.
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Idaho is under a Tropical Storm Alert. Idaho.
They’re just making up crap now. Hopefully they get some rain :) . Just fyi….they played an NFL game in San Diego last night (albeit inside) during the height of this “disaster”
Costs of coping with climate change going up. “The same risks that are making insurance more important are making it harder to get,” Carolyn Kousky, associate vice president at the Environmental Defense Fund and nonresident scholar at the Insurance Information Institute

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Singapore; taking action to cope with climate change.


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