Wouldn't it be nice if...


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Jun 21, 2017
After this is over, America won't be so divided , right now, it doesn't matter if your a Democrat , Republic, Independent, ect, we all want to end this virus. Would love to see the country more unified instead of fighting all of the time
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I doubt it. Dems will hammer Trump pretty hard for his initial handling of the primary stages of the epidemic.
I doubt it. Dems will hammer Trump pretty hard for his initial handling of the primary stages of the epidemic.

Yup.. they see an opportunity to sweep and push the country further towards cuba, venezuela, and NK.
Yup.. they see an opportunity to sweep and push the country further towards cuba, venezuela, and NK.
Why do you think that's what any person wants? Even the socialists.... if you ask them, how many are going to say they want to model things on any of those three dictatorships?
Except they're Monday morning QB's that have actually been starting QB's for a franchise.
Except they're Monday morning QB's that have actually been starting QB's for a franchise.

.....and many of them were criticizing our travel ban from China when it was invoked. Hard for me to give much credence to those people saying we didn't do enough early on when they were screaming we were doing too much. Now if you want to criticize the CDC for their testing disaster that's fair game imo. If you want to criticize the federal law which required all testing go through government labs then I'm with you.

My FB feed has been awful. We're in the middle of a crisis and all I see our post from both extremes. The crisis has brought our politicians together for a brief period of time as they work with each other to deal with this crisis. The rest of the yahoos are still as bitter and partisan as ever. It's sad.
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.....and many of them were criticizing our travel ban from China when it was invoked. Hard for me to give much credence to those people saying we didn't do enough early on when they were screaming we were doing too much. Now if you want to criticize the CDC for their testing disaster that's fair game imo. If you want to criticize the federal law which required all testing go through government labs then I'm with you.

My FB feed has been awful. We're in the middle of a crisis and all I see our post from both extremes. The crisis has brought our politicians together for a brief period of time as they work with each other to deal with this crisis. The rest of the yahoos are still as bitter and partisan as ever. It's sad.

There's not a lot of evidence of congressional Dems criticizing the travel ban. I think there might have been something by Pelosi criticizing a ban on travel from Africa, but I'm guessing that's because we hadn't yet banned travel to more at risk nations.

Trump has been lying on the stump that he had the foresight to close the borders when his people were telling him not to, which just isn't true. The HHS secretary told the press that it had been the uniform opinion of the department that the borders needed to be closed.

There was a fabricated tweet attributed to Schumer criticizing the ban though.

There's not a lot of evidence of congressional Dems criticizing the travel ban. I think there might have been something by Pelosi criticizing a ban on travel from Africa, but I'm guessing that's because we hadn't yet banned travel to more at risk nations.

Trump has been lying on the stump that he had the foresight to close the borders when his people were telling him not to, which just isn't true. The HHS secretary told the press that it had been the uniform opinion of the department that the borders needed to be closed.

There was a fabricated tweet attributed to Schumer criticizing the ban though.

I wasn't referring to Schumer but a handful of Dems when it was announced. Curious....are any Dems on record calling for the China ban before Trump signed off on it?

As I stated is nice to see Dems and Pubs working together in this crisis. Wish the American people could follow suit.
I wasn't referring to Schumer but a handful of Dems when it was announced. Curious....are any Dems on record calling for the China ban before Trump signed off on it?

As I stated is nice to see Dems and Pubs working together in this crisis. Wish the American people could follow suit.
Dems were on the record that it was a major problem and that the US wasn't doing enough. Moreover, Trump was downplaying its severity for months prior.
Dems were on the record that it was a major problem and that the US wasn't doing enough. Moreover, Trump was downplaying its severity for months prior.

Can you post a link of them proposing a travel ban prior to it being instituted?

I do agree that Trump should have expressed more urgency in his words. The true issue here imo is the CDC and their response. Incompetence in test production? Not adapting to current times as far as government requirements? I would like to see a bi-partisan look into the agency and recommendations for changes after this is over. I'm still a single payer guy but examples like this are what gives me pause at times.
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Dems were on the record that it was a major problem and that the US wasn't doing enough. Moreover, Trump was downplaying its severity for months prior.
Had the dems been in power they would have downplayed it.. unless they thought they could exploit it like the latest school shooting... then it would have been pedal to the metal to get every socialists dreams realized...just like FDR capitalized on the depression to change the fabric of the country.
Had the dems been in power they would have downplayed it.. unless they thought they could exploit it like the latest school shooting... then it would have been pedal to the metal to get every socialists dreams realized...just like FDR capitalized on the depression to change the fabric of the country.
That's complete speculation.
Closest comparison might be the response to the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic.
Why do you think that's what any person wants? Even the socialists.... if you ask them, how many are going to say they want to model things on any of those three dictatorships?

Leopards and spots... tigers and stripes.. Bernie and Fidel.. obama and chavez..

Like the scorpion.. its in their nature.
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Can you post a link of them proposing a travel ban prior to it being instituted?

I do agree that Trump should have expressed more urgency in his words. The true issue here imo is the CDC and their response. Incompetence in test production? Not adapting to current times as far as government requirements? I would like to see a bi-partisan look into the agency and recommendations for changes after this is over. I'm still a single payer guy but examples like this are what gives me pause at times.
Totally agree. Its insane we have to wait 3-5 days for test results. Idk what the hell the cdc is doing. But theyre doing it wrong, slow, or both.
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Dems were on the record that it was a major problem and that the US wasn't doing enough. Moreover, Trump was downplaying its severity for months prior.

December 2019. The CDC begins monitoring the coronavirus.

January 2020. The CDC warns that the coronavirus could be spread by human contact and begins public screenings are airports.

Feb 24, 2020 Trump. The United States was in "very good shape" and the virus is "very well under control in our country."

Feb 24, 2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Responds to Trump speech by warning that only it's a matter of when — not if — it will spread across communities in the U.S. "We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad."

February 28. Trump. “Things happen. Whoever thought of this two weeks ago, who would’ve thought this could be going on. Four weeks ago, but things happen in life?”

March 7 Trump. Visits CDC. Misrepresents the state of coronavirus testing, praises himself, and attacks his critics.

March 8 Trump Says seasonal flu is worse. "Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on."

The coronavirus has been known about for months. Trump wasn’t aware of it until 2-4 weeks ago, because he gets his information from watching cable news.

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Can you post a link of them proposing a travel ban prior to it being instituted?

I do agree that Trump should have expressed more urgency in his words. The true issue here imo is the CDC and their response. Incompetence in test production? Not adapting to current times as far as government requirements? I would like to see a bi-partisan look into the agency and recommendations for changes after this is over. I'm still a single payer guy but examples like this are what gives me pause at times.

Thing about the CDC....guess who's responsible for making sure it's response doesn't suck?
Thing about the CDC....guess who's responsible for making sure it's response doesn't suck?

I fully understand that. However, if our lead doctors and scientist are telling you that we have 500k tests ready to roll and we're ready how is one suppose to know they f'd up all those tests? Trump is ultimately responsible....period. I simply don't know how anyone outside of those doctors and scientist at the CDC could have known those tests were contaminated.

I've said many times, it's a terrible look for our government run health care segment.
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December 2019. The CDC begins monitoring the coronavirus.

January 2020. The CDC warns that the coronavirus could be spread by human contact and begins public screenings are airports.

Feb 24, 2020 Trump. The United States was in "very good shape" and the virus is "very well under control in our country."

Feb 24, 2020 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Responds to Trump speech by warning that only it's a matter of when — not if — it will spread across communities in the U.S. "We are asking the American public to prepare for the expectation that this might be bad."

February 28. Trump. “Things happen. Whoever thought of this two weeks ago, who would’ve thought this could be going on. Four weeks ago, but things happen in life?”

March 7 Trump. Visits CDC. Misrepresents the state of coronavirus testing, praises himself, and attacks his critics.

March 8 Trump Says seasonal flu is worse. "Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on."

The coronavirus has been known about for months. Trump wasn’t aware of it until 2-4 weeks ago, because he gets his information from watching cable news.

Curious....when did the WHO declare the coronavirus a pandemic? How many had died in the US before we declared a state of emergency? Can we compare this timeline and death toll to our 2009 response?

...and my original question, can you link what measures Dem lawmakers were proposing prior to the China travel ban?
Well, that devolved away from the spirit of the initial post in record time... The first response sent us down a path of blame game and partisan attacks/defence in record time.

There's a lot of blame to go around. But we've got to get past who should have done what and when. It was botched badly. People have likely died because of it. But it's done. I'm not saying we should forget about it, but I am saying that it isn't as immediately important as coming together to figure out a path forward and avoid further mistakes. I think that was the whole idea of starting this thread.
Well, that devolved away from the spirit of the initial post in record time... The first response sent us down a path of blame game and partisan attacks/defence in record time.

There's a lot of blame to go around. But we've got to get past who should have done what and when. It was botched badly. People have likely died because of it. But it's done. I'm not saying we should forget about it, but I am saying that it isn't as immediately important as coming together to figure out a path forward and avoid further mistakes. I think that was the whole idea of starting this thread.

Agree...out of my own curiosity, do you know what exactly caused all those faulty CDC tests. Was not having the actual virus available to test them an issue?
I fully understand that. However, if our lead doctors and scientist are telling you that we have 500k tests ready to roll and we're ready how is one suppose to know they f'd up all those tests? Trump is ultimately responsible....period. I simply don't know how anyone outside of those doctors and scientist at the CDC could have known those tests were contaminated.

I've said many times, it's a terrible look for our government run health care segment.

I gotcha. And I think the extent to which Trump’s response has done damage is likely a tad overblown. Europe isn’t looking much better from an outbreak standpoint, and as you mentioned there was quite a bit of criticism both times he restricted travel, but if you’re going to have a massive bureaucracy that answers to the president, the president needs to answer for its failures. And if the president chooses not to hold anyone accountable for them then I have no choice but to say it’s on him.
Agree...out of my own curiosity, do you know what exactly caused all those faulty CDC tests. Was not having the actual virus available to test them an issue?
I am not sure what the issue was exactly, but I haven't had time to really look into it. Busy trying to get some projects to a stopping point at work before I go out of commission for awhile. My wife works in the ICU at the hospital, and we got our first COVID patient today. As soon as she treats one herself, she will be self-isolating unless on duty until this all settles down. So I will be home alone for a while with some stir crazy toddlers. Good time to buy Disney Plus.
Prayers for your wife. My daughter is an RN at Saint Frances here in Tulsa. They’ve been preparing for the onslaught for the last few weeks.
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I wish I could turn on the tv and get reliable updates, but most stations just want to play the blame game.
I gotcha. And I think the extent to which Trump’s response has done damage is likely a tad overblown. Europe isn’t looking much better from an outbreak standpoint, and as you mentioned there was quite a bit of criticism both times he restricted travel, but if you’re going to have a massive bureaucracy that answers to the president, the president needs to answer for its failures. And if the president chooses not to hold anyone accountable for them then I have no choice but to say it’s on him.

I would probably delay on holding people accountable until after the crisis as you would likely start with Dr. Fauci. He gave an interview today and addressed the reasons for the lack of viable test kits. Basically bad luck and some more bad luck and some more bad luck. No one is to blame. Sounded like he was covering for everyone at the CDC. Hopefully there will be a bi-partisan look into what went wrong and changes made to ensure it won’t occur again.
The CDC much like the Armed Forces are branches of government that aren’t given that much leaway to have bad luck. There needs to be better planning and precautions in the future. We should treat this like a modern day Pearl Harbor and decide that we’re not going to let it happen again.
I am not sure what the issue was exactly, but I haven't had time to really look into it. Busy trying to get some projects to a stopping point at work before I go out of commission for awhile. My wife works in the ICU at the hospital, and we got our first COVID patient today. As soon as she treats one herself, she will be self-isolating unless on duty until this all settles down. So I will be home alone for a while with some stir crazy toddlers. Good time to buy Disney Plus.
What city are you all in if you dont mind me asking.
Weve had a few positives at my hospital near dallas. Im in the operating room and we had to do surgery on a patient that was thought to be positive. My wife is in the ICU as well. Shes starting to get freaked out with the lack of testing kits and turnaround time and lack of proper ppe.
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We did this as a global community, stop blaming one person for your own lack of discipline, greed and stupidity. Anyone who puts their faith in a government to keep them safe from life's numerous deathtraps deserves their fate. How many of you have 6 months salary in the bank? Do you have gold and silver in your safe? What about a two week supply of water and food rations? Do you have a generator for your fridge if the power grid fails? Anywhere in the world is a few hours away now, which means so are their dirty, disgusting habits.

Our ancestors from 100 years ago would be laughing at how easy our lives are. We all should have been more prepared for this. Look in the mirror, that is the snowflake responsible for the mess you are in. Yes, YOU ARE THE REASON we don't have a PARKING GARAGE ON CAMPUS!

Having said that, Trump will save us all like he said he would!!! TRUMP 2020! Sleepy Joe Methuselah Bi-DONE will lead this country straight to HELL! The recovery will be HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!

I was serious about the faith in government thing, the rest.... I'm really hoping for audible "What a F***ING A**HOLE!!" and "F***ING Parking garage idiot!" from readers... stay safe and be smart...
We did this as a global community, stop blaming one person for your own lack of discipline, greed and stupidity. Anyone who puts their faith in a government to keep them safe from life's numerous deathtraps deserves their fate. How many of you have 6 months salary in the bank? Do you have gold and silver in your safe? What about a two week supply of water and food rations? Do you have a generator for your fridge if the power grid fails? Anywhere in the world is a few hours away now, which means so are their dirty, disgusting habits.

Our ancestors from 100 years ago would be laughing at how easy our lives are. We all should have been more prepared for this. Look in the mirror, that is the snowflake responsible for the mess you are in. Yes, YOU ARE THE REASON we don't have a PARKING GARAGE ON CAMPUS!

Having said that, Trump will save us all like he said he would!!! TRUMP 2020! Sleepy Joe Methuselah Bi-DONE will lead this country straight to HELL! The recovery will be HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!

I was serious about the faith in government thing, the rest.... I'm really hoping for audible "What a F***ING A**HOLE!!" and "F***ING Parking garage idiot!" from readers... stay safe and be smart...

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wouldn't be nice to turn on the tv and get virus updates instead of what ifs, opinions, 20/20 hind sight and hate trump rhetoric.