What's on next?


I.T.S. Senior
Nov 17, 2017
If one is trying to understand Trump's actions, trying use a framework that we are used to applying is pointless. Killing an Iranian general had nothing to do with policy goals, so trying to make sense of it in those terms is a waste of time. Trump's actions have a single goal--to get him reelected. Period.

His method for gaining reelection is the same as a reality TV show and the same as he used to get elected: keep himself on the front page, appeal to his base, and when things don't work out, change the subject. With impeachment about to move to the Senate, grab the headlines and change the narrative by killing an Iranian general. When that didn't rally the nation to his back; change the narrative and announce a 100% tariff increase on European wines, etc.

Trump does not think in terms of the country or long term strategy; he thinks in terms of his base and what will keep them entertained and loyal: outrageous claims, abortion, white supremacy, corporate socialism, criminal foreigners, lowering taxes on the rich, etc. Policy issues with measurable results such as the national debt, increases in manufacturing jobs, improving healthcare, relations with allies, de-nuking North Korea, pollution international trade, etc. have nothing to do with his decision making. His challenge is coming up a new twist for his next show.

Three years of this has played into and helped fuel our growing political polarization. Politicians no longer talk about their ability to 'work across the aisle' (ok Joe's that working?) or to bring the country together. Trump understood this divide and how to use it long ago, and since it has continued to work, he's not about to change.

So as we wait for the next episode, given which side of our political divide you are on, you can either look forward to it or not. But traditional modes of thinking about the presidency won't provide much guidance.