What is the HAMMER? Deep State Exposed & Sinking Fast - MUST READ


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
The HAMMER was a super surveillance system that was originally created & used by the NSA which was stolen/commandeered/co-opted by the Obama administration/under the purview of President Obama but was actually controlled by Clapper/Woolsey/Brennan. They secretly brought it to Ft Washington (Maryland) where they weaponized it against their political opponents & used it to try to frame President Trump (& Gen Flynn/other US citizens) so they could keep their power/control.

We’ve ready seen an FBI investigation based on false pretenses weaponized against the President FAIL. Now we’re seeing an actual IMPEACHMENT (also based off lies) being weaponized against the President.

Who is Valerie Jarrett? Where was she born?

Why isn’t Michael *cough* excuse me, Michelle Obama not running for President?

When & where did Brennan convert to Islam?

When the truth comes out (& it’s coming) the American people are going to be SO SHOCKED & DISGUSTED at the crimes that these people committed while serving in office - no one will ever be able to vote for or support the democrats again. They may have to abolish the party or rename it or something. I’m serious.

Check this out:
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Seriously if I shared everything I know on here people would be sick to their stomachs.

No worries, though. It’s in His hands.

What is Space Force & why was it created? Why was it REALLY CREATED???

What’re the advantages of creating a new branch of the military? What comes with every branch of the military? Intelligence, maybe? Secret/classified comms to which the previous administration & even retired bureaucrats like Brennan/Clapper don’t have access, maybe?

I wish I could include everything I know but not only would it take hours, I’m also not comfortable sharing it all on here. Or anywhere on or near a computer/device.

As I stated in the other thread, The Republic is protected.
Remember this?

How did they get those surface to to air missiles (one of which was used in this attack that coincidentally took out most of our spec ops that carried out the Bin Laden raid)?

What about this?

How did they keep getting our weapons? Syria? Libya? Mexican Cartels --> Hezbollah? Operation Fast and Furious? Eric (Obama D) Holder? This has all been declas’d...

What about this? From your ever increasingly trustworthy Washington Post & the non-corrupt state of VA...
I wish I could include everything I know but not only would it take hours, I’m also not comfortable sharing it all on here. Or anywhere on or near a computer/device.

As I stated in the other thread, The Republic is protected.
He's afraid of the people in white coats. They might come take his tin foil hat, and put him in a malleable bouncy room made of polymers from the organic compound of isoprene.
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Infowars bot?
I don’t pay attention to infowars. Alex Jones is a narcissistic sociopath just like the majority of journalists you probably read. They (like Alex Jones) just want to be famous. The same people you listen to/watch/from whom you read articles for your news - Yeah, they are sociopathic/narcissistic liberal hacks.

By the way, Alex Jones is an asset for Mossad. He’s not a real conservative.
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Him and Ziva.
There’s a difference between being an Intel asset & being actual Mossad... I thought you’d know that.

You know who else was an Intel asset for Mossad? I keep forgetting his name. The billionaire! The guy who flew around with prince Andrew? What was his name? Oh, the guy who didn’t kill himself! Yeah, that guy.
Your neighbor is a mossad asset.
Homeless people don’t have neighbors...

Wait, you know my neighbors? Which one is the Mossad asset? I don’t even know their names! How’d you find this out? I KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP WITH THEM! They are ALWAYS ACTING SO STRANGE ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS!!
”Got any spare change?”

“Do you know who’s holding what?”

I knew something was going on with them!!

How’d you know? Who are you???

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