Vaccine reserve, what reserve?


I.T.S. Redshirt Freshman
Jan 15, 2021
HHS Secretary Alex Azar's final good bye was the news that the much vaunted reserve of vaccine that was to be released to give more Americans an initial gone. Doesn't exist. It had already been released. Another new high in raw incompetence and dishonesty for this administration.

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HHS Secretary Alex Azar's final good bye was the news that the much vaunted reserve of vaccine that was to be released to give more Americans an initial gone. Doesn't exist. It had already been released. The level of raw incompetence in this administration is a new low even for this one.

Couldn't you have just called your self Watu05? I absolutely hate you handle beginning with zero. It just looks strange in the notifications. o_O
Couldn't you have just called your self Watu05? I absolutely hate you handle beginning with zero. It just looks strange in the notifications. o_O
I tried but for some reason it wouldn't register it. Weird. Maybe someone else wanted it? I guess I could for W06. Let me know if it's really irritating. After about 20 years of posting as Watu# it does seem weird. Almost as weird as realizing it's been about 20 years.
I tried but for some reason it wouldn't register it. Weird. Maybe someone else wanted it? I guess I could for W06. Let me know if it's really irritating. After about 20 years of posting as Watu# it does seem weird. Almost as weird as realizing it's been about 20 years.
I'll get used to it. It just threw me at first.
Johnson & Johnson is set to release trial results soon for its one-dose COVID-19 vaccine, but bulk manufacturing is reportedly two months behind the original schedule. (New York Times)

Nevertheless, the company's chief science officer said it will meet its target of 1 billion doses by year-end. (Reuters)

The unofficial U.S. COVID-19 toll hit 23,078,350 cases and 384,784 deaths as of 8:00 a.m. ET Thursday -- up 229,017 and 3,963, respectively, from this time yesterday.


Masks, hygiene and social distancing are still your best line of defense.
Probably a dumb question but with studies showing one dose provides significant protection why would we hold vaccines in reserve when people are dying and all at risk individuals haven’t received said vaccine ?

Vaccinate front line and the elderly and delay the young and healthy if those vaccines are needed for the second doses.
Statement from Pfizer. Not sure I see the story here

Statement from Pfizer. Not sure I see the story here


Stories don't seem to be matching up. Maybe they are referring to different dosage supplies, but I haven't really compared the two reports terribly in depth. Seems like the Feds, States, and Drug Companies stories are not making it terribly clear, or being a little dishonest, and/or not doing/reporting what they are saying they are doing.
Sets the stage perfectly for Biden to save us from this disaster 😂

Stories don't seem to be matching up. Maybe they are referring to different dosage supplies, but I haven't really compared the two reports terribly in depth. Seems like the Feds, States, and Drug Companies stories are not making it terribly clear, or being a little dishonest, and/or not doing/reporting what they are saying they are doing.

If I'm being nice I would say there may be some miscommunication, but sure looks like state politicians who have been slow to get up and running looking for an easy target to blame. These states have not come close to exhausting their supply so the claim that the constraint has been on the supply side doesn't make much sense.
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Probably a dumb question but with studies showing one dose provides significant protection why would we hold vaccines in reserve when people are dying and all at risk individuals haven’t received said vaccine ?

Vaccinate front line and the elderly and delay the young and healthy if those vaccines are needed for the second doses.

I can only guess, but maybe it made sense to build up inventory as states were ramping up and needed fewer doses, allowing them to surge kits to states as needed if some states expend their allocation faster than others.
As the vaccine picture becomes clearer in the next few days, recall that before the election Trump was promising 300Million doses available by year end, and right after the election he promised 20M people would be vaccinated. About 2M people were.

Warp Speed's real accomplishment was giving the private sector the funding it needed to go all out which Congress eagerly provided. Other than that, during this pandemic the executive branch consciously avoided doing the one thing it was in the best position to do: coordinate purchasing and distribution among the states. First it was ventilators, then PPE (there are still shortages), and now vaccines. From the beginning states were left on their own to bid among themselves for critical supplies from overseas, something they hadn't done before. Fifty different groups going down the same learning curve in competition with each other. Now it's fifty different states trying to make sense of conflicting promises from the Feds.
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From what I have read, the first dose only is about 60 per cent effective and fades after 12 weeks or so. (BBC) The second dose bumps it up to about 95% depending on the brand. Moderna may be the most effective. Pfizer has slowed production now, according to them, to make improvements next month or so. Fine, unless you die this month.
It almost seems that they were trying to make the best show before and shortly after the election, then get serious after some catch up.

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