US seizes Venezuelan Air Force One..

There was the issue that we had sanction against the country and they went against the sanctions by involving a third country in the sale and transport. But yeah it was over fraudulent elections that we acted on this.
"Earlier this year, the US reimposed sanctions on Venezuela’s oil and gas sector in response to the Maduro government’s failure to allow “an inclusive and competitive election” to take place.

After the controversial reelection of Maduro on July 28, Venezuela suspended commercial flights to and from the Dominican Republic."
"Earlier this year, the US reimposed sanctions on Venezuela’s oil and gas sector in response to the Maduro government’s failure to allow “an inclusive and competitive election” to take place.

After the controversial reelection of Maduro on July 28, Venezuela suspended commercial flights to and from the Dominican Republic."

Yeah, and he broke the sanctions. There's the principle of the thing and then there's the thing itself. Besides the fact that he's flying out to see all our enemies. He flew to Cuba, he flew to China. Next thing you know, he would have been flying to Russia. Too many Venezuelans are fleeing him to come to the US. Relatives of his are involved in drug deals in the US. It was time to make a statement.
the irony abounds
I warned everyone we’d become Venezuela if Biden won…

They’re practicing Marxism on those who have already accepted it more than US citizens!

In all seriousness…

$100,000,000 that this is DOJ bargaining with Tren de Aragua what it would take for them to stop stealing black Americans’ homes in Aurora & other blue cities until after the election & is with JPATS but really it’s theirs they can do whatever they want with it the air Marshalls with them will be their babysitters til after the election.

I’m so dead serious I bet that’s what this is 100%
Yeah, and he broke the sanctions. There's the principle of the thing and then there's the thing itself. Besides the fact that he's flying out to see all our enemies. He flew to Cuba, he flew to China. Next thing you know, he would have been flying to Russia. Too many Venezuelans are fleeing him to come to the US. Relatives of his are involved in drug deals in the US. It was time to make a statement.
You’re nuts if you think that’s what this is.
"Earlier this year, the US reimposed sanctions on Venezuela’s oil and gas sector in response to the Maduro government’s failure to allow “an inclusive and competitive election” to take place.

After the controversial reelection of Maduro on July 28, Venezuela suspended commercial flights to and from the Dominican Republic."
JPATS DoJ bargaining w/ Tren de Aragua to avert hell’s angels bringing down the hammer bc of civil war starts with them targeting DOJ’s thugs their soldiers they know they’re fuccd tren de Aragua likely said bring us Venezuelan AF1 not only as a big ask but something they thought was impossible as they don’t want to play ball with DoJ who is already unwilling to pay them anymore than they’ve already agreed in addition to what they’ve already paid them (“no more money what else?”) but also knowing if DoJ actually got it for them they’d take it lmao

100% that’s what this is
JPATS DoJ bargaining w/ Tren de Aragua to avert hell’s angels bringing down the hammer bc of civil war starts with them targeting DOJ’s thugs their soldiers they know they’re fuccd tren de Aragua likely said bring us Venezuelan AF1 not only as a big ask but something they thought was impossible as they don’t want to play ball with DoJ who is already unwilling to pay them anymore than they’ve already agreed in addition to what they’ve already paid them (“no more money what else?”) but also knowing if DoJ actually got it for them they’d take it lmao

100% that’s what this is
And I’m actually cool with it the sad part is DOj is not doing it happily with any swag like they should in a move like this or if they even try they’re getting clowned &’laughed at by these thugs

Okay on its face no I’m not cool with it but if they’re doing this even if it’s to save their asses if it prevents Americans from being harmed cool I’m wit it I hate the corruption I hate that they’re bargaining with terrrorists but they’ve broken every other law they’ve turned USA into state sponsor of terror they paid for Oct 7 I have so many their grievances of this character I do not care about this but I will point it out & call them it on it 100% that’s what this is & they’re gonna be clowning those U.S. Marshalls who babysit them on this thing I’m betting right now they become whistleblowers or somehow we will find out I’m right on this
To be clear I’m not alleging JPATS has anything to do with this it’s just a cover for them to have the damn thing wit air Marshall babysitters EDIT: to be more clear when I say say air Marshall’s they prob won’t be actual air marshalls they’ll be real air Marshall’s yes but not the ones that fly JPATS 47 weeks out of the year
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It’s funny the libtards on here call my thinking warped lmao another perfect representation of what the left does accuse you of what they’re guilty of themselves lmao

I msg’d some of my ppl I can’t wait to see what they say lmao the 2 humint for sure maybe not the aoa guy he’s been kinda dry lately but dcs yes

Ill be shocked if all 4 of them don’t tell me I’m probably right or if 1-3 of them don’t say “you’re absolutely right” lmao
And I’m actually cool with it the sad part is DOj is not doing it happily with any swag like they should in a move like this or if they even try they’re getting clowned &’laughed at by these thugs

Okay on its face no I’m not cool with it but if they’re doing this even if it’s to save their asses if it prevents Americans from being harmed cool I’m wit it I hate the corruption I hate that they’re bargaining with terrrorists but they’ve broken every other law they’ve turned USA into state sponsor of terror they paid for Oct 7 I have so many their grievances of this character I do not care about this but I will point it out & call them it on it 100% that’s what this is & they’re gonna be clowning those U.S. Marshalls who babysit them on this thing I’m betting right now they become whistleblowers or somehow we will find out I’m right on this
In fact what they did I guarantee was ask for US AF1 & expected to laugh at the bag guy’s frustration & were shocked when he said “what about Venezuelan AF1?” They agree & he goes back to being cocky as they ask him “you can really get that?” He probably said “dude I steal from the taxpayer fucc maduro hell yeah I can steal his plane…” dialing for his CAAF contact that’s tight with a USSOCOM higher up

100% certainty on this for real that’s how these things go down & they go down quick. Likely happened all in under 9 hours.

if yall think I’m crazy you’d be fuccn shocked like I said your decisions have been made for all of yall… you’re gonna have to come to terms with how your gonna ask the ppl you hate to save your ass or if you are cool being subservient to chicoms actual Chinese chicoms in your own country those are your likely options

Not only am I so utterly 99.999% certain I’m correct on this; this is what I know this is how I often characterize these people fake they’re wankstas they think they’re real G’s unfortunately they do have some actual bad asses on that side but that # has dwindled with Toria Nuland’s Новиопocide

Also before any of you rainbow Donna’s try to poke holes using acronyms you just had to look up to see if I might have gotten one wrong I probably did but you’re missing the entire point. The point is I’ve never been more certain of a recent prediction not since Trump winning ‘16 … just take the win bc if I’m right then this is the first good thing Biden admin has done I’m finally conceding that
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Have you got any relatives who can have you committed. That's the people who you should be telling these thoughts to. I say 'thoughts' very loosely.
Reportedly seized it because of fraudulent elections...

Hopefully we dont leave our 747 unguarded at the next G7..

Halfway decent lie… see above

I wouldn’t have even bothered sharing this prediction on here if there weren’t some verification coming that isn’t weeks or likely months may years away in the form of whistleblowers… we’ll know by noon Tuesday the tren de Aragua gangsters kicking middle & low income Americans out of their homes will be back in the news but they will have all the sudden taken off in a turn of events that can only be described as being shrouded in mystery.

Actually they won’t happen the dei & low t alphabet mafia can’t let any right wing group not even fringe hells angels (not right wing but white males so that counts — don’t ever forget who these people are at their core; they’re racists) take credit so somehow they will spin it.
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Have you got any relatives who can have you committed. That's the people who you should be telling these thoughts to. I say 'thoughts' very loosely.
You know if the Venezuelan tren de Aragua stealing homes in Colorado story goes away in 48 hrs I’m not over the target I have it dead to rights, right?
Have you got any relatives who can have you committed. That's the people who you should be telling these thoughts to. I say 'thoughts' very loosely.
I really do love it because this is what all liberals do anytime you make sense they resort to name calling. It’s petty but what do you expect of the people who hold others to higher standards not because they actually care none of that but because they want the people who they care about the idiots they think aré important to think they’re just such great people of the most unimaginable altruism not even billionaire philanthropists have anything on them! Lmao fake fake fake go laugh with your in crowd at the circjerk
Halfway decent lie… see above

...we’ll know by noon Tuesday the tren de Aragua gangsters kicking middle & low income Americans out of their homes will be back in the news but they will have all the sudden taken off in a turn of events that can only be described as being shrouded in mystery.
I love it when you make predictions on the day of the week. Reminds me of the smell of napalm in the morning. Not one of them has ever come true, but we always have the anticipatory memories to call from the misty corners of our minds. Good times. Even the ultra conservatives on here use your posts as funny paper. One thing good about you posting, aTUfan posts less. I think he is awed by the magnitude of your craziness. I'm guessing it makes him feel inadequate in his quest for crazy.
I love it when you make predictions on the day of the week. Reminds me of the smell of napalm in the morning. Not one of them has ever come true, but we always have the anticipatory memories to call from the misty corners of our minds. Good times. Even the ultra conservatives on here use your posts as funny paper. One thing good about you posting, aTUfan posts less. I think he is awed by the magnitude of your craziness. I'm guessing it makes him feel inadequate in his quest for crazy.
“This guy is crazy he says we’ve been sold out to China.”

Uh huh. ..
What’s this?
From today?!

I love it when you make predictions on the day of the week. Reminds me of the smell of napalm in the morning. Not one of them has ever come true, but we always have the anticipatory memories to call from the misty corners of our minds. Good times. Even the ultra conservatives on here use your posts as funny paper. One thing good about you posting, aTUfan posts less. I think he is awed by the magnitude of your craziness. I'm guessing it makes him feel inadequate in his quest for crazy.
Those are the ones who don’t support America First I know them well they’re not conservatives
Those are the ones who don’t support America First I know them well they’re not conservatives
I'm talking about pretty much everybody who posts on this board you clown. So nobody on this board is a conservative? The things you tell yourself to justify yourself is expected though. Guy arrested as Chinese agent has nothing to do with Venezuela. I love how vague some of your predictions are, that makes it easier to pull something out of your ass, and say look ma, it came true.
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I'm talking about pretty much everybody who posts on this board you clown. So nobody on this board is a conservative? The things you tell yourself to justify yourself is expected though. Guy arrested as Chinese agent has nothing to do with Venezuela. I love how vague some of your predictions are, that makes it easier to pull something out of your ass, and say look ma, it came true.
The argument is that the democrats have sold out the USA to China, okay? That’s the overall argument. No, it doesn’t have anything to do with Venezuela AF1 seized. How those violent Venezuelan gangsters got here, does. It has to do with both of them.

Yeah, and he broke the sanctions. There's the principle of the thing and then there's the thing itself. Besides the fact that he's flying out to see all our enemies. He flew to Cuba, he flew to China. Next thing you know, he would have been flying to Russia. Too many Venezuelans are fleeing him to come to the US. Relatives of his are involved in drug deals in the US. It was time to make a statement.
What would that statement be? Empty the remaining 30% of your prisons & have them join the other 70% already released currently here in the USA?

I’ll include this by the way since yall love to say it’s not a problem just conservatives fearmongering… right…

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