Tulsa vs South Florida women's basketball 3pm


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 21, 2008
Running late and missed the start of the game. as usual when fresh it looks like TU can play with most the teams in this league. Later in the game we tend to struggle. Shooting woes continue as does the absence of some key players. I will try and look through and see if there is any word on what is keeping Wyvette and Hrafnkelsdottir off the court. I tuned in just in time to see a great pass after a nice defensive set and rebound lead to a difficult but missed lay up missed. Then a made contested lay up the other way making a 9-6 game 11-6. Wyvette gets on the court, great defense leads to transition lay up good, and one which Wyvette sinks. 11-9, tulsa makes a stop, they leave Wyvette open on the transition her 3 comes up short. Rebound a couple times leading to solid shots Tulsa can't get in. Back and forth Tulsa gets a 3, USF drawing fouls, tulsa tough on defense and rebounding.

1Q 45.5
Tulsa 12
USF 15
USF has obviously keyed on Lascay who has been setting Tulsa up nicely the last two games. I like what Mossman has done altering the offense. You know see Evans with high screens for pick and pops with the Mayberrys as does Bittle. Lewis in the high post for ball movement and distribution, run Lascay or other guards off screens into curls going to the basket. It's not bad and leads to some nice scoring opportunities. Wyvette still rusty from missing, her timing is off. A late turnover leads to a USF lay up on the steal.

2Q 10:00
Tulsa 12
USF 17
Tulsa is fighting there butts off. USF continues to be methodical in their approach. Tulsa will need the refs to call some of the banging on the inside for rebounds or USF will be tough to stop. Tulsa closes to four or five points and USF gets a clutch basket to extend the lead just enough to hold them off. Lascay is off today which is unfortunate as she continues to play well.

Tulsa needs to continue to run the offense with her as the focus. She has started to get her shot now and as she gets the ball in her hands she should start hitting those ones that are just off. USF is very aware of her and that will open the game some for the Mayberrys.

Tulsa continues to rebound in key moments. USF will get three rebounds on one possesion and it's one shot and done on the next. That has kept USF from getting runs.

2Q 4:52
Tulsa 18
USF 23

Tulsa with a steal and a lay up one possesion game, USF with a quick bucket extends it back to 5
USF puts together a little 5-0 run after extending the lead back to 5. Good time out by Tulsa with 1:52 left looking for a good possesion and a defensive close out. Tulsa gets a nice drive and foul. Mia attacking is getting into the lane at will today and rebounding misses. Draws another foul. Another drive a miss and no call. USF the other way, missed layup, rebound, cheap foul (considering the contact at the other end) turns into an and one abs USF has extended the lead to 13. Clayton is in to help with some of the size and banging. Immediately gets a fight for a rebound to get Tulsa a second chance. Tulsa missing shots that look good. It's really a little suprising just how bad they shoot right now. 80% of there shots are good in rythm, open type shots. Got to make them.

Tulsa make a nice defensive stand to end the half but that little run to end the second quarter opened the game up. Tulsa has to get the ball in the basket. Our free throw shooting looks better again and did last game as well so hopefully that will help some in points and in confidence watching the ball go through.

Moutry has been giving some very good mins the issue is she is basically a big 3 or undersized 4. It will be hard for her to get time because the other players covering that whole have skills or size she doesn't. She is making sure when she is out there she is making an impact.

This USF team has been off for a long time but you can clearly see that come with all the weapons. This is a sweet sixteen team at least.

Tulsa again shows their quality at positions but they are too thin in bench depth and at the low post to really show what they can do. Watching them on the rebounding though you can see that most of our players are solid, the box outs and contact is good as shots go up.

Tulsa has to make shots to win any game but against these elite teams like USF or the quality ones like Tulane and UCF if they don't you can just watch the slow stretch as those teams force their will on Tulsa, in particular physically in rebounding against our smaller team.

Tulsa 20
USF 33
Tulsa enforces their will to start. Rebounding well, attacking, getting to the line. USF hits some 3s something Tulsa is just struggling with, a silly turnover on a lazy bad pass leads to a lay up and Tulsa grabs a time out. Tulsa is not playing bad, USF is just playing really well which is probably why they are a top 15 team.

3Q 7:52
Tulsa 22
USF 41
Clayton in again and proving she definitely has the potential to be that low post player Tulsa is desperate for. She also shows why she is only getting a couple of mins in at once. She is still a bit to wound up and trying to adjust to the game speed. She can get a little sloppy with her screening and overplay defense. Her aggression is nice, her offensive moves look like she comes with a nice set. Up and under, nice little turn around, and a solid drop step. If she is proficient going left and right (which it seems she is) she will be a solid post scorer and rebounder.

It's still a fight but USF is pulling away although Tulsa is generally making them work for every bit of it. Shooting woes continue. Tulsa has a nice dive that makes a high low post set up they do when the defense really presses the curls coming off the screens. With Clayton and Lewis it has looked really good. Bittle got the low post spot once on it but the defenders were too big for her to get something out of it or hold her position.

It's another nice wrinkle though. Our X and O's are way better for the women then the men. Tulsa hits some shots goes on a mini run, solid defense rebounding and team play. Looked really good. Hitting the shots makes a big difference 10-3 run USF hits some free throws with 15 seconds left to stop it. Wyvette is still rusty, her sense of timing and getting the offense to go is off and it shows in that closing third quarter possesion.

4Q 10:00
Tulsa 32
USF 49
Just wow. Clayton has made a huge difference just in the style of play. I like that Mossman has thrown her uti the fire here. Clayton can't hurt us and her confidence is going up so she hasn't had to pull her.

Two big things, are rebounding and shooting drastically improved with her. Clayton cuts down on that huge size advantage and just makes it a big one instead. Her body work alone is just making everything easier even when she isn't directly involved. Her presence in the post has USF respecting the paint space and their bigs are now struggling to rotate over on drives. On defense she just continues to be physical and provide solid interior support. USF is making shots as well though.

4Q 5:36
Tulsa 40
USF 61
Mia needs to relax a little, she has got a bit greedy with the extra space and some of our team play has broke down. Lascay gets it into Clayton to break that type if play up. Tulsa does have a couple focus errors on defense allowing some USF points.

Wyvette is still off a little but looks better, Evan's just putting in her usual work. Rebounding, cleaning up, good passing and usually solid defense.

I forget we are so young. Wyvette freshman, Mia Soph, Evan's freshman, Bittle and Hrafnkelsdottir are only juniors, now Clayton freshman, who has shown some passing skills.

Also apparently our men are not the only ones who get called for fouls on text book block outs.

Tulsa 46
USF 67

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