TU Rowing

Need to know which AAC schools compete in rowing before giving an opinion.
Not us anymore. Not anybody. We are moving on to the Big 12. Along with SMU. Not sure what Temple, Old Dom and Sac State will do.

It’s been SMU and us then everyone else for the last five years or so, when it comes to competition. We have the best first choice boats, but SMU always wins the team competition because they have the money and the depth. We literally have Olympians but also ask girls in the dorm if they want to row.
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Need to know which AAC schools compete in rowing before giving an opinion.
So we don't claim the sport if most others don't have a team? You can't blame us if most don't participate. It's us, SMU, Temple, and ex member UCF. We'll be joining the Big 12 in this sport for next year, for this reason probably. SMU won the championship though. That one race wasn't enough to overcome SMU.

Final Standings
1. SMU 132
2. Tulsa 128
3. Sacramento State 100
4. Temple 72
5. Old Dominion 48
That’s a stateside thing though. A points driven championship. Nobody cares who wins the Isis v Goldie reserve race. It’s the two top boats for Oxford and Cambridge that matter. And that’s it. Tulsa won the race that mattered. SMU put their best folks out there and lost to Tulsa. That’s what people remember.
The rowing tailgate at Carl Blackwell next year is going to be absolutely lit. Confession….had no idea Okla State had a rowing team prior to the discussions on this board.
Not us anymore. Not anybody. We are moving on to the Big 12. Along with SMU. Not sure what Temple, Old Dom and Sac State will do.

It’s been SMU and us then everyone else for the last five years or so, when it comes to competition. We have the best first choice boats, but SMU always wins the team competition because they have the money and the depth. We literally have Olympians but also ask girls in the dorm if they want to row.
My wife was "one of those girls in the dorm" who rowed the 1st year the program came back, or maybe the 1st year Kevin Harris was there. She tells stories of the Arkansas River and what the team doctors told them should they flip a boat and fall in the river.
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That’s a stateside thing though. A points driven championship. Nobody cares who wins the Isis v Goldie reserve race. It’s the two top boats for Oxford and Cambridge that matter. And that’s it. Tulsa won the race that mattered. SMU put their best folks out there and lost to Tulsa. That’s what people remember.
The V8 boat is the most important one. That's the one at the Head of the Charles that is the most important race among the collegiate teams.
I think our girls have an advantage in rowing. When you are training in the Arkansas and then you go to any river in the USA.....Its like putting weights on a bat in the batting circle and then taking those weights off when you come up to bat. The bat feels weightless...When these girls row in mud and then go to a clean river....oooooooowwwwiiiiieeeeeeeeee
I think our girls have an advantage in rowing. When you are training in the Arkansas and then you go to any river in the USA.....Its like putting weights on a bat in the batting circle and then taking those weights off when you come up to bat. The bat feels weightless...When these girls row in mud and then go to a clean river....oooooooowwwwiiiiieeeeeeeeee
They train in the verdigris unless that changed with Zink Lake.
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They train in the verdigris unless that changed with Zink Lake.
I'll be honest, I have no clue lol. I just looked up Zink Lake and every photos it keeps showing is a photo of the Arkansas river. Where is the lake located?
They train in the verdigris unless that changed with Zink Lake.
They're still training in the Kerr McClelland Navigation waterway. TU and donors put a siginificant amount of money into the facility out there. They used to train in Zink Lake, when it had enough water which is why they moved out to Verdigris/Port of Catoosa.
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