TU/ Houston kickoff


Serious Cat Circle of Honor
Dec 3, 2003
3 pm. OU Texas at 2:30. Are people trying to kill our attendance? I'm about as diehard a TU fan as there is and I may skip this one. Someone needs to complain, but they probably will not.
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11 am, same time as OU Texas. Are people trying to kill our attendance? I'm about as diehard a TU fan as there is and I may skip this one. Someone needs to complain, but they probably will not.
OU Texas is at 2:30 this year.
TU Houston at three. Same point. OU Texas almost always at 11 because of drunks. Thx for your help.
After two seasons of total crap talking with my UH coworkers, we're all mum for the matchup this year.

Absolutely cannot wait to be in Tulsa though.
Yes, that is why no one will be at the game. Lets go with that.
We will likely be 1-5 going into this game anyway...chances are the attendance would be awful regardless. We just need to make a QB change, flush this season, and move onto basketball.
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We will likely be 1-5 going into this game anyway...chances are the attendance would be awful regardless. We just need to make a QB change, flush this season, and move onto basketball.
It's still Homecoming. Attendance will be what it always is.

But in the event we need another excuse, that is the weekend leading into Fall break. While public school Fall break doesn't start until Wednesday for most, we all know there are a ton of people who skip town the weekend before and take the full week.
I doubt OU - Texas will make much of a difference to be honest. We haven't really found a way to tap the "OU Fan / Never set foot in an academic building on the OU campus" market and are unlikely to do so anytime soon.

It should be a night game, but we don't get to pick.

Also, others are noticing how start times are affecting their seasons:
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Our only Saturday night game this year will probably be Temple on Thanksgiving weekend. It might be cold, for anyone needing an excuse.
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I doubt OU - Texas will make much of a difference to be honest. We haven't really found a way to tap the "OU Fan / Never set foot in an academic building on the OU campus" market and are unlikely to do so anytime soon.

It should be a night game, but we don't get to pick.

Also, others are noticing how start times are affecting their seasons:

You'd be surprised. There are a lot of people who watch OU Texas no matter what. I had to go to a wedding that started at half time several years ago and there were a bunch of people checking their phones the entire time.

Many of those people come to TU games or went to TU. Some are major donors. Regardless, this is really the one game that shouldn't be a choice.
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So we’ll have to walk down earlier from the Campbell for the game. Can go to dinner somewhere afterwards.
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You'd be surprised. There are a lot of people who watch OU Texas no matter what. I had to go to a wedding that started at half time several years ago and there were a bunch of people checking their phones the entire time.

Many of those people come to TU games or went to TU. Some are major donors. Regardless, this is really the one game that shouldn't be a choice.
Anybody that schedules a wedding during OU-Texas in Oklahoma/Texas needs to be shot. Seriously, unless she was starting to show underneath the dress and they had to get it done quickly, it really is the height of self-absorption. Even if they went down their entire guest list and confirmed that nobody really cared about OU-Texas, you can bet most or all of the service personnel working the wedding either 1) had to give up a shift at the restaurant, bar, tailgate, etc to work your wedding and that cost them money, 2) would be watching the game somewhere.

The most self centered person on the face of this Earth has to be every middle class white girl in America from engagement to honeymoon. I am so over how that industry has manipulated our culture. Others would probably say the same thing about football, I guess.

But someone should have said "Darling, there is a reason the venue could be booked at a discount that weekend and there wasn't another opening until October 2018 except Christmas. Deal with it."

As for TU, they don't get to choose, so you can't blame them. But printing up T-Shirts criticizing the league probably didnt help either ...
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I'm amused by a rant about self-centeredness regarding the one day in your life you say your vows vs an every year sporting event of amateur athletes drunkfest in Dallas. If people are that upset about missing a football game, Jesus decline going to the wedding. An invite isn't a demand, I've never had a problem declining a wedding invite that doesn't work for any reason and just sending a gift. How about "Darling, we're already booked that day and can't attend"?

I got married in the summer since the timing after getting engaged was fine, but I can see why people might love October in Oklahoma. Fall weddings were less common a decade ago but they don't seem to be going anywhere, especially where we have crappy summer or crappy winter the majority of the year. And Lent when a lot of Catholic churches won't have weddings.

I'm personally not a fan of destination weddings but it's not about me and I'm not going to throw a fit, I'll just not go if that's what we both decide.
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I know that TU went out of its way to avoid scheduling during OU-UT for many years before the TV Masters set times 10 days out. If I were Montgomery, I would raise heck with the AD and the AAC office. At least we know, no one will be watching our game on TV and see the empty East side. I was hoping for 11 AM or night.
I'm amused by a rant about self-centeredness regarding the one day in your life you say your vows vs an every year sporting event of amateur athletes drunkfest in Dallas. If people are that upset about missing a football game, Jesus decline going to the wedding. An invite isn't a demand, I've never had a problem declining a wedding invite that doesn't work for any reason and just sending a gift. How about "Darling, we're already booked that day and can't attend"?

I got married in the summer since the timing after getting engaged was fine, but I can see why people might love October in Oklahoma. Fall weddings were less common a decade ago but they don't seem to be going anywhere, especially where we have crappy summer or crappy winter the majority of the year. And Lent when a lot of Catholic churches won't have weddings.

I'm personally not a fan of destination weddings but it's not about me and I'm not going to throw a fit, I'll just not go if that's what we both decide.

I understand you live in an OSU household so I will try to explain more clearly. OU Texas is a really big deal. Even if you don't go, it's an effing big deal. Families who went to those schools drop everything and watch it. OSU doesn't really have any rivalry games like that so I guess it needs to be explained.
Anybody that schedules a wedding during OU-Texas in Oklahoma/Texas needs to be shot. Seriously, unless she was starting to show underneath the dress and they had to get it done quickly, it really is the height of self-absorption. Even if they went down their entire guest list and confirmed that nobody really cared about OU-Texas, you can bet most or all of the service personnel working the wedding either 1) had to give up a shift at the restaurant, bar, tailgate, etc to work your wedding and that cost them money, 2) would be watching the game somewhere.

The most self centered person on the face of this Earth has to be every middle class white girl in America from engagement to honeymoon. I am so over how that industry has manipulated our culture. Others would probably say the same thing about football, I guess.

But someone should have said "Darling, there is a reason the venue could be booked at a discount that weekend and there wasn't another opening until October 2018 except Christmas. Deal with it."

As for TU, they don't get to choose, so you can't blame them. But printing up T-Shirts criticizing the league probably didnt help either ...

I left out the service personnel, but that was the saddest part. They had a tv on in the back and would send someone an update to the front every few minutes. A couple of us may have found a way to go back there.

I shouldn't disclose much more, but it ended up being a really screwy deal all around. It was a wedding I couldn't not go to, but one that I had no real relationship with anyone in it. My wife was probably also drafted to read, which always happens.

You can't always say no on these deals. There was another wedding three years ago when I had my really big case going on and months in advance I tried to get out of it. I was in earshot when my wife tried to explain that and the bride, who is a nice person but not someone I really know at all, got really upset that I would miss her wedding for the biggest case anyone I know will ever be on. A couple of months later I drove to Texas and had to remote in while I wasn't running around during the day driving people.

It would be nice if we got to a point as a civilization that not everyone you know had to go to your wedding, or at the very least, if people could graciously accept a "no." But we haven't made it that far yet.
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Other than when you are literally standing up on an altar, it is not hard in 2017 to follow a game.

If a game means more to you than your friend or family, man up.
It really is a Sooner holiday. I know people that don't go to work on Friday or Monday before/after OU-Texas, because that was the tradition when they were students to not to go to class. Many years, they cancel class on one or both days.

Maybe my favorite veterans story is the one about the guy in the 101st Airborne who got shelled during the fight for Hamburger Hill and his last words to the guy rushing to his aid was "Beat Texas".

Granted, that story is cancelled out by the guy who shouted "Boomer Sooner" from the gurney shortly before his lethal injection.

We are our own program. I don't think it should matter and complaining won't change it. It would be nice to have the extra 500 to 1000 people who might attend, but for watching OU/Texas or visiting with friends at house parties where it will be shown.

Still, somehow I don't think the dying words of a veteran from OSU is ever going to be "Out wrassle Iowa" Lol
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I'll be at 11th and Harvard at 3pm next Saturday. Screw OU and all you closet gooners. I'll be intelligently talking about our win over Coog high on Monday am. Guess if you guys need to discuss how an underdog Texas team rolled your Sooners again have at it.
The Gooner fans will be upset after Pee Wee Herman’s Texas team beats them like a drum.
I've been in Skelly/Chapman during many OU-Texas games for the last 40-50 years. I enjoy watching the Cotton Bowl game and have attended 5 of them (when TU was off that weekend or I could get back for a night game). And OU has an undefeated streak. TU often did not schedule a game that weekend in the past.

But I would be happier to see TU beat the hated Cougar High than any OU win over Texas. Color me Blue. I'm old enough to remember crying as a child when Houston ran up 49 points in the 4th quarter to post a 100 point win the year after we knocked them out of the Cotton Bowl and the top 10. I'll never forgive, never forget - Yeoman RIH
I'll be at 11th and Harvard at 3pm next Saturday. Screw OU and all you closet gooners. I'll be intelligently talking about our win over Coog high on Monday am. Guess if you guys need to discuss how an underdog Texas team rolled your Sooners again have at it.
Persona lly I am NOT a sports fan in general. I only have enough time in a busy family life to follow carefully...

1. TU FB and BB
2. Former TU players in the NFL
3. USMNT soccer
4. Super Bowl

I might casually watch other sports given free time but otherwise that's it for must see sports.

OU, OSU and any other U are not applicable.

But the reality is that, unfortunately, many others would pick OU vs Texas.
Guys, @noble cane isn't in the closet about his support for OU. It's about as well known as David Boren . . .
I'll be at 11th and Harvard at 3pm next Saturday. Screw OU and all you closet gooners. I'll be intelligently talking about our win over Coog high on Monday am. Guess if you guys need to discuss how an underdog Texas team rolled your Sooners again have at it.
When my son was younger...say about 3, I would have him flash "horns up" to everyone in red on OU/TX day. It was cute then. If he did it now, I'd be afraid some 40 year old Gooner who couldn't find Norman on a map (or GPS) would turn around and punch him (he's 11 now).
My dad showed up to a wedding on the 4th of July this year. I reckon I can go to one during OU/Tejas
Show the OU Texas game on the video board at our game. Maybe some if those fans would show up.
This has been an underwhelming season not only on the field but on the message board. Discussing kick off times and griping about it is a new low.
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07, that’s rich. You and your partner in buttdarts, grad 06, only show up about two months a year if that. And it’s generally to be a turd. And claim the QB sucks. I get it, you completed a pass in intramurals once.
Pretty sure 07 was one of those TU students that sat in the student section wearing an OU hat and OU shirt.
07, that’s rich. You and your partner in buttdarts, grad 06, only show up about two months a year if that. And it’s generally to be a turd. And claim the QB sucks. I get it, you completed a pass in intramurals once.
Does he not suck?
This has been an underwhelming season not only on the field but on the message board. Discussing kick off times and griping about it is a new low.
There's a thread below on high school marching band competitions, so no, this isn't a new low.
Dude you say everyone sucks. So eventually you'll get one right from time to time. Even a blind squirrel can't find a nut every now and then.
He's attempting rep repair when it started out broken. I will say he hasn't been nearly so obnoxious lately in his posts. Kinda felt bad throwing him in the grouping with Grad07 and Big Zit in a few of my comments when his comments seemed a bit more sedate this offseason.

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