This is what Facebook has done to an entire generation:


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
this guy is dead because of Facebook. No laws broken, just facebooked. As in dead’d. He’s dead.

This is bs... the dude is drunk & they killed him for being drunk while exercising his 2nd amendment right (albeit irresponsibly but not illegally) & they should’ve left him alone. Idk it’s a judgement call but it’s bs imho

Watch the video: “as he engaged officers at the front gate...” no, I’m so sowwy, that’s not what happened. He did not engage officers. The officers engaged him! What a joke!!
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Who has the right to go on someone else’s property while brandishing firearms & questioning them about something they posted on Facebook??? I’m not blaming the officers at all, I’m just pointing out that this is the type of police state in which the democrats & neo-cons/bro-cons/RINOs/never-Trumpers want to live.

Well, you have it with the kungflu. It’s sickening. Parents getting arrested for taking their kids to the park as criminals get let out of jail/prison for fear they might catch sick - the same fear, MIND YOU, that they are arresting parents for taking their kids to the park!!

It is so bassackwards I don’t even know where to begin.

If you want your rights taken away then go ahead & give them up BUT AT LEAST LET US THOSE WANT TO LIVE FREE LIVE FREELY!

Watch the video: “as he engaged officers at the gate.” HE DID NOT ENGAGE OFFICERS!!!
I guess it’s a crime now to post photos on Facebook of your second amendment, God given right. I mean, if I owned firearms & had a Facebook I’d be posting photos of them on Facebook myself. This is crazy!
Seriously, if I owned firearms I’d be proud of those firearms & I would want friends to see. Especially my girlfriend. Posting photos of those firearms is not any type of threat. Being drunk is not illegal.

Smoke weed? Have a dr issued marijuana card in Oklahoma (the dispensaries apparently don’t even check for that in OK as they’re crooked as fucc) & own a firearm? That’s automatic federal felony.

If that dude in that video had been smoking marijuana this never would have happened but smoking weed & owning a firearm WOULD have been an arrestable offense on the federal level! BUT Nevada is COOL with recreational weed use... therefore, they wouldn’t have even been called had he not been DRUNK.

It’s legal to be drunk at your house; though, I wouldn’t recommend it. Especially if you have firearms. But let’s say you did have firearms - that’s not illegal & neither is being drunk inside your house!

This guy didn’t even threaten his fiancée directly!

No one in possession of a firearm should ever take that responsibility lightly. Do you know what else shouldn’t be taken lightly? Hmm... idk, freedom, our first & second amendment rights?

Pick your side - stay at home or get back to work.
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By the way, if this guy was black it’d probably have been all over national news / mainstream media.

Wait, I take that back. Only because the dude apparently did end up pointing a firearm at them & squeezing. BUT HAD HE NOT DONE THAT AFTER POLICE HAD SHOWN UP & SAID “yo, sir... we assume you love your fiancée, you should probably just sleep it off & we’ll leave you alone” this never would have happened. In fact, that’s what exactly what should’ve happened.

Still, this was wrong. On so many levels this was wrong. You go antagonize a dude who you know is drunk & apparently owns firearms when you know he’s by himself? His stupid fiancée didn’t make that 911 call hoping to send the police to kill him! It’s shxh be
If you post a picture of a cat on the Internet & tag me - I’m sorry, on Facebook - & you rag me on that photo of a cat, is it in any way somehow supposed to make me look like a pussy?! Is that now a threat?! No... that’s garbage.