The 'Rona Madness

These people are not well. Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt wrote a great book called The Coddling of the American Mind that posits (among other things) that youth and college safety culture actually exacerbates mental illness, or at the very least undermines resiliency. Isolating mentally fragile young people inside for two months has broken them

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ISIS and these protestors sure have a lot in common...

Tiny group of religious fanatics with mental health problems that have virtually no power, but are emboldened by every small victory over people who cannot or will not resist them?
Tiny group of religious fanatics with mental health problems that have virtually no power, but are emboldened by every small victory over people who cannot or will not resist them?

Good way of putting it... i was thinking of the destruction as a means of erasing a past that doesnt conform to their worldview.
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Things are getting severe in Brazil. They have a perfect storm of an ineffective populist Trump-ish president combined with an already downturn economy and sever poverty problem.

The US Feds need to come out with a federal mask mandate. As much as I hate to say it. (I live in a state that's much less effected than others and I typically don't wear a mask, but if it would help other communities comply I'd be all for it). Our infection rate is not in agreement with other peer countries anymore and it's not even close. We need to do something to prevent this really hurting the economy further, which is something I was advocating when the conservative block of the US was pushing to open the economy back up.

Trump had the nerve to come to Tulsa and tout the fact that he propped up oil prices, but if the economy continues like it is the Oil industry is going to be completely decimated along with a host of other industries.
Another person with mental health issues. Good on these men for being rational