The drip drip of the knowledge drop continues...


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
I will continue to point out violence in ALL of our communities. Why? “Why do you have to do that, Rippin? Why, oh why, you racist idiot?” I can hear you punks saying it right now.

There are many reasons why. Uh, number one has to be because I fuccn care unlike you punks that call it racist & ignore it & do nothing to try & fix it.

Number two, my friends are dead because of this culture of violence. I literally just lost a friend AGAIN & this might be the most egregious execution out of all of my dead friends. He was shot 22 times. That means his killer (whose name I will not say) May have reloaded the weapon (I say may because this culture is so bad that people carry extended magazines & they use them.)

Number three: if I don’t talk about it, who will? I don’t see gwmoney or gold or Aston or uredskin addressing these issues that are plaguing our communities. Seriously, I don’t care I’m which city you live in the USA, if it’s one of the largest 50 cities (by population,) this is a problem in your city. The media frames it & intensifies the amount to which the masses ignore it. The local media is incredibly guilty of this.

I am tired of it. I MUST END!

Now, here’s a name you also (probably) don’t know: Tyler Wingate. He was killed in Detroit. He was young, he could hoop & he was down with the cause. He was also white. He fell victim to this culture of violence that is mostly coming from one subculture & it is glorified in rap lyrics etc. That’s a fact. No one says these things because they are uncomfortable facts. I do not care. My black friends and family do not believe it is racist to talk about these things. Quite the opposite, actually but that’s neither here nor there nor in this chair.

Also, this guy JaeTheGent, who made this video is black. However, the important part of this video is it highlights the differences between conservatives (like JaeTheGent) & Democrats (like Uncle Devon).

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This culture was made worse by Obama, by the way. The race issues that exist today would not exist had it been from Obama. The violent culture may, but not the issues of race. We will spend YEARS recovering from what Obama did to this country. I could die before we fully recover.
It wasn’t just Obama, of course - people have been manipulated & sold out since LBJ & even before him but Obama took it to a whole new level.
You think I can’t speak with authority on this subject? Fine. It’s all by design. Both how race relations deteriorated under Obama & how I am slowly dropping knowledge on you all because there is no way most people could follow the truth if I laid it all out for everyone in one long post.

Can you imagine becoming president & during your presidency you let your own city TURN INTO AN ABSOLUTE WARZONE?! They call it Chiraq for a reason! No sane, reasonable person would allow that to happen to their own city as President of the United States.