The date is September 2, 2001....


I.T.S. Hall of Famer
Apr 17, 2012
And President Bush just had a news conference where he announced that every state should handle the war on terror in its own way. He would be providing strongly worded suggestions to each governor on which targets might be responsible and how he thinks it might be proper to handle them. The governors of California and Vermont have already said they won't be sending in any troops and they will be negotiating separate treaties with Iran and Saudi Arabia respectively.

Hope you all get the metaphor. We're fighting a war against an invisible invader with no true central command. Imagine D-Day if we had no Ike, and 50 different generals all telling their troops to carry out uncoordinated attacks, and their supply lines were all being run on 50 different accounting systems.
Its the drugs talking? Right?

In all seriousness though.. i hope you are doing better..
I wish I had some better drugs. It has been a roller coaster ride as to the level of symptoms. I'll think I've finally turned a corner, and then my cough will get worse again. I'm basically living from inhaler dose to inhaler dose. At first the medicines would make the cough more or less go away for a few hours... now the cough is starting to not react to the medications as much.
Pardon me for mentioning this but in the 2001 and 1941 cases there is combat on the other side of the world. In the current case there are 50 locations with various conditions and no one should know the situation in Montana better than the governor of that state. The same for New York. Let me also point out that in Hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires the governor usual heads the team and requests what he needs from the Feds and both work together.

Get to feeling better.
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I wish I had some better drugs. It has been a roller coaster ride as to the level of symptoms. I'll think I've finally turned a corner, and then my cough will get worse again. I'm basically living from inhaler dose to inhaler dose. At first the medicines would make the cough more or less go away for a few hours... now the cough is starting to not react to the medications as much.
Have you tried a CPAP machine? We had a family friend have Coronavirus, and he said his made him able to breathe better, he has asthma as well as being out of shape.
Was he able to tell everyone September 2nd because it was an inside job?
Have you tried a CPAP machine? We had a family friend have Coronavirus, and he said his made him able to breathe better, he has asthma as well as being out of shape.
I wouldn’t know where / if I’d be able to get my hands on one.
Pardon me for mentioning this but in the 2001 and 1941 cases there is combat on the other side of the world. In the current case there are 50 locations with various conditions and no one should know the situation in Montana better than the governor of that state. The same for New York. Let me also point out that in Hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires the governor usual heads the team and requests what he needs from the Feds and both work together.

Get to feeling better.
Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and Fires don’t typically effect people from multiple states. The governor in this situation would be like a brigadier general. Yes, they would have info about their various units’ situations, but they still have a central command that’s giving them direction, allocating supplies have to have a central command that actually has power.