Team activities suspended

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2 games.

That may not be a bad thing as the way Arkansas has been crushing some teams by 60 to 80 points recently and our play down to the competition games with Oru could make this a bad week for our hoops team as we need to win a few games before playing the hogs and I really don’t like playing oru anyway as it’s their season to them and just another game to us. We need to play all of the oru games at the Reynolds center or not at all.
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COVID is real, I've had it most likely twice. But the death rate is low, even with the inflated numbers early on and the 60% accuracy rate on the majority of tests that exists even now. We will never be able to eliminate COVID, never. So either we get busy living, or continue to gradually work ourselves into being a society where everyone lives in their own plastic bubbles.

Keep ORU/TU home and home, Tulsa needs two basketball programs and having a team you that will be totally focused on your game as their season is good practice for the intensity level of tournament play.
Agreed. Glad theres someone that agrees. I too have had it. I have family friends in the high risk category that have had it, we are all doing fine. Numbers are highly inflated. So many people are told they have it, and actually dont. There was an athlete just a couple weeks ago that had to take 4 tests in 2 days. And the results alternated. Positive, negative, positive, negative. I'd take alittle more precautions if their testing wasnt so incredibly inaccurate. You get one life, I'm not going to put it on hold because I may get a fever and lose some taste, things I already get with sinus infections.
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I am here to report that a family member
died from covid this week. You may surmise
how I feel about your cavalier response above.
Have a family member who’s still in the hospital more than a week after first admission. Almost died. I’m of the same opinion as you.

The ‘I was fine so you should be too’ attitude really gets old. What they’re not mentioning is that even if you do get a serious case and recover it badly damaged your lungs and does does a number on your arteries. They’re intending to have my family member on blood thinners for 6 months because of the blood clots COVID caused.
I had a family member die of old age and and a car accident. What is the point? We all die. Please realize that.
No, that is against the law. Getting sick and having accidents are a part of everyday life. Not a hard concept
We all have different personal opinions on these topics. We should be focused more on the team and not getting heated up over things you can’t control like others opinions.
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I am here to report that a family member
died from covid this week. You may surmise
how I feel about your cavalier response above.

I’m sorry for your loss. It has been a horrible year. There are some pretty insensitive, disgusting people in the world. I have dealt with many first hand this year. Focus on you and your family and ignore these idiots. But I’m sure you know that.
No, that is against the law. Getting sick and having accidents are a part of everyday life. Not a hard concept
So does that mean you should just go drive 100 mph on the freeway and hit somebody because car accidents happen every day? We all die, but that doesn’t mean you try to speed up the process, very insensitive remark to someone who just had a death in the family btw
No, that is against the law. Getting sick and having accidents are a part of everyday life. Not a hard concept
People getting sick and dying when the transmission of the illness is preventable is not the same thing as getting cancer and dying for example...
Must of decided his ass0 was not showing prominent enough on the board, so he resituated the view.
a polite request to move ethics discussions to the political board
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I am here to report that a family member
died from covid this week. You may surmise
how I feel about your cavalier response above.

Sorry to hear that. Sorry for your loss!!!!!

GO TU!!!!
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