Ryan Walters running for governor?

I have a hard time seeing him winning. To win governor he has to win both Tulsa and OKC or you have no chance. No way he wins Tulsa with the war he started with us. He is set to tear tulsa down.
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That guy is everything that is wrong with today’s Republican Party. He is the living embodiment of a religious theocracy gone awry. The Bible Belt voters will eat that up. I would never look at moving back to Tulsa with my family so long as that guy is skulking around.
The theocrats have not done too well in Tulsa city elections recently.
He has no shot imo. Gentner Drummond will be our next Governor.
Unfortunately, some people run publicly traded and large corporations in Tulsa, and some are TU backers running that shindig. It's a sad state of affairs there.

It seems like the Oral Roberts contingent boosts him. I bet he will jerk off in front of Jackson Lahmeyer pretty soon who will tell us all about the ghouls and demons inside of the hallways of the education society soon enough.
He has no shot imo. Gentner Drummond will be our next Governor.
Aah...the age old choice between one religious fanatic and another nepo baby who inherited his wealth via a family that made their money robbing natives of their livelihoods.

Decisions, Decisions.
Aah...the age old choice between one religious fanatic and another nepo baby who inherited his wealth via a family that made their money robbing natives of their livelihoods.

Decisions, Decisions.
Drummond is a good AG.

Clear headed and decisive. Not overly ideological. Doesn't care if he angers the establishment by doing the right thing. I have agreed with him 80 percent of the time which is astronomical for any politician of any party.
Aah...the age old choice between one religious fanatic and another nepo baby who inherited his wealth via a family that made their money robbing natives of their livelihoods.

Decisions, Decisions.
Not going to hold anyone accountable for things his great great grandfather or uncle did 100 years ago. Drummond will give us a centrist Governor in Oklahoma. Look forward to a new era.
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Aah...the age old choice between one religious fanatic and another nepo baby who inherited his wealth via a family that made their money robbing natives of their livelihoods.

Decisions, Decisions.
Serious question. I'm the one in this group who must people yell at for their president not getting elected because I vote 3rd party. Somehow it's always our fault their president didnt get elected no matter which party he is from...Here's the question. Why would inherited wealth matter in anyway on how a person does his job. If he is good at what he does, should it not be his actions that you look at and not how he happened to be lucky enough to be born to a rich family? That is not a decision he got to make for himself. Neither is the way his family made that money. He did not get to decide to be born into that? If that was the case I would have been born to a rich family on St Thomas island, or some island that is ungodly beautiful.
Drummond is a good AG.

Clear headed and decisive. Not overly ideological. Doesn't care if he angers the establishment by doing the right thing. I have agreed with him 80 percent of the time which is astronomical for any politician of any party.
He is probably the lesser of the two evils. I will give you that.

Serious question. I'm the one in this group who must people yell at for their president not getting elected because I vote 3rd party. Somehow it's always our fault their president didnt get elected no matter which party he is from...Here's the question. Why would inherited wealth matter in anyway on how a person does his job. If he is good at what he does, should it not be his actions that you look at and not how he happened to be lucky enough to be born to a rich family? That is not a decision he got to make for himself. Neither is the way his family made that money. He did not get to decide to be born into that? If that was the case I would have been born to a rich family on St Thomas island, or some island that is ungodly beautiful.
The comment has more to do with the fact that without his inherited wealth, he would be unlikely to be the most meritorious person for that office (or his current office).

I'm typically not in favor of turning elected offices into avenues for wealthy families to consolidate their power. I will hold my nose and disregard it on occasion, if the alternatives are quite bad.... but typically I tend to think that hereditary members of rich families are less likely to be equally or more competent than their forefathers. There have been relatively few times in history that this has been true, and many more examples when the opposite was true. (Prime example is RFK Jr. Right now)
The comment has more to do with the fact that without his inherited wealth, he would be unlikely to be the most meritorious person for that office (or his current office).

I'm typically not in favor of turning elected offices into avenues for wealthy families to consolidate their power. I will hold my nose and disregard it on occasion, if the alternatives are quite bad.... but typically I tend to think that hereditary members of rich families are less likely to be equally or more competent than their forefathers. There have been relatively few times in history that this has been true, and many more examples when the opposite was true. (Prime example is RFK Jr. Right now)
Very few people would argue Drummond hasn’t done a superb job as AG. He earned high marks during his time in the Air Force and the law firm he founded has been highly successful. Not sure how one can get more competent. He’s an impressive individual.

For the old timers on the board, I would describe Drummond as a Blue Dog Democrat. Probably why he worked as a staffer for David Boren.
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Very few people would argue Drummond hasn’t done a superb job as AG. He earned high marks during his time in the Air Force and the law firm he founded has been highly successful. Not sure how one can get more competent. He’s an impressive individual.

For the old timers on the board, I would describe Drummond as a Blue Dog Democrat. Probably why he worked as a staffer for David Boren.
Was not talking specifically about him or his legal prowess. I just don’t support putting people in office (unless absolutely necessary) who stand to cement their family’s sizable (and often undue) affluence. I think Bobby Kennedy would have been one of my few exceptions, based on merit alone, because of how extraordinarily exceptional he was.

I do sometimes care less about how competent they (the heirs) are and care more about how their success can limit the upward mobility of other more deserving people in the future. It risks creating an oligarchy who is put into a place of power just because of their name or access to wealth.

All that aside, if I were still an OK constituent I would vote for Goldie the dog over Ryan Walters.
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Very few people would argue Drummond hasn’t done a superb job as AG. He earned high marks during his time in the Air Force and the law firm he founded has been highly successful. Not sure how one can get more competent. He’s an impressive individual.

For the old timers on the board, I would describe Drummond as a Blue Dog Democrat. Probably why he worked as a staffer for David Boren.
On thing I am conflicted to some degree about is Drummond past comments on his appreciation for the Democratic Party of old and what they did for Oklahoma in the early 1900’s….. that wing of the party was a particularly troublesome one in terms of their support for racist policies towards minorities… and the Drummonds were, to some degree, caught up in all of that in their interactions with the Osage.

It reads to me like an abundance of pride in that family’s history, and a lack of solemnity about where much of his wealth actually came from. I’m not asking him to give it all back, but maybe don’t talk about a longing for the Klan-complicit Okie Dems of the 20’s and 30’s.
On thing I am conflicted to some degree about is Drummond past comments on his appreciation for the Democratic Party of old and what they did for Oklahoma in the early 1900’s….. that wing of the party was a particularly troublesome one in terms of their support for racist policies towards minorities… and the Drummonds were, to some degree, caught up in all of that in their interactions with the Osage.

It reads to me like an abundance of pride in that family’s history, and a lack of solemnity about where much of his wealth actually came from. I’m not asking him to give it all back, but maybe don’t talk about a longing for the Klan-complicit Okie Dems of the 20’s and 30’s.
I would be curious to read those comments. Can you provide a link ?

I don’t know him well outside of a few business ventures we’ve been involved with together. That’s certainly not how he comes across when you talk to him.
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I would be curious to read those comments. Can you provide a link ?

I don’t know him well outside of a few business ventures we’ve been involved with together. That’s certainly not how he comes across when you talk to him.
It's on his Wiki, though it's a paraphrase and not a direct quote... I don't have access to the World to pull the quote, but you might. I would add, it wasn't like he was being effusive or anything. To a person who pays attention to the history of the time and place he's referring to and aware of its relation to his particular family history, it's just a bit tone-deaf.

In a 2013 interview before running for office, Drummond described his politics as aligning with the "business class ... which translates to mean that there is a little Republican and a little Democrat in everyone" and noted the importance of the Democratic Party in helping Oklahoma in the 1920s and 1930s, and he also noted the prosperity brought by the Republican Party in the 1980s and 1990s.[4]

I do somewhat agree that the Dems (nationally) did quite a bit in the 20's and 30's due to FDR and the Great Depression.... but specifically in Oklahoma during that time, that wing of the Democratic Party wasn't a highlight of civil rights... and Gentner's family profited off of some of the Democrats' flawed history in that generation. They bought William Hale's ranch when he was convicted for the Osage Murders. Hale was a bigtime Democratic influential in Oklahoma in the 20's. For example: Hale's defense attorney in his Murder Cases was a Democratic former Oklahoma AG (Sargent Prentiss Freeling)

I may generally support the DNC these days.... but the DNC of those days in Oklahoma was pretty backwards aside from their support of the progressive labor movement.

If I was going to be effusive about a time period for the DNC probably be in the mid 30's / 40's and then again in the Civil Rights movements of the 60's (if we can ignore Vietnam). They did make some limited steps in the right direction with the labor movements and leadership through WWI under Wilson, but there were still so many racist Jacksonian / Confederate hold overs at that time (not excluding Wilson himself) that the period is largely tainted.
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It's on his Wiki, though it's a paraphrase and not a direct quote... I don't have access to the World to pull the quote, but you might. I would add, it wasn't like he was being effusive or anything. To a person who pays attention to the history of the time and place he's referring to and aware of its relation to his particular family history, it's just a bit tone-deaf.

In a 2013 interview before running for office, Drummond described his politics as aligning with the "business class ... which translates to mean that there is a little Republican and a little Democrat in everyone" and noted the importance of the Democratic Party in helping Oklahoma in the 1920s and 1930s, and he also noted the prosperity brought by the Republican Party in the 1980s and 1990s.[4]

I do somewhat agree that the Dems (nationally) did quite a bit in the 20's and 30's due to FDR and the Great Depression.... but specifically in Oklahoma during that time, that wing of the Democratic Party wasn't a highlight of civil rights... and Gentner's family profited off of some of the Democrats' flawed history in that generation. They bought William Hale's ranch when he was convicted for the Osage Murders. Hale was a bigtime Democratic influential in Oklahoma in the 20's. For example: Hale's defense attorney in his Murder Cases was a Democratic former Oklahoma AG (Sargent Prentiss Freeling)

I may generally support the DNC these days.... but the DNC of those days in Oklahoma was pretty backwards aside from their support of the progressive labor movement.

If I was going to be effusive about a time period for the DNC probably be in the mid 30's / 40's and then again in the Civil Rights movements of the 60's (if we can ignore Vietnam). They did make some limited steps in the right direction with the labor movements and leadership through WWI under Wilson, but there were still so many racist Jacksonian / Confederate hold overs at that time (not excluding Wilson himself) that the period is largely tainted.
I’m can almost guarantee he was talking about the dust bowl and the help the Dems provided those people during that time. Everything isn’t about race. Drummond isn’t like a typical 2024 Republican. He is extremely moderate. Remember he was on David Boren’s staff. His political views probably align with mine more than any politician I know. It even sure I would consider him a Republican.
I’m can almost guarantee he was talking about the dust bowl and the help the Dems provided those people during that time. Everything isn’t about race. Drummond isn’t like a typical 2024 Republican. He is extremely moderate. Remember he was on David Boren’s staff. His political views probably align with mine more than any politician I know. It even sure I would consider him a Republican.
He is clear headed and competent. Refreshing.

Who cares what his family members did a century ago. Live for now. Learn from the past but never dwell in it.
I’m can almost guarantee he was talking about the dust bowl and the help the Dems provided those people during that time. Everything isn’t about race. Drummond isn’t like a typical 2024 Republican. He is extremely moderate. Remember he was on David Boren’s staff. His political views probably align with mine more than any politician I know. It even sure I would consider him a Republican.
What did the Dems do in the Dustbowl beside make things worse? Lol.

I'm not, in any way, accusing Drummond of being racist. What I'm saying is that the version of the Democratic Party that he apparently reveres was an extremely flawed one. The 20's was when Oklahoma was having Democratic Governors impeached and dismissed (although it was typically related to a lot of political shennanigans... sometimes involving Democratic infighting about limiting the power of the Klan)

Then you come to the 30's and you have a generally supported Dem governor - Alfalfa Bill Murray - who supposedly ran on a campaign slogan railing against his dreaded "three C's"...."Corporations, Carpetbaggers, and Coons".

Murray was a racist and a piece of work during the depression and long afterwards. He declared martial law more than 30 times as governor. He also vehemently rejected / criticized FDR's new deal after losing to him in the 1932 presidential primaries.

The Democratic Party of Oklahoma in the 20's and 30's was supremely screwed up, and it took a long time to get those remnants out.

P.S. I'm lukewarm on Boren and his son. One one hand they did represent the sentiments of their constituencies. On the other, their policy positions rarely aligned with the modern Democratic Party. I wish Brad Henry would think about challenging for something. That guy had broad-based support despite some philosophical differences with the Oklahoma constituencies.
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Bad things happened in the past. Good things happened in the past. There is allowance for nuance in society. I think we really could really use a little of that today. It is missing in most conversations today.

Twitter and cable news don't really allow for that.
Bad things happened in the past. Good things happened in the past. There is allowance for nuance in society. I think we really could really use a little of that today. It is missing in most conversations today.

Twitter and cable news don't really allow for that.
Absolutely. Same thing for the present. It is the human condition and we keep trying and muddling through. And all in all things get better in the long run. You just cannot have unrealistic expectations of some sort of utopia if we just do this or that. And be cautious of moral judgments of those who preceded us.
Aston's complaints about Gentner run rough shod over the Drummond family history and the history of the Democratic party, with cancel culture. There is no need or use for cancel culture in this instance.
Aston's complaints about Gentner run rough shod over the Drummond family history and the history of the Democratic party, with cancel culture. There is no need or use for cancel culture in this instance.
Again, I said given a choice between him and Walters, I would take him in a heartbeat. I just wish the version of the Democratic party he appreciated (as a supposed "centerist") wasn't the morally questionable conservative wing that has gradually died out over the past 100 years.

Also, given the opportunity, I prefer to not elect reps from oligarchic families if it can be avoided.
Again, I said given a choice between him and Walters, I would take him in a heartbeat. I just wish the version of the Democratic party he appreciated (as a supposed "centerist") wasn't the morally questionable conservative wing that has gradually died out over the past 100 years.

Also, given the opportunity, I prefer to not elect reps from oligarchic families if it can be avoided.

Do you even have his complete comments on why he appreciated the 1930s Democratic Party?
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I still find it weird you condemn someone because of who he happened to be born to. He did not make those decisions. There are plenty of people who broke away from their parents views. Made a name for themselves and are willing to lead on their own guidelines and principles. I'll be honest I really do not know enough about him to make a decision one way or another but I won't put judgement on him because of his daddy or in this case his great granddaddy.

Also, your argument while I do get it reminds me of the argument "Can you appreciate the art and not the person?" Can you like Michael Jackson's music and not who he was as a person, can you still buy R.Kelly music and not support his vile life? Can Drummond have praise for some of the things the 1920-30's Dems did to lead the way out of the dust bowl without agreeing with who they were as a person? I am no fan on Trump as a person but I can see some of the genius in things he did. I do not like Biden as a person but I do see some of the good things he did. Just because you applaud a person doesn't mean you agree with everything they do. The best thing to do is find out why he is applauding them. Don't rush to judgement without knowing his reasons.
I still find it weird you condemn someone because of who he happened to be born to. He did not make those decisions. There are plenty of people who broke away from their parents views. Made a name for themselves and are willing to lead on their own guidelines and principles. I'll be honest I really do not know enough about him to make a decision one way or another but I won't put judgement on him because of his daddy or in this case his great granddaddy.

Also, your argument while I do get it reminds me of the argument "Can you appreciate the art and not the person?" Can you like Michael Jackson's music and not who he was as a person, can you still buy R.Kelly music and not support his vile life? Can Drummond have praise for some of the things the 1920-30's Dems did to lead the way out of the dust bowl without agreeing with who they were as a person? I am no fan on Trump as a person but I can see some of the genius in things he did. I do not like Biden as a person but I do see some of the good things he did. Just because you applaud a person doesn't mean you agree with everything they do. The best thing to do is find out why he is applauding them. Don't rush to judgement without knowing his reasons.
What things did the Oklahoma Democratic Party do to lead Oklahoma out of the dust bowl?

Please, enlighten me.
Does it matter? That party in Oklahoma at that time objectively was terrible.
You’re telling me you went on a rant about Oklahoma’s AG based on a sentence in Wiki without knowing the context or even to what he was referring ? Without even reading the interview or even context? Just based on a sentience from Wiki. Wow. I think we all know it’s because he is a member of Republican Party but this is a jump even for an extremist partisan like yourself. Maybe you should read the interview ?
You’re telling me you went on a rant about Oklahoma’s AG based on a sentence in Wiki without knowing the context or even to what he was referring ? Without even reading the interview or even context? Just based on a sentience from Wiki. Wow. I think we all know it’s because he is a member of Republican Party but this is a jump even for an extremist partisan like yourself. Maybe you should read the interview ?
What does a member of the Republican Party have to do with anything. I was critiquing him for his supposed support of the historical DEMOCRATIC party.

I was actually attacking the party that I tend to agree with more because of its past transgressions. You should try it sometime.
What does a member of the Republican Party have to do with anything. I was critiquing him for his supposed support of the historical DEMOCRATIC party.

I was actually attacking the party that I tend to agree with more because of its past transgressions. You should try it sometime.
Unfortunately more often than not it has everything to do with your opinion of individuals. I’m not the first to observe this btw. In this case you inferred a guy might be a racist because of one sentence in a wiki bio and then proceeded to go on a rant about that same wiki sentence without even reading the referenced interview or even the context.
Unfortunately more often than not it has everything to do with your opinion of individuals. I’m not the first to observe this btw. In this case you inferred a guy might be a racist because of one sentence in a wiki bio and then proceeded to go on a rant about that same wiki sentence without even reading the referenced interview or even the context.
I specifically said that I was not calling him racist.
What does a member of the Republican Party have to do with anything. I was critiquing him for his supposed support of the historical DEMOCRATIC party.

I was actually attacking the party that I tend to agree with more because of its past transgressions. You should try it sometime.
You were attacking the democratic party when it was more like the republican party. So yeah, that doesn't exactly count as MY PARTY criticism. You have no real criticism of Gentner. You don't even know what he said in context. Talk about doubling down.
I never said you did. I said you inferred he might be. A statement which is 100% accurate.
My advice to any candidate, is don’t use the Oklahoma Democratic Party of the Pre 50’s / 60’s as a sentimental crutch to sew support with modern liberals. No matter how much you like their conservative leanings or their fiscal conservatism. It’s a quagmire that you should avoid.

People who actually paid attention in Oklahoma history class learned how crappy that era of Oklahoma Politics was.

Or maybe they didn’t teach it the same way in Hominy Oklahoma that they did in BA.
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My advice to any candidate, is don’t use the Oklahoma Democratic Party of the Pre 50’s / 60’s as a sentimental crutch to see support with modern conservatives. No matter how much you like their conservative leanings or their fiscal conservatism. It’s a quagmire that you should avoid.

People who actually paid attention in Oklahoma history class learned how crappy that era of Oklahoma Politics was.
You have no idea what he even said. Relying on one sentence in wiki to criticize someone without taking the time to even read the interview is beyond silly. All because of his political party. Again….its fine. You’re an extreme partisan. Nothing to be ashamed of there. You’re also bright and interesting. Someone I would enjoy a drink with while we shoot the sh*t.
I don't care a whiff what party a person claims. Watch their behavior. That tells you what you need to know.

Of course if you are buying into the cult of this or that, by all means rant about party affiliation.
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You have no idea what he even said. Relying on one sentence in wiki to criticize someone without taking the time to even read the interview is beyond silly. All because of his political party. Again….its fine. You’re an extreme partisan. Nothing to be ashamed of there. You’re also bright and interesting. Someone I would enjoy a drink with while we shoot the sh*t.
Partisan? Maybe.

Extremist? Depends on the issue. I argue that I try to be pragmatic and logical above all else. Though I will admit that, sometimes I do find centrist pathways rather than progressive ones to be illogical.

I would probably argue that my political viewpoints are somewhere along the lines of a less hawkish / imperialist Teddy Roosevelt and a Woodrow Wilson minus the abhorrent support for racist policies. I suppose one might say T.R. was a partisan extremist…. But it’s probably not the most apt description.
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