Republicans today?

There's also the fact that international law doesn't really exist since no one will enforce it, but that's another discussion.
As bad as Trump is, he will appear able to solve the terror problem better than those other two weaklings the dems are running. And I have to admit, he obviously IS stronger in that regard!

What do you mean "stronger"? He has done nothing in international relations, knows nothing, and has never had to take responsibility for his actions. Anyone can talk tough even when he is clueless. But he certainly has figured out his audience and what it wants to hear.
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as much as people complain abut us building a wall; has anyone seen the wall mexico has built on it's southern border..

Oh yes we can get Mexico to pay for it; You know all that foreign aid you get, . . .

I think we should invoke the same approach to illegals that mexico has.
The direct targeting of families should always be off limits. Hell...even the mafia had a code regarding families. Flying robots have certainly made the act of killing people more sanitary to those doing the killing. We have someone we think is involved with bad guys and fly a drone over and kill him and anyone located near him. Not sure if this is an improvement over the past or not.

We technically won't say we're at war with these groups btw as our actions would then fall under the GC.

Americans justifying torture by arguing that worse events have happened in the past. People used to be disemboweled. I'm sure that's ok too right? Let's just get jihadi john and open his guts and show them to him. He'll talk.

What is this, the 17th century? People are outraged that our 'enemy' would still conduct beheadings, yet we're on the verge of doing things just as cruel. It would have been like the US gassing German-Americans in WWII just because the Nazi's were doing it to Jews.
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None of those things are torture, which is what he's advocating. You don't stoop to their level. If you do, then our society is no better than ISIS. I hate to say it, but the only way we can 'defeat' ISIS and keep our humanity is by waiting until the political unrest of our allies is overwhelming and 3/4ths of the world declares all out war on ISIS. Then they'll have the holy war they want, and they'll lose. Until that time, we can't just say, "Torture is ok"

I have no problem with that post, but I'm not advocating we adopt everything Trump wants. What i meant was the electorate may assume we need Trump to deal with an enemy that plays dirty because Trump says he will as well. The electorate might just jump on the Trump train because they feel safer with someone who isn't afraid to use any means possible to protect them.

Would i vote for Trump? Not unless i have to. Believe me, I do not like that jerk. But the field is so muddled and weak there may not be any alternative. I plan on sitting this one out unless the threat of terror is so great i have to hold my nose and vote for that bozo. If the candidate is Cruz . . . maybe. But definitely no to Hillary or the Commie.
I'll ask torturing a terrorist to get Intel worse than killing women and children because a terrorist is in the vicinity?
Would i vote for Trump? Not unless i have to.

You have a better imagination that I do. But, yes, the polls are showing that people are starting to jump on that fear and anger bandwagon. Just as they did for Iraq.
Didn't say anyone on here did. However, we are apparently doing that very thing.
That's against my moral code as well, hopefully we'd be doing everything in our power to prevent that. The same thing goes for torture. Hopefully we're doing the things that are necessary to prevent terrorism without resorting to torture.
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So Poke, what is your solution? What do you recommend?

Unfortunately, I don't have one. I was trying to demonstrate the complexities of these issues. Isis is an enemy like we've never faced. Can I flat out say I wouldn't support the torture of one of these Belgium terrorist if he had information of another attack and that information would save multiple innocent Do I oppose torture...yes. Is that bet.

I do hate the thought of using drone missiles to kill bad guys when innocents are also likely to die. It's too sanitary and easy. Snipers have engagement rules. I suggest are drone rules need to be re-examined.

A sniper is self-limiting . He is not going to give his position away in order to shoot a target of no value. He is going to get a shot or two before he becomes a target. A drone controller has less knowledge of the situation on the ground and no fear for his safety. The sniper potentially has more time to study while drone controller relies on Intel reports or forward observers. They have different advantages and disadvantages.

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