Pat Jones


I.T.S. Redshirt Freshman
Oct 1, 2014
Shocking from what he said about TU during the coaching search to what he said a few weeks ago. Apparently said within 5 years; you wont be able to tell the difference between TU and OSU
That would reflect the need to be the center of attention.
He must be exhibiting signs of PBA, (pseudo butthole/bulbar affect) mixed with his PDA(public display for attention) affliction. He's attempting to get us all gazing at his naval in unison.

This post was edited on 2/2 7:59 AM by Gmoney4WW
Originally posted by TUERA:

Apparently said within 5 years; you wont be able to tell the difference between TU and OSU
He meant it as a slam against OSU. He thinks TU is a horrible program and he was slamming OSU by saying that they were going to be as bad as TU. It certainly was NOT a compliment towards TU. It was meant as a slam against OSU.
Originally posted by TUERA:

Apparently said within 5 years; you wont be able to tell the difference between TU and OSU

What was the situation and conversation leading up to this insane comment? OSU is a POWER school, we are the smallest school in D1. SO either they are going to shrink substantially, the likes we've not seen in history or we are about to blow up and become a state school, neither make one bit of sense.
He would only be discussing football, not overall universities. I know he likes Gundy & thinks T-Boone has too much power over the program. I would guess his comments are related to that situation.

I do think TU football will be much improved in 5 years. I don't know or care if OSU will be better or worse.

BTW, if TU holds to their growth plans, TU will be larger in 5 years & larger yet in 10 years.

This post was edited on 2/2 9:00 PM by Tulsafanzz

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