nfl tonight


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Apr 18, 2011
la la land
Just turned on to watch a football game and got bombarded by a blm onslot.

Just play the F++k++g game and leave the politics to cnn!!!

"Damn if they'd just do what their bodies were made to do, and entertain me, everything would be grand.

Yeah, they don't play that crap on FOX.

Oh wait they do, just not on FOX News."
They have made incidences that occur 1 in 10million interaction; seem like the norm and have defamed all the good cops, not to mention those who have lost their lives in the line of duty defending the same people.
Just turned on to watch a football game and got bombarded by a blm onslot.

Just play the F++k++g game and leave the politics to cnn!!!

I love watching Trump humpers cry about acts of unity and people exercising their constitutional rights.

Seems legit to erase the constitution in support of an authoritarian leader.

Thanks for the wool.
They have made incidences that occur 1 in 10million interaction; seem like the norm and have defamed all the good cops, not to mention those who have lost their lives in the line of duty defending the same people.

More tears please!
And, thanks for helping the wool supply!
More tears please!
And, thanks for helping the wool supply!
I’m all about reform but these guys have power and are rich and choose to do nothing more than hold hands or sit out for a day or two! It was cute at first but how about they go and write And propose new legislation? How about they do more than the BS they are doing now which for most of them is just empty, hypocritical complaining and no action! It’s a joke.......I was absolutely on the other side of this for decades but I’m over it. If you are not putting your money and time towards non violent methods of change, please sit down and shut the hell up!
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Actually it is not illegal to be racist. Its a person's opinion and he can have it as long as he doesn't let it extend past his nose.

The current blm barrage will not change his mind.
So who is their message for?
They are just singing to the choir, but badly off tune.
Being racist is not an opinion, it is an incorrect and ignorant belief in a fact, due to a person's biases.
Being racist is a belief that one race is worse or better than another on numerous levels. It is fact that no race has better or worse hygiene, abilities, intelligence, criminal intent, etc. etc. It is not whether you like strawberry over chocolate. You will lose this debate.
Being racist is a belief that one race is worse or better than another on numerous levels. It is fact that no race has better or worse hygiene, abilities, intelligence, criminal intent, etc. etc.
I definitely agree with your definition of racism. What I find interesting is that it seems many on the left do not. If you asked many people on the left if they think white people are worse than black people or people of color, I think they would straight up say “yes”. And that is, by the definition you just provided, racist.
I definitely agree with your definition of racism. What I find interesting is that it seems many on the left do not. If you asked many people on the left if they think white people are worse than black people or people of color, I think they would straight up say “yes”. And that is, by the definition you just provided, racist.
The left just falls back on their safety net of white's being given the advantage of white privilege. I don't see them as thinking other races are any better, just that we always get the advantage. In many instances that is true. In many instances it is not. They think they can and should correct it all at once. It doesn't work that way.

You can't just blanket everything as white privilege. Just like races can't be assigned a general consensus as better or worse, neither can you blanket every situation as white privilege. The right goes to far one way and the left goes too far the other way. Issues are way more complex than that, and it is hard to differentiate. Thus the easy opinion's for each side.
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This issue of sports has nothing to do with racism or constitutional rights.

Athletes are certainly entitled to have and voice their opinion. Every person in the stadium and watching on TV also has an opinion, from the fans to the water boy. But when they are on the field of play, professional athletes are doing their job. They are performing a service for which they are compensated.

When I am seeing a patient, they are not there to hear my political opinion. They are there to receive a service for which I am compensated. I’m really not interested in the political opinion of the waiter at the restaurant or the sales clerk at the store.

Everyone is free to voice their opinion, but can we not make it outside of the time when they are performing their job?
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This issue of sports has nothing to do with racism or constitutional rights.

Athletes are certainly entitled to have and voice their opinion. Every person in the stadium and watching on TV also has an opinion, from the fans to the water boy. But when they are on the field of play, professional athletes are doing their job. They are performing a service for which they are compensated.

When I am seeing a patient, they are not there to hear my political opinion. They are there to receive a service for which I am compensated. I’m really not interested in the political opinion of the waiter at the restaurant or the sales clerk at the store.

Everyone is free to voice their opinion, but can we not make it outside of the time when they are performing their job?
It might be different if you were an African American doctor who works in an ER treating gunshot wounds. You might have an opinion that the officers shooting these people should stop and you might tell them that. Or, you might get mad at the gang banger who brings his buddy in after getting shot. Some messages aren’t political as much as they are civil. A lot of these players grew up with the detriments of this culture surrounding them constantly.

If you want to take out political statements from businesses, then you need to take out the National Anthem that’s played before the games... the fly overs, the field sized flags, the “support our troops” gimmicks at timeouts, and the pink garb in October. Why should all ofthe fans be subject to the owners / manager’s views of how we should feel about America? If you want to keep all of that in.... then let the players make a simple gesture emphasizing an issue and move on.
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Anyway, I am assuming most of this was pregame stuff. So he could have just stopped watching the pregame stuff and tuned in game time. As far as the jersey thing goes, why does the jersey stuff bother anyone more than the ads do. You look at in game ads, cgi projected onto the backboards around the playing surface. The jersey stuff bother's you more than the ads?
People can disagree with at least parts of the BLM’s agenda and actions and not be labeled as racists....correct? People can disagree and not be shouted down...correct?
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It might be different if you were an African American doctor who works in an ER treating gunshot wounds.
If that were the case, I would still be free to voice my opinion on my own time.
To me, professional athletes should be like actors. Actors don’t get 5 minutes at the start of a movie to voice their political opinion. But they are free on their own time to do so and we as consumers can choose whether or not to watch their movie.
Why should athletes be afforded the ability to do that when pretty much the rest of society isn’t?
People can disagree with at least parts of the BLM’s agenda and actions and not be labeled as racists....correct? People can disagree and not be shouted down...correct?
Hmmm.... I think the being called a racist comes from not a refusal to acknowledge that there are fundamental issues that are effecting races besides the white race negatively and that there needs to be action taken.

If you want to support the system we have now, that's legally acceptable... just don't get offended when someone says you're might be promoting racist ideals. You can, of course, not agree to literally everything any group says, but I think the problem here is macroscopic rather than microscopic. Most people aren't upset at BLM because they promote wearing green sweaters on Tuesdays. They're mad at BLM for upsetting the status quo and for bringing attention to injustices that many people would rather go about their days not thinking about.

The fact that the major party that's opposing the BLM movement just so happens to be made up mostly of semi-privileged white people doesn't help the situation either. I don't think that one of the largest African American movements we've seen in recent memory will ever act receptively when they're told that the way they want to try and fix the problems facing their community is unacceptable. It would be like the English trying to dictate to the Irish about how they should run their country. It's going to take some empathy and understanding from both sides to reach an amicable and effective conclusion. Right now neither side wants to see that because as they're monikers entail the conservatives want to conserve the past and the liberals want to liberalize the future.
If anyone is interested, here’s Jason Whitlock’s take on a lot of this politicization of sports stuff:

Suffice it to say he’s not a fan of the current BLM sloganeering of professional sports leagues today.

If you’re not familiar with Whitlock, he’s an African-American sports writer, formerly with the Kansas City star while I was growing up in KC.
You mean the guy that got fired from ESPN for disparaging coworkers, and fired from FoxSports for his commentary on racial issues? Dude is a wacko. Accuses all white liberals of actually hating black people.

Got in trouble for making an asian-small penis joke about Jeremy Lin on twitter. He's an a-hole.
They have made incidences that occur 1 in 10million interaction; seem like the norm and have defamed all the good cops, not to mention those who have lost their lives in the line of duty defending the same people.
If it were 1 in 10M then we wouldn't see the incidents occurring as if they were instructions on a shampoo bottle "lather/rinse/repeat". They happen weekly, and sometimes more than that. And you're saying "just play football". You act as if players in the NFL are only that, as if they don't have families, kids, wives, other interests. Maybe we should have told Ronald Reagan to stay in his lane and just stick to acting. Or told Steve Largent and JC Watts to stay in their lanes and stick to football. Or told Kevin Stitt to stay in his and just be happy being the village idiot. Or Eisenhower and he could have just stuck to being in the Army. Or Kennedy could stick with just being in the Navy.

Maybe you should just stick to being a narrow minded racist.
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But, you're mad about players kneeling during the National Anthem?

Aston is right.
Stop playing it before games and you can remove politics.
Keep playing it and it's political before the game starts.

I’m mad at the team owners/leagues for allowing it.

The National Anthem isn’t supposed to be political, it’s supposed to be unifying. That’s actually kind of the whole point. Do you think playing the TU Alma Mater after games makes them inherently “political”? The Alma Mater and National Anthem are very similar in their purpose (not saying it’s a perfect analogy, but you get my point).
I’m mad at the team owners/leagues for allowing it.

The National Anthem isn’t supposed to be political, it’s supposed to be unifying. That’s actually kind of the whole point. Do you think playing the TU Alma Mater after games makes them inherently “political”? The Alma Mater and National Anthem are very similar in their purpose (not saying it’s a perfect analogy, but you get my point).
The national anthem is inherently political. It signifies your support for both the country as a whole and its government. If you don't support the direction the country as a whole (or its government) is going, why should you have to hear about it or sing about it prior to every sporting event? That's basically the same thing the communists make their citizens do. It's just political indoctrination. And I can tell you that if Levit and Kaiser run TU into the ground that I certainly might take some time off from singing the alma mater too.

Just because you're a citizen of a country doesn't mean you have to support everything the country stands for. In the past, the US would have very much liked it if fewer people had sang the Nazi, or Soviet, or Communist Chinese national anthems. Why should we consider it any different in our country?

I can see it being used in international competitions since the players are literally representatives of their countries on an international stage. But these NFL players aren't playing for "Team USA". Maybe I'd like to hear a national anthem that's less glorifying of war and more glorifying of how well we take care of our citizens and how prosperous our country is, due to the hard work of the generations of people which the current government is screwing up?

Even if you are able to convince me that the incessant playing of the anthem isn't political, I would still say that kneeling isn't even a great sign of disrespect. The fact that someone kneels during the anthem just means that they're trying to show an altered form of relevance to the people of their country. It doesn't mean they don't care about or respect America. It mean's they care about America so much that they want to bring attention to their displeasure with the current system. People who are truly disrespectful to the ideals of the country are the people that aren't willing to advocate for what's morally just.
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The national anthem is inherently political. It signifies your support for both the country as a whole and its government. If you don't support the direction the country as a whole (or its government) is going, why should you have to hear about it or sing about it prior to every sporting event? That's basically the same thing the communists make their citizens do. It's just political indoctrination. And I can tell you that if Levit and Kaiser run TU into the ground that I certainly might take some time off from singing the alma mater too.

Just because you're a citizen of a country doesn't mean you have to support everything the country stands for. In the past, the US would have very much liked it if fewer people had sang the Nazi, or Soviet, or Communist Chinese national anthems. Why should we consider it any different in our country?

I can see it being used in international competitions since the players are literally representatives of their countries on an international stage. But these NFL players aren't playing for "Team USA". Maybe I'd like to hear a national anthem that's less glorifying of war and more glorifying of how well we take care of our citizens and how prosperous our country is, due to the hard work of the generations of people which the current government is screwing up?
The US stands for freedom! Every time I hear a black Person complaining, I ask them to point out a country where they have more freedom and opportunity than they do in the US. Our system does have flaws and there is room for improvement but acting like the national anthem is some kind of symbolism of oppression is laughable. Everyone has their legal right to express themselves but I refuse to accommodate or acquiesce to those who hate our country!
The US stands for freedom! Every time I hear a black Person complaining, I ask them to point out a country where they have more freedom and opportunity than they do in the US. Our system does have flaws and there is room for improvement but acting like the national anthem is some kind of symbolism of oppression is laughable. Everyone has their legal right to express themselves but I refuse to accommodate or acquiesce to those who hate our country!
From your perspective. We haven't had true "freedom" since 9/11 or the advent of smart phones (and if you think you do, you're mistaken). We have relevant freedoms when compared to other countries. I always love the clip of The Newsroom with Jeff Daniels when he talks about other countries and their freedoms when compared to the US. Let's be honest....other countries have the same freedoms we do, and in some cases more when we're talking about social freedoms such as transgender and same sex marriage rights. Where we experience freedoms that other places don't are the ones that the Federal Gov't currently are trying to limit or eliminate (freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom of the press). The freedoms you currently feel you have, are not experienced by everyone in this country whether or not you'd like to admit it. In theory they do...but in practice, and we've all witnessed it recently, in reality they do not.
From your perspective. We haven't had true "freedom" since 9/11 or the advent of smart phones (and if you think you do, you're mistaken). We have relevant freedoms when compared to other countries. I always love the clip of The Newsroom with Jeff Daniels when he talks about other countries and their freedoms when compared to the US. Let's be honest....other countries have the same freedoms we do, and in some cases more when we're talking about social freedoms such as transgender and same sex marriage rights. Where we experience freedoms that other places don't are the ones that the Federal Gov't currently are trying to limit or eliminate (freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom of the press). The freedoms you currently feel you have, are not experienced by everyone in this country whether or not you'd like to admit it. In theory they do...but in practice, and we've all witnessed it recently, in reality they do not.
Those European countries freedom sucks compared to ours!

We have the most money to flaunt our 'freedoms', but our freedom is not the bestest, nor the worstest. Geopolitically, geographically centrist/biased much? And he's probably been in, or has been in one or more of those countries, and he still doesn't realize other countries are not better or worse. They are just different. Walking around with blinders on.
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Those European countries freedom sucks compared to ours!

We have the most money to flaunt our 'freedoms', but our freedom is not the bestest, nor the worstest. Geopolitically, geographically centrist/biased much? And he's probably been in, or has been in one or more of those countries, and he still doesn't realize other countries are not better or worse. They are just different. Walking around with blinders on.
That's essentially the gist of the monologue on The Newsroom.
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That's essentially the gist of the monologue on The Newsroom.
I've seen the series before. That episode just stated more eloquently what I knew in 1990, when I spent a year in France.
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The US stands for freedom! Every time I hear a black Person complaining, I ask them to point out a country where they have more freedom and opportunity than they do in the US. Our system does have flaws and there is room for improvement but acting like the national anthem is some kind of symbolism of oppression is laughable. Everyone has their legal right to express themselves but I refuse to accommodate or acquiesce to those who hate our country!
Bro, we're not even the 'freest' country that speaks English, much less the most free / prosperous country in the world. We have the ability to get to that place due to our national economic / military power, but we're not there right now. By most measures we're below New Zealand, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Ireland, Taiwan, Finland, Norway, Germany, Estonia, and Austria in terms of gross freedom (Economic + Personal + Humanitarian)

Like I said, the people kneeling don't HATE our country. They LOVE certain aspects of our country and detest other aspects. That's the entire reason they're kneeling. Because they want the country to be better.
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I've seen the film before. The film just stated more eloquently what I knew in 1990, when I spent a year in France.
It's a TV show. A fairly good one actually.

Best line for a financial analyst ever: "Zane, I’m telling people where the f&$&ing money comes from and if you have a problem with that you should speak to the President of the News division Charlie Skinner; and if you ever lead me by the wrist through that newsroom again I’m going to take out each of your god damn knuckles with a ball-peen hammer."
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It's a TV show. A fairly good one actually.

Best line for a financial analyst ever: "Zane, I’m telling people where the f&$&ing money comes from and if you have a problem with that you should speak to the President of the News division Charlie Skinner; and if you ever lead me by the wrist through that newsroom again I’m going to take out each of your god damn knuckles with a ball-peen hammer."

I know. Just a quickly typed post in which I made an inadvertent error. Still didn't change the point. It's corrected now. My apologies, I'm not as on the ball today as I normally am. Not that I'm as on the ball as I should be most days. I'll be self deprecating a little today.
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I know. Just a quickly typed post in which I made an inadvertent error. Still didn't change the point. It's corrected now. My apologies, I'm not as on the ball today as I normally am. Not that I'm as on the ball as I should be most days. I'll be self deprecating a little today.
No worries.... I kinda just wanted to post the quote anyways lol.
Like I said, the people kneeling don't HATE our country. They LOVE certain aspects of our country and detest other aspects. That's the entire reason they're kneeling. Because they want the country to be better.

I don’t believe there’s much disagreement that most of those people want the country to be better. The disagreement comes into play with their agenda which many believe doesn’t address many of the problems plaguing the black community. Unfortunately these people live in an echo chamber and summarily dismiss even constructive input or worse yet play the racism accusation to avoid such discussion. Dems don’t dare disagree with any of the agenda due to the need to pander during an election year. Nothing will change until significant changes are made. Changes which are absent from the current BLM agenda.
I don’t believe there’s much disagreement that most of those people want the country to be better. The disagreement comes into play with their agenda which many believe doesn’t address many of the problems plaguing the black community. Unfortunately these people live in an echo chamber and summarily dismiss even constructive input or worse yet play the racism accusation to avoid such discussion. Dems don’t dare disagree with any of the agenda due to the need to pander during an election year. Nothing will change until significant changes are made. Changes which are absent from the current BLM agenda.
Conveniently, the largest group of people (conservative white people) who don't believe the agenda will help fix the problems tend to be the people whom the problems don't effect and who have the least amount of knowledge about what the problems really are. They're the same ones that are supporting the same status quo buffet of suggestions that have perpetuated the problems for decades without coming up with any novel solutions. In fact, many of the policies of the side who so ardently believes that BLM's agenda is mistaken, are the very laws that harm minorities the most
Conveniently, the largest group of people (conservative white people) who don't believe the agenda will help fix the problems tend to be the people whom the problems don't effect and who have the least amount of knowledge about what the problems really are. They're the same ones that are supporting the same status quo buffet of suggestions that have perpetuated the problems for decades without coming up with any novel solutions. In fact, many of the policies of the side who so ardently believes that BLM's agenda is mistaken, are the very laws that harm minorities the most

I’ve been talking about the state of the black communities in our inner cities on this board for years. I’ve also made suggestions after suggestions. In fact, no one has discussed this issue more than myself. The suggestions I’ve seen from BLM fail for the most part to address the daily problems facing those people. It’s beyond disappointing and largely politically driven.
Bro, we're not even the 'freest' country that speaks English, much less the most free / prosperous country in the world. We have the ability to get to that place due to our national economic / military power, but we're not there right now. By most measures we're below New Zealand, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Denmark, UK, Ireland, Taiwan, Finland, Norway, Germany, Estonia, and Austria in terms of gross freedom (Economic + Personal + Humanitarian)

Like I said, the people kneeling don't HATE our country. They LOVE certain aspects of our country and detest other aspects. That's the entire reason they're kneeling. Because they want the country to be better.
I'd remove Hong Kong. They are neither there own country, and their under Chinese rule right now. Maybe back when they were a British territory. Remember last year when NBA players started speaking out against the Chinese cracking down on people in Hong Kong wearing masks in public and the NBA telling players to stand down because we don't want to damage our $1B broadcast and merchandising rights in mainland China.
I’ve been talking about the state of the black communities in our inner cities on this board for years. I’ve also made suggestions after suggestions. In fact, no one has discussed this issue more than myself. The suggestions I’ve seen from BLM fail for the most part to address the daily problems facing those people. It’s beyond disappointing and largely politically driven.
Not talking about you. You’re a fairly good apple, willing to at least have a discourse that doesn’t immediately devolve to uselessness. I just think it’s pretty short sighted to try and think you can solve the problems of any race without actually listening to the suggestions of that race first. And try as we might, I don’t think a couple of middle class white dudes are going to be able to figure out a solution to all of the problems of African Americans. That’s why I side with the largest group of people that have dealt with these issues for most of their lives and are advocating for change.
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