
I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Dec 17, 2002
Garage door pull which had been there for at least the last year. Has there ever been a dumber story?
Makes the uproar and the togetherness walk by the drivers look hilarious in hindsight, but I don't think Bubba Wallace intended anything bad. I don't think it's a Jussie Smollet situation
What surprises me is how fast they jumped to conclusions...

And that none of the other drivers had balls enough to call them on it.

I cant belive Richard Petty allowed him to accuse other drivers.

Seriously.. there are cameras covering every inch of those garages and multiple security guards. There were no fans allowed in the pits. So he was basically accusing one of his fellow drivers of the "crime"...
Struggling NASCAR driver who was about to lose his ride. Now trying everything he can to get a car for next season. There were plenty of pics and videos showing that pull had been in that randomly assigned garage bay for months. Yet Bubba still appears to be pushing the racial agenda while making the rounds on the likes of The View, Don Lemon, etc... Basically your typical left wing talk show circuit.

There are pics all over the internet tonight of similar pulls in various garages.
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Sports I don't care about:

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Who the F cares.
Sports I don't care about:

Bocci Ball
Men's Beach Volleyball

Who the F cares.

I don’t watch nascar, but If there had truly been a noose placed in a black driver’s garage to intimidate him I would care a lot. And now that it has been proven to be false and multiple major media members used the incident to paint people who do like the sport as irredeemably racist I care quite a bit.
Struggling NASCAR driver who was about to lose his ride. Now trying everything he can to get a car for next season. There were plenty of pics and videos showing that pull had been in that randomly assigned garage bay for months. Yet Bubba still appears to be pushing the racial agenda while making the rounds on the likes of The View, Don Lemon, etc... Basically your typical left wing talk show circuit.

There are pics all over the internet tonight of similar pulls in various garages.
How stupid, he should have just admitted that everybody jumped to conclusions, and hoped nobody realized that he had probably seen it in years gone past. If he had just held on to the story that he hadn't seen it, it would have likely slunk into a nothing story, and gone away. I'm surprised other drivers didn't say they had seen them in other stalls before it even became a story. Nobody(other drivers) had the balls to say they had seen them in other stalls, as the story broke??
How stupid, he should have just admitted that everybody jumped to conclusions, and hoped nobody realized that he had probably seen it in years gone past. If he had just held on to the story that he hadn't seen it, it would have likely slunk into a nothing story, and gone away. I'm surprised other drivers didn't say they had seen them in other stalls before it even became a story. Nobody(other drivers) had the balls to say they had seen them in other stalls, as the story broke??

Public figures and athletes are very concerned with the mob at the current time...and rightly so. I also assume that the pull wasn’t shown to the other drivers. Bubba’s person took it down and gave it to NASCAR. If he would have left it up where it’s purpose was obvious I assume this would have been a non-story. Bubba’s people made this a story and he is experiencing his ten minutes of fame because of it.
Public figures and athletes are very concerned with the mob at the current time...and rightly so. I also assume that the pull wasn’t shown to the other drivers. Bubba’s person took it down and gave it to NASCAR. If he would have left it up where it’s purpose was obvious I assume this would have been a non-story. Bubba’s people made this a story and he is experiencing his ten minutes of fame because of it.
I realize most of that. But you can't tell me that not a single crew member or driver remembered those pulls looking like a noose. Somebody should have remembered it and made somebody aware of it. There must have been around 50 drivers, add their crew members and they probably numbered around 300 people closely involved with this, minimum. And nobody had it pop into their head before they did the walk down the race track?
I realize most of that. But you can't tell me that not a single crew member or driver remembered those pulls looking like a noose. Somebody should have remembered it and made somebody aware of it. There must have been around 50 drivers, add their crew members and they probably numbered around 300 people closely involved with this, minimum. And nobody had it pop into their head before they did the walk down the race track?

Garages are randomly assigned at the tracks. Bubba’s people arrived at his assigned the garage and saw the pull and took it down. They then took it to NASCAR. I doubt any other drivers or crew members saw it as it was handed over to the FBI. Now why did Bubba and crew not immediately realize it was a pull (it was hanging on the garage door) is a legitimate question. I personally have a hard time believing someone who has been around garages as much as these people didn’t know exactly what it was.
I've looked at clouds from both sides now, from in between and still somehow, it's cloud's illusions I recall, I really don't know clouds at all.

If you want to find something bad enough you can find it whether it is there or not.

I could certainly see how someone might think that was a noose, trying to convey a message. Who ties a garage door pull with a hangman's noose? I've never seen that in all my life.
Makes the uproar and the togetherness walk by the drivers look hilarious in hindsight, but I don't think Bubba Wallace intended anything bad. I don't think it's a Jussie Smollet situation
This. He didn’t report it or see it initially. His crew did. And now that we know the full story, I still don’t blame him for talking about it and how it made him feel. He was under the impression that it was legit, just like all of us. That affected him, surely.

Anyway, it ended in the best possible way. I am glad for it, and if Bubba wants to keep talking about it just to awareness of the types of things that do happen to prominent black people, I’ll give him that.

I could certainly see how someone might think that was a noose, trying to convey a message. Who ties a garage door pull with a hangman's noose? I've never seen that in all my life.

My dad tied that exact same knot on our garage door when I was a kid....of course it was in Sapulpa. We had one of those wooden swinging doors. Of course he was a Boy Scout in his day. One of the first knots they learned back in the day. Is there a better way to make a pull using a loop?

I don’t blame NASCAR. If that were brought to me I would have come to the same conclusion. Now...if you see it tied to a garage door which is pulled up and down one would assume you do your homework before you blast racism claims across the country for three days.
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I could certainly see how someone might think that was a noose, trying to convey a message. Who ties a garage door pull with a hangman's noose? I've never seen that in all my life.

People who are bored and know how to tie knots. Not really that unusual. I knew guys in the army that would do it with 550 cord all the time. In this case, the proof that it's not unusual at all is that it's been there for 2 years and not a single person bothered to care about it all that time.
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My dad tied that exact same knot on our garage door when I was a kid....of course it was in Sapulpa. We had one of those wooden swinging doors. Of course he was a Boy Scout in his day. One of the first knots they learned back in the day. Is there a better way to make a pull using a loop?
there are about a million ways to make a loop without using a hangman's knot. Moreover, the hangman's knot is adjustable so it's not even a great for use as a loop unless you're trying to tighten the noose around something to secure it. I mean, most Boy Scouts would just use a bowline. As a climber I'd probably use a figure 8 on a bight. Most garage pulls that I've seen don't even use loops. They just tie a couple overhand knots in the end to give you something to grab onto.

I'm not going to prosecute someone for using a knot, even if that knot is a long known trigger for a certain community, but it's just not a good idea especially given this climate. I would probably chastise whatever employee did it.
People who are bored and know how to tie knots. Not really that unusual. I knew guys in the army that would do it with 550 cord all the time. In this case, the proof that it's not unusual at all is that it's been there for 2 years and not a single person bothered to care about it all that time.
People who like tying knots usually don't gravitate towards that one. People gravitate towards it because of its aura. The only real time I can think of it being useful outside of actually hanging a person is for securing fishing lures.
My dad tied that exact same knot on our garage door when I was a kid....of course it was in Sapulpa. We had one of those wooden swinging doors. Of course he was a Boy Scout in his day. One of the first knots they learned back in the day. Is there a better way to make a pull using a loop?

I don’t blame NASCAR. If that were brought to me I would have come to the same conclusion. Now...if you see it tied to a garage door which is pulled up and down one would assume you do your homework before you blast racism claims across the country for three days.
I agree this got oxygen mostly because of the current climate. Any other time and NASCAR would have investigated first before making it into a big media deal. And I believe it was innocent since it had been there for quite some time. But NASCAR did come out and say that out of 1400+ garages, a smattering had rope pulls tied in hand loops. And exactly one was tied in an actual noose, which was the garage in question. It had been there for awhile, so again I don’t think it was malicious. And it is not the kind of thing a white driver in a different time might take notice of at all. But a black driver who only the week before had managed to get NASCAR to ban confederate flags? Yeah I don’t blame his team for being on edge and reporting it.

I do kind of have to ask: Who ties a hand pull with any kind of slipknot bight? That seems... dumb. I guess that’s why there was only one.

The imagery of the whole situation was bad and even though it was a hand pull, it is a very unusual knot for a hand pull. So I don’t blame his team for reporting it because it very well could have been malicious. Suppose the investigation had come back and shown that someone had retied that knot as a noose the night before? We’d be having a different conversation.

Again, I think this worked out in the best possible way.
This. He didn’t report it or see it initially. His crew did. And now that we know the full story, I still don’t blame him for talking about it and how it made him feel. He was under the impression that it was legit, just like all of us. That affected him, surely.

Anyway, it ended in the best possible way. I am glad for it, and if Bubba wants to keep talking about it just to awareness of the types of things that do happen to prominent black people, I’ll give him that.

It ended well, but he did make some inflammatory comments when people questioned it and lots of people are going to remember that. I think most nascar fans are probably pretty normal people (the only Nascar fan I've ever met was my friend's gay roommate in college). But I do worry that he may have some racism thrown his way now. The statement he released yesterday afternoon was perfect. I just wish that had been the route he originally took when the FBI found that no one had left a noose for him.
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They won’t state it publicly due to the mob but I would be willing to bet that most of his fellow drivers and their crews are livid for being falsely cast as racist before any type of investigation was done.

I could certainly see how someone might think that was a noose, trying to convey a message. Who ties a garage door pull with a hangman's noose? I've never seen that in all my life.
There are reported instances and I believe documented instances of the knot being used for other garage pulls in the racing industry, and more specifically for other garage pulls in other stalls for Nascar. Apparently it's not that uncommon.
Well then there’s the side so addicted to exploiting narratives like this that they rushed to smear a group of people they didn’t like and then couldn’t let it go even after it was proven false.
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There are reported instances and I believe documented instances of the knot being used for other garage pulls in the racing industry, and more specifically for other garage pulls in other stalls for Nascar. Apparently it's not that uncommon.
This gets me angrier about the waste of rope than it does the racial connotations of the knot. It’s such a dumb tie to use for this purpose. Use a bowline it takes half the time and less rope but accomplishes the same purpose. Sorry, I’m a rope guy lol.
There are reported instances and I believe documented instances of the knot being used for other garage pulls in the racing industry, and more specifically for other garage pulls in other stalls for Nascar. Apparently it's not that uncommon.
Marty Smith:

NASCAR president Steve Phelps says NASCAR conducted a "thorough sweep of all 29 tracks where they race, and 1684 garage stalls, they found only 11 total ropes that had a pulldown rope tied in a knot, and just one noose: The one in Bubba Wallace garage."
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Marty Smith:

NASCAR president Steve Phelps says NASCAR conducted a "thorough sweep of all 29 tracks where they race, and 1684 garage stalls, they found only 11 total ropes that had a pulldown rope tied in a knot, and just one noose: The one in Bubba Wallace garage."
Forgive me, I had heard otherwise. Was a really bad coin-ki-dence that he was given that stall.