Mark my words - neither Biden nor Bernie will win


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
That’s right, we’re headed to a brokered convention for the Dems.

I thought it’d be Bloomberg. Now I’m not so sure. Maybe Hillary again? Or John Kerry? Maybe Eric Holder or even Susan Rice (Valerie Jarrett & Michelle *cough Michael* Obama don’t qualify as they weren’t born in the USA)... whoever it is, it’ll be someone they’ve been keeping by the wayside this entire time so they (drafted nominee) didn’t have to mess around with the campaign season, etc. This lends me to believe it will likely be Hillary, as she truly believes she won in 2016. I’m not sure, though. The only thing of which I’m certain is it will not be Bernie nor Biden on the November ballot vs Trump.
That’s right, we’re headed to a brokered convention for the Dems.

I thought it’d be Bloomberg. Now I’m not so sure. Maybe Hillary again? Or John Kerry? Maybe Eric Holder or even Susan Rice (Valerie Jarrett & Michelle *cough Michael* Obama don’t qualify as they weren’t born in the USA)... whoever it is, it’ll be someone they’ve been keeping by the wayside this entire time so they (drafted nominee) didn’t have to mess around with the campaign season, etc. This lends me to believe it will likely be Hillary, as she truly believes she won in 2016. I’m not sure, though. The only thing of which I’m certain is it will not be Bernie nor Biden on the November ballot vs Trump.

I know all this sh$t you predict in your head rarely comes true, just like this won't happen. So how do you end up justifying it in your head as to why it didn't happen? You must have to justify something every month or two minimum.

I do realize that you have the defense mechanism of saying to us, 'you just don't realize what is going to come to pass, but you libtards...will realize. If only I told you beforehand you wouldn't believe it.'(paraphrased as best I can recall)

The old, throw out nebulous undefined info, in order to make it sound like you think you know more than you do.(Graduate of Maxwell Smart Grammar School) Not divulging, allows you to not throw out information you might have to defend to your audience.(and to your own paranoid mind) But u can only manage to hide so much with this defense mechanism.

I started and ended lots of sentences with conjunctions and prepositions, as I always do in this informal setting. Hope you enjoyed that.
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I know all this sh$t you predict in your head rarely comes true, just like this won't happen. So how do you end up justifying it in your head as to why it didn't happen. You must have to justify something every month or two minimum.

I do realize that you have the defense mechanism of saying to us, 'you just don't realize what is going to come to pass, but you libtards...will realize. If only I told you beforehand you wouldn't believe it.'(paraphrased as best I can recall)

The old, throw out nebulous undefined info, in order to make it sound like you think you know more than you do.(Graduate of Maxwell Smart Grammar School) Not divulging, allows you to not throw out information you might have to defend to your audience.(and to your own paranoid mind) But u can only manage to hide so much with this defense mechanism.

I started and ended lots of sentences with conjunctions, as I always do in this informal setting. Hope you enjoyed that.
Dude wow... I point out grammar half heartedly only because of messages like this. Your message is completely lost after the first 2 sentences because of your lack of ability to speak even remotely proper English. Seriously your entire message was not conveyed because you didn’t care to state it clearly. I’m fine with colloquialisms & whatever but dude, read that objectively (if you can). Just try to read it as if you didn’t write it.

I don’t care that you ask questions & end the question with a period instead of a question mark - at least I can understand that. This is incomprehensible.
I’ll try to read that again when I have more time & see if I can make sense out of it.

Meanwhile you can try to come up with ANY real reason, just one, that the DNC would actually be comfortable with Biden or Bernie going up against Trump. You know they’d never place the fate of the party having a shot at the WH on either of those two.

I do realize that you have the defense mechanism of saying to us: 'You just don't realize what is going to come to pass, but you libtards...will realize. If only I told you beforehand you wouldn't believe it.'(paraphrased as best I can recall)
Tried to make it simple for you with a Capitalization and one change in punctuation.
I’ll try to read that again when I have more time & see if I can make sense out of it.

Meanwhile you can try to come up with ANY real reason, just one, that the DNC would actually be comfortable with Biden or Bernie going up against Trump. You know they’d never place the fate of the party having a shot at the WH on either of those two.
To the point I was talking bout in the first place. The democratic voting block would be up in arms if they put somebody in who didn't even run. Today the feel they have the right to vote on the people up for the nomination. Same with the Republicans.
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To the point I was talking bout in the first place. The democratic voting block would be up in arms if they put somebody in who didn't even run. Today the feel they have the right to vote on the people up for the nomination. Same with the Republicans.

If Biden goes into the convention with a majority of delegates, as is now very very very likely, but the DNC steps in and forces a brokered convention that results in HRC as the candidate, they would be sealing their fate as to losing the election. It would piss off so many people in their own party that a huge amount of people would become disillusioned and would stay home. The DNC can be stupid, but they aren't that stupid. Nominating anyone else at that point without a damn good reason would be absolutely fatal.

The only reason I can think of for that to happen would be if Biden suddenly takes seriously ill and/or dies and is no longer able to run. There is a virus going around that affects old guys and he shakes a lot of hands, so it is not impossible. At that point, it is anybody's guess what would happen. But I would venture that for anything other than a plane crash/sudden death, Biden would have the opportunity to name his preferred replacement and the DNC would likely at least try to honor it. Again, the DNC is not stupid, and they would know that having a somber convention where they "honor" Joe Biden and formally nominate his chosen successor would engender sympathy and unity. Going against his wishes and having a delegate fight on the floor would be chaos and would piss off tons of people and would be an enormous missed opportunity.

I don't know who Biden would choose in this increasingly hypothetical scenario, but I can tell you it wouldn't be Hillary and it wouldn't be Bernie. And probably not anybody else you mention except maaaaaybe Kerry.

Edit: Gmoney, I replied to you, but was mostly talking to Rippin.
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To the point I was talking bout in the first place. The democratic voting block would be up in arms if they put somebody in who didn't even run. Today the feel they have the right to vote on the people up for the nomination. Same with the Republicans.
Qhat makes you think the DNC cares about the people? Qhy do they have the option for a brokered convention?

Seriously, can you name one thing they've done to prove that the DNC cares about the actual voters & what they want? They stole it from Bernie in 2016... now it's been stolen from him again. In the words of sleepy, senile Joe Biden, "come on, man..."
Qhat makes you think the DNC cares about the people? Qhy do they have the option for a brokered convention?

Seriously, can you name one thing they've done to prove that the DNC cares about the actual voters & what they want? They stole it from Bernie in 2016... now it's been stolen from him again. In the words of sleepy, senile Joe Biden, "come on, man..."
You are the one that suggests they have the power to force a brokered convention. You made a whole thread about it. If someone comes in with a majority of delegates though, then they really don't without rewriting the rules willy-nilly.

And they may or may not care about the "will of the people" But they do care about winning. And if you piss off too many people, you don't win.
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If Biden goes into the convention with a majority of delegates, as is now very very very likely, but the DNC steps in and forces a brokered convention that results in HRC as the candidate, they would be sealing their fate as to losing the election. It would piss off so many people in their own party that a huge amount of people would become disillusioned and would stay home. The DNC can be stupid, but they aren't that stupid. Nominating anyone else at that point without a damn good reason would be absolutely fatal.

The only reason I can think of for that to happen would be if Biden suddenly takes seriously ill and/or dies and is no longer able to run. There is a virus going around that affects old guys and he shakes a lot of hands, so it is not impossible. At that point, it is anybody's guess what would happen. But I would venture that for anything other than a plane crash/sudden death, Biden would have the opportunity to name his preferred replacement and the DNC would likely at least try to honor it. Again, the DNC is not stupid, and they would know that having a somber convention where they "honor" Joe Biden and formally nominate his chosen successor would engender sympathy and unity. Going against his wishes and having a delegate fight on the floor would be chaos and would piss off tons of people and would be an enormous missed opportunity.

I don't know who Biden would choose in this increasingly hypothetical scenario, but I can tell you it wouldn't be Hillary and it wouldn't be Bernie. And probably not anybody else you mention except maaaaaybe Kerry.

Edit: Gmoney, I replied to you, but was mostly talking to Rippin.
This is actually a scenario I think is more likely. Something happens with Biden's health (eg something becomes public saying he's senile or maybe he "suffers a stroke" or whatever - doesn't matter, the DNC is corrupt as all hell & we know it - we've seen it).

I'll repeat myself, though. What makes you think the DNC cares about what the voters want? They cheated to steal the nomination from Bernie in 2016 & they're doing it again now in favor of Biden.

Why won't Hillary go away? She was just on CNN this past weekend saying positive stuff about Biden (while bashing Sanders as usual) but REFUSED to endorse him. Why won't she go away?

They can't risk another 4 years of D.jT as president. They know he has it all - HE HAS EVERYTHING. That means he has her private server emails - including the 33,000+ deleted emails. He knows what was on Anthony Weiner's laptop - specifically the folder on his laptop entitled "insurance" (the same folder that caused SEASONED/VETERAN NYPD SVU Detectives to leave the room & uncontrollably VOMIT). By the way, many of those NYPD detectives (including a deputy chief) that saw the content's of Weiner's laptop have since been Arkancided *COUGH* excuse me, have since "committed suicide."
You are the one that suggests they have the power to force a brokered convention. You made a whole thread about it.

And they may or may not care about the "will of the people" But they do care about winning. And if you piss off too many people, you don't win.
That's not the point. Hillary thinks she won in 2016.

You are partially on point, though - all they care about is winning & they don't care at what cost they incur to get the W. Do you really think they care about the voters? They know the voters will vote D / against your President D.jT because they are truly that arrogant.

Mark my words - brokered convention.
This is actually a scenario I think is more likely. Something happens with Biden's health (eg something becomes public saying he's senile or maybe he "suffers a stroke" or whatever - doesn't matter, the DNC is corrupt as all hell & we know it - we've seen it).

I'll repeat myself, though. What makes you think the DNC cares about what the voters want? They cheated to steal the nomination from Bernie in 2016 & they're doing it again now in favor of Biden.

Why won't Hillary go away? She was just on CNN this past weekend saying positive stuff about Biden (while bashing Sanders as usual) but REFUSED to endorse him. Why won't she go away?

They can't risk another 4 years of D.jT as president. They know he has it all - HE HAS EVERYTHING. That means he has her private server emails - including the 33,000+ deleted emails. He knows what was on Anthony Weiner's laptop - specifically the folder on his laptop entitled "insurance" (the same folder that caused SEASONED/VETERAN NYPD SVU Detectives to leave the room & uncontrollably VOMIT). By the way, many of those NYPD detectives (including a deputy chief) that saw the content's of Weiner's laptop have since been Arkancided *COUGH* excuse me, have since "committed suicide."
I don't know anything about anyone involved investigating Anthony Weiner commiting suicide. But just to be fair, if I were forced to deep dive through Anthony Weiner's hard drives, I might off myself afterward too. Certain things cannot be unseen.
This is actually a scenario I think is more likely. Something happens with Biden's health (eg something becomes public saying he's senile or maybe he "suffers a stroke" or whatever - doesn't matter, the DNC is corrupt as all hell & we know it - we've seen it).

I'll repeat myself, though. What makes you think the DNC cares about what the voters want? They cheated to steal the nomination from Bernie in 2016 & they're doing it again now in favor of Biden.

Why won't Hillary go away? She was just on CNN this past weekend saying positive stuff about Biden (while bashing Sanders as usual) but REFUSED to endorse him. Why won't she go away?

They can't risk another 4 years of D.jT as president. They know he has it all - HE HAS EVERYTHING. That means he has her private server emails - including the 33,000+ deleted emails. He knows what was on Anthony Weiner's laptop - specifically the folder on his laptop entitled "insurance" (the same folder that caused SEASONED/VETERAN NYPD SVU Detectives to leave the room & uncontrollably VOMIT). By the way, many of those NYPD detectives (including a deputy chief) that saw the content's of Weiner's laptop have since been Arkancided *COUGH* excuse me, have since "committed suicide."
The RNC is just as corrupt. And they care about the voters the same way the DNC does, otherwise they would have gone off on Trump multiple times and found a way to put him out of office. They care about the base of Trump. And no Trump does not have all those emails or any access to them. Otherwise Trump would have already found a way to publish them.
The RNC is just as corrupt. And they care about the voters the same way the DNC does, otherwise they would have gone off on Trump multiple times and found a way to put him out of office. They care about the base of Trump. And no Trump does not have all those emails or any access to them. Otherwise Trump would have already found a way to publish them.
Just a sec bro I’m still tryna find time to read your initial reply in its edited & original (unedited) versions etc lol
I don't know anything about anyone involved investigating Anthony Weiner commiting suicide. But just to be fair, if I were forced to deep dive through Anthony Weiner's hard drives, I might off myself afterward too. Certain things cannot be unseen.
I think you might be confusing Weiner with Epstein?

I was referring to people like Klaus Eberwein (“arkancided”), Seth Rich (murdered), Philip Haney (“Arkancided”), Vincent Foster, the list goes on - it’s up to over 100 people. That’s to say there are over 100 people who have died mysteriously after getting close to / dirt on the Clintons (specifically Hillary).
I don't know anything about anyone involved investigating Anthony Weiner commiting suicide. But just to be fair, if I were forced to deep dive through Anthony Weiner's hard drives, I might off myself afterward too. Certain things cannot be unseen.
I think you might be confusing Weiner with Epstein?

I was referring to people like Klaus Eberwein (“arkancided”), Seth Rich (murdered), Philip Haney (“Arkancided”), Vincent Foster, the list goes on - it’s up to over 100 people. That’s to say there are over 100 people who have died mysteriously after getting close to / dirt on the Clintons (specifically Hillary).

It’s OK, my fellow countrymen. We have been witnessing Divine Intervention. The President has it all.

Nothing can stop what’s coming.

It’s OK, my fellow countrymen. We have been witnessing Divine Intervention. The President has it all.

Nothing can stop what’s coming.
There's another one of your generalized statements that you don't have to defend when it doesn't happen.
It's not my fault that you're slow.
Lol eat a bag of em dude

Not slow, just juggling multiple things right now.

Don’t worry, I’ll get to it here shortly within the hour & we can get to goin at it lol

In the meantime, maybe research why real wage growth is stagnate due to immigration - mainly illegal immigration of Hispanics but also legal immigration.

Or you could explain to me why blacks commit hate crimes at a rate or 3.55 per 100,000 while whites commit hate crimes at a rate of 1.26 per 100,000 (source: FBI Uniform Crime Report) yet it’s the white people who are demonized & all but crucified in contemporary US culture. Or maybe you could explain why they are more so far more responsible for interracial violent crime than white people. I don’t know the answer to those re: race, though as someone whose friends are over 90% black I believe it’s simply that subculture (created by decades of failing democrat policies on the local state & federal levels).
There's another one of your generalized statements that you don't have to defend when it doesn't happen.
Oh, it’s going to happen. It’s being timed just right.

Old Glory is in good hands.

Oh, it’s going to happen. It’s being timed just right.

Old Glory is in good hands.

You say nothing you have to defend when it doesn't happen. WHAT is going to happen. Say it now, so you have to defend it later when it doesn't happen.

You know we are all going to come down on you like a load of bricks, when a brokered convention doesn't happen. Then you'll say something that allows you to 'wiesel' out of it, that only works in your own mind. You'll look like a fool, which will be nothing new.

As I said earlier, what is going to happen, that is timed so right? The release of information on Biden???
I think it's way too early to predict how this is going to turn out. Tomorrow is probably going to be good for Biden, but it could all come crashing down Sunday when they have the first heads up debate.
Even if that doesn't turn the tide, Biden is not home free. He doesn't even seem like the same person he was six months ago. If he has dementia or Alzheimer's or whatever, he could be too far gone to ignore it by the convention.
If one of them has a majority of delegates, he will be the nominee. If neither does, it's probably still Biden, but maybe not.
As far as the Democrats angering their voters, the only anger is going to be if it's not Bernie. I don't think anyone likes Biden enough to get angry if he doesn't get it. In fact, I see the Biden vote as a vote for the DNC to do whatever they need to do to stop Bernie.
I think it's way too early to predict how this is going to turn out. Tomorrow is probably going to be good for Biden, but it could all come crashing down Sunday when they have the first heads up debate.
Even if that doesn't turn the tide, Biden is not home free. He doesn't even seem like the same person he was six months ago. If he has dementia or Alzheimer's or whatever, he could be too far gone to ignore it by the convention.
If one of them has a majority of delegates, he will be the nominee. If neither does, it's probably still Biden, but maybe not.
As far as the Democrats angering their voters, the only anger is going to be if it's not Bernie. I don't think anyone likes Biden enough to get angry if he doesn't get it. In fact, I see the Biden vote as a vote for the DNC to do whatever they need to do to stop Bernie.
You underestimate how much Bernie is disliked. Yes, his fan base is highly devoted. But those are pretty much his only supporters. His disapproval numbers, even among the Dems, are high. Handing him the nom if he didn’t earn the majority of delegates would ignite a firestorm. Bernie is toxic to the moderate wing, which is much bigger than you think. It is also why he isn’t winning and nearly all the voters for the other players broke extraordinarily for Biden.
You underestimate how much Bernie is disliked. Yes, his fan base is highly devoted. But those are pretty much his only supporters. His disapproval numbers, even among the Dems, are high. Handing him the nom if he didn’t earn the majority of delegates would ignite a firestorm. Bernie is toxic to the moderate wing, which is much bigger than you think. It is also why he isn’t winning and nearly all the voters for the other players broke extraordinarily for Biden.
I agree with you. Maybe I wasn't clear. I think there is ZERO chance Bernie gets it unless he has it wrapped up before the convention. In that case the anger would be more about Bernie winning than Biden losing. If nobody has it wrapped up, I don't think the Biden voters would care who it is as long as it's not Bernie.
It's so funny that we have the Trump base and the Bernie base. Two sides to a coin, both of them ignorant of the workings of the government on some intrinsic level. Hopefully neither ends up bringing down the empire.
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I agree with you. Maybe I wasn't clear. I think there is ZERO chance Bernie gets it unless he has it wrapped up before the convention. In that case the anger would be more about Bernie winning than Biden losing. If nobody has it wrapped up, I don't think the Biden voters would care who it is as long as it's not Bernie.
I agree 100% with that. Sorry I misunderstood you.
You say nothing you have to defend when it doesn't happen. WHAT is going to happen. Say it now, so you have to defend it later when it doesn't happen.

You know we are all going to come down on you like a load of bricks, when a brokered convention doesn't happen. Then you'll say something that allows you to 'wiesel' out of it, that only works in your own mind. You'll look like a fool, which will be nothing new.

As I said earlier, what is going to happen, that is timed so right? The release of information on Biden???
Brokered convention.

Idk who they will choose - my money is on HRC but it could be Kerry or Susan Rice.

At least, that’s their plan. I don’t believe it’ll get that far as I believe John Durham is going to catch up with the whole lot of them. Doesn’t matter, the Dems are proper fkd.

Why hasn’t Flynn been convicted? I’ve dropped enough clues, I don’t need to continue with more cryptic messages about stuff about which you clearly know nothing.

Go ahead, trust your government. Do you think it’s a coincidence that we are dealing with this COVID-19 right in time for the 2020 election? They’re panicking. What’s funny is this virus will backfire on them the same way mueller investigation & impeachment did. These people are not smart.
You underestimate how much Bernie is disliked. Yes, his fan base is highly devoted. But those are pretty much his only supporters. His disapproval numbers, even among the Dems, are high. Handing him the nom if he didn’t earn the majority of delegates would ignite a firestorm. Bernie is toxic to the moderate wing, which is much bigger than you think. It is also why he isn’t winning and nearly all the voters for the other players broke extraordinarily for Biden.
The “Bernie Bros,” or Bernie’s base (whatever you want to call them) are beyond loyal but it is a fringe group. It also includes a bunch of young, unlikely to vote indoctrinated people from ages of 18 to 30 or so.

The USA will never be a socialist country - the USA is simply too big.

Biden is unelectable.
It's so funny that we have the Trump base and the Bernie base. Two sides to a coin, both of them ignorant of the workings of the government on some intrinsic level. Hopefully neither ends up bringing down the empire.
What’s funny is how ignorant you are to how the federal government really works yet you accuse others of not knowing. Do you know the percent of Dems that have actually lived outside of the USA & experienced socialism? It’s close to the same percentage of homosexual adult males that were not sexually abused by an adult male as a child.
I suspect Biden will be the biggest winner of the Coronavirus situation. He may be allowed not to have to speak spontaneously until after the election.
I suspect Biden will be the biggest winner of the Coronavirus situation. He may be allowed not to have to speak spontaneously until after the election.

God-willing this will be the case for both parties
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What is Biden's platform? " I' m not trump".

Except for a Ukraine deal, He is touchy feely.
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