Kamala cost Biden votes?


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Jul 4, 2007
I have talked to several friends and associates who were left leaning, left leaning for this election only, Republican never Trumpers, Republicans who were undecided until very late, and Republicans who stated why they wouldn't vote for Biden. The majority of them stated their main reason for not voting for Biden, or having second thoughts about voting for Biden(regardless of whether they did or didn't vote for him) was their dislike of Kamala Harris and her policy views and/or attitudes. I'm pretty certain the far left of the Democratic party would not have voted for Trump or stayed away from the polls en masse because of the VP pick. I also think if he had picked another VP, the supporters and/or political power structure of the party(contributors to Biden's reelection campaign) would have eventually come around to his pick and supported him just as much.

Those voters all expressed to me a certain dread that Biden might die or become incapacitated due to dementia, and Kamala would become President. They were also afraid Kamala would have become the frontrunner for 2024. That fear seemed a lot less rational to me, but it was an issue for them. I did not mention Kamala, or try to steer the conversation towards it. They all brought this subject up on their own. It was rather amazing that they all brought this up as their main fear. Another VP pick would have been a lot more beneficial to Biden.

In my opinion the election would have been not nearly as close, if Biden had chosen a more moderate VP. The election might have already been called.
Really interesting question.

I thought Harris was a reasonable pick, but know that some of my Republican friends who didn't like Trump were frightened of a swing too far left. A statement I heard several times was "Biden's not strong enough to hold the center". ( I don't think they knew of his voting record in the Senate which included backing a draconian bankruptcy law on behalf of the credit card companies HQ'd in Delaware.) So the focus of concern was Harris. I have no way of knowing if Harris motivated younger voters or voters of color to get out in greater numbers than before, but she might have. Her record as a Atty General in California doesn't tell me much; as some of her actions PO'd both sides.
I don't see too many liberal young voters that were driven to vote by Kamala. But most of the people I have been having conversations with about the election, were not young. So that is one area I could be way off on. I wouldn't think that would be the main impetus for too many youths, but what do I know bout kids and politics today.
I don't see too many liberal young voters that were driven to vote by Kamala. But most of the people I have been having conversations with about the election, were not young. So that is one area I could be way off on. I wouldn't think that would be the main impetus for too many youths, but what do I know bout kids and politics today.

Since he committed himself to a woman early, Biden limited his choices. I thought he would chose Stacey Abrams. It would have interesting to see how that would have played out. Stacey will be running for President at some point in her career.
Trump got 70million votes and CNN, and the dems spent 4 tears 24/7 to convince 75million not to vote for Trump. no one voter for Biden.

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