Insider Trading


I.T.S. University President
Gold Member
Jun 13, 2005
Looks like multiple Senators dumped stock right after a closed door briefing on the outbreak in January. Two of them R's so far, potentially one D. Pretty messed up. It's hard for me to think of a scenario where it turns out it was all on the up and up, but we'll see I guess. Elizabeth Warren would be getting a big surge in the polls if this came out a month ago I'd imagine.
SEC boys don’t mess around. Those guys should see jail time if true

Edit...was just told it’s completely legal for them to do this. WTH
So is it illegal? Looks like Feinstein sold over $1M as well as did some Pub from Georgia.
I would say any of them that did this should be voted out at least.

Burr is the worst since he had written an op ed about how prepared the US was for this only a couple days prior.
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List of senators who did this is expanding:

Senator Richard Burr
Senator Kelly Loefner
Senator Dianne Feinstein,
Senator Ron Johnson
Senator Jim Inhofe
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List of senators who did this is expanding:

Senator Richard Burr
Senator Kelly Loefner
Senator Dianne Feinstein,
Senator Ron Johnson
Senator Jim Inhofe

A Democrat may be in the Senate for the first time since Boren, unless there’s some way a Republican can get on ballot now. This is huge. They all need to go, but especially Inhofe.
Looks like multiple Senators dumped stock right after a closed door briefing on the outbreak in January. Two of them R's so far, potentially one D. Pretty messed up. It's hard for me to think of a scenario where it turns out it was all on the up and up, but we'll see I guess. Elizabeth Warren would be getting a big surge in the polls if this came out a month ago I'd imagine.
We all trade on information, buDDEEE.
Lmao you know what? You’re right. Only republicans are corrupt. Wow. You’re such a libtard it’s hilarious. I’m sorry, “tiblard.” Keeek uyger did really well in his congressional race, at least, right?

All I did was post Loeffler's plausible explanation. Where did you get "only republicans are corrupt" from that?

I don't know who Keek Uyger is
All I did was post Loeffler's plausible explanation. Where did you get "only republicans are corrupt" from that?

I don't know who Keek Uyger is
All I did was post Loeffler's plausible explanation. Where did you get "only republicans are corrupt" from that?

I don't know who Keek Uyger is
Neither does anyone not named Rippen's weird brain interp'erator.
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I don't believe that Loefler doesn't control actions of her portfolio to some degree. Wouldn't you expect that a set of trades involving millions of dollars would at least require her approval?

I'm guessing her investment banker contacted her and said, hey... this is what we're seeing and she said. 'YES. SELL IT! SELL IT ALL!'
Unless her portfolio was placed in a blind trust type of setup. Should be easy to prove or disprove.
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I don't believe that Loefler doesn't control actions of her portfolio to some degree. Wouldn't you expect that a set of trades involving millions of dollars would at least require her approval?

I'm guessing her investment banker contacted her and said, hey... this is what we're seeing and she said. 'YES. SELL IT! SELL IT ALL!'
I dunno. It should be pretty easily verifiable if her assets are held in a trust controlled by others. And then a subpoena of emails and phone records from whomever controls that trust should show whether or not she made any phone calls to them after the briefing, but before the sale.

I am not saying we should trust her word for it, but since she bothered to defend herself with at least a plausible explanation, I won't throw her under the bus with the others just yet. Her claims should absolutely be investigated.
Feinstein, Inhofe, and Loeffler look like it's possible they might not have done anything bad. Burr still looks really bad.
Looks like multiple Senators dumped stock right after a closed door briefing on the outbreak in January. Two of them R's so far, potentially one D. Pretty messed up. It's hard for me to think of a scenario where it turns out it was all on the up and up, but we'll see I guess. Elizabeth Warren would be getting a big surge in the polls if this came out a month ago I'd imagine.
Right there. “Two of them R’s so far” & “one possibly a D” as you give benefit of the doubt to the Ds
Remove all of them now, with no retirement benefits and give the profit back to the us taxpayers.
Agreed. Give us back our money.

In all seriousness I’m sick of every time someone of note cashing in on their stock being looked at (or investigated) as if there must be some illegal reason they made a smart decision. It’s typical liberal nonsense.

What’s as great as anything right now is being able to laugh at the liberals who want the government to take away our firearms yet, now those same liberals are calling gun shops in Tulsa asking to purchase a weapon & have it sent to them lmao little do they know that’s not how it works & there is already 3 day wait from the background check that they’re always claiming we don’t already have lmao those same liberals who tell us “why do you need guns? Just call 911” now want their own bc their liberal local governments are not only no longer arresting criminals for things like theft grand larceny robbery & burglary but they’re also letting inmates out of jail.

Oh, OK NOW they want firearms bc the police are saying “we’re letting the criminals roam free & you’re now responsible for your own safety” lol what a joke! They’re all hypocrites.
I didn’t give or not give the benefit of the doubt to anyone. The Burr story came out first, the Loeffler story shortly after. Feinstein I only saw in a tweet so I gave less credibility to it until more reporting had been done. So basically you have a problem with the order in which i found out about each instance.
Isnt the whole point of being in politics the ability to enrich yourself off of insider knowledge, influence peddling, and book deals?

Even Bernie has peddled his influence into millions of dollars.
Some people just don’t see it, it’s sad. Who blocked the stimulus package back to back to back this week? Democrats. Keep having faith in those idiots. They’re going to save you & your conscience, those idiots.

That goes for republicans like dan Crenshaw, too. Fk conservative, inc.
Investigations into Inhoffe, Loeffler, and Feinstein are being closed. Burr's is still open
Barr is using facts: verified documentation, transscrips, emails, testimony, . . .

The dems use unsubstantiated accusations, opinions, unverified sources
That’s your “Justus” department at work. Barr is a national disgrace.

I don't know whether there is any bias, but Loeffler, Inhoffe, and Feinstein's explanations all seemed plausible at the time. Burr's seemed less so.
Barr is using facts: verified documentation, transscrips, emails, testimony, . . .

The dems use unsubstantiated accusations, opinions, unverified sources
Actually, given the scandalous potential of all this, I feel like the media and most people have been remarkably restrained in jumping to conclusions. The only one that most people seem to have more or less made their mind up about is Burr, and his sh*t stinks the most. He also had his office and home raided by the FBI. So even without rushing to judgement or conclusions, it can at least be said that the Feds (run by Wray, and ultimately Barr/Trump) believe there is a reasonable chance he is criminally rotten. He also voted against the bill that made it illegal for Senators to profit off of inside knowledge, so we also know he has no ethical compunctions about doing so. For all the others, most people I've spoken with (GOP and Dem alike) seem content to let an investigation run its course. As many on this very board have said, if these senator's assets are held in trusts or some similar instrument, it ought to be easy enough to confirm that nothing illicit occurred. Subpoena some emails and phone records, maybe get a sworn statement from the trustee(s), and if there aren't any eyebrow raising discrepancies, then that is pretty much that.

The person screaming the loudest and making the most criminal innuendos about Kelly Loeffler is actually Doug Collins, a GOP representative from Georgia. He's running against her for her own Senate seat, so he has a lot of motivation to smear her. Still, it goes against your assertion that the ones most willing to crucify these senators prematurely are Dems.
It's quite common for rich people to hire investment firms who have the freedom to buy and sell securities without direct authorization from the account holders. It's even more common when those rich people are politicians who might come across inside information. Such a setup has obvious benefits. I wish the media would have done a little investigating prior to the accusations against everyone but Burr. Thirty years ago they would have imo. It appears Burr may have some issues.
It's quite common for rich people to hire investment firms who have the freedom to buy and sell securities without direct authorization from the account holders. It's even more common when those rich people are politicians who might come across inside information. Such a setup has obvious benefits. I wish the media would have done a little investigating prior to the accusations against everyone but Burr. Thirty years ago they would have imo. It appears Burr may have some issues.
I agree with all of this, except for your conclusions about the media. I have plenty of complaints about the media, but I don't recall them ever really lowering the boom and outright accusing the senators of misconduct, save maybe Burr. I might have missed it, of course, in which case I condemn it as well.

I did see a lot of reporting on the suspicious trades, which I think is fair game. They were reporting on something suspicious enough that the FBI was involved. Letting the public know that certain senators are under FBI investigation for insider trading isn't partisan gossip, it is news in any era.