Infrastructure Tax


I.T.S. Defensive Coordinator
Sep 16, 2008
Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg says that the Biden administration is considering taxing drivers by the mile to fund infrastructure! This is how to kill economy 101. This is all part of make China great again. Once trucking stops in US its game over and thats exactly what they're going to attack, this is all part of Great Reset they're planning!
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That will help an already struggling commercial real estate market
The Gop & moderate Democrats will stop that mileage tax in it's tracks. Will be a cause of inflation & prohibitive to foreign trade. I don't think politicians like Manchin will support this.
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Wonder if Pete realizes we already have a mileage tax masquerading as a gas tax ?
there is already an infrastructure tax. Its included in every gallon of gasoline. so why do we need more?
Great. Another proposed tax with inflationary effects on the cost of goods during a time of rising inflation. Can’t make these things up.
raising taxes does not always increase tax revenue.
more PEOPLE WORKING and paying taxes will increase tax revenue.

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