If the lower bowl isn't filled due to the weather


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Gold Member
Dec 4, 2003
I hope TU will authorize the PA announcer to ask folks in the upper level to come down and fill in - perhaps at the first time out after 16 minutes. And hopefully, the students will show up.
BLA I promise I'm not picking on you but I get to the games 30 to 40 min before tip and the gold lot is usually full and you have to go across the street to overflow.
I'm talking the Blue and Green lots. Having a very intimate knowledge of campus, I can get there 15 minutes before tip and get better parking than some of the donor lots but the overall parking situation for the casual fan is poor, especially for basketball.
I have a parking pass for the Red Lot...

However, my house is closer...

So I just walk!!!