I think we are going to feel the disputes between the left and right have been mild...


I.T.S. Legend
Gold Member
Jul 4, 2007
since 2016, in comparison to the next six months+. I'm not going to go into what signs I'm seeing because a lot of it is based on intuition and unrelated warning signs that I might have over emphasized. But religion, fact vs fiction, science vs intentionally fake news, the covid 19 masks dispute, economic factors related to a lot of the aforementioned stuff, racially oriented disagreements, all of this seems to be ready to blow in my opinion. Russia, China, and all the Eastern bloc of dictatorships are taking advantage of the void that Democrats and Republicans have left, in order to pay attention to their intrapersonal left/right disputes. The Eastern Bloc I believe has decided we are even more inneffectual than thought before, and will go ahead with even more force in the near future.

With the election getting close, the meat on the bone of the last six months, I believe we are going to be, at the least, in a cold civil war, and maybe even worse. I might be dramatising the situation in my own analysis. But it all seems to be on the verge. Trump fomented it, but the rest of the country/politicians(Democrats & Republicans) have all fallen into the trap with their actions.

Right now the people I'm most angry with are the Republican politicians that layed down to Trump, and let the fomentation succeed. They could have stopped it before it got started. But it seems too late. The Democrats reacted in a not efficacious way to stop the unrest.(They actually acted in a way which made it worse because they didn't know where to stop.) They pushed the wrong reactionary buttons. They have just played into it, in a way that is equally wrong. I know I am intentionally being vague, and do not expect anyone to react to this topic, but I just wanted to get it out there that I am the most worried I've been since Trump took office, at this moment.

I see Democratic reactions beginning to loose(do not mean lose) their small amount of control, and ratchet up the tensions. At this point it seems that whatever small amount of cohesiveness to the Democratic reaction that there was, is about to become as anarchic as Trump has been. That isn't good, because it gives the smallish ignorant, angry, and vocal sect of the Republican voters, an even more open territory for their actions, which will become even more extreme. It is about to be a more reactionary scenario, despite the fact that it might not seem possible to some.

...rant finished for the moment.
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Sometimes you need a weatherman to tell you the direction of the wind....
Sometimes you need a weatherman to tell you the direction of the wind....
Where's WeatherDemon....he can help with that :)

Sorry, just trying to ease the tension. GMoney, I agree with much of what you said. And it's not going to get any better even if Democrats win in November. We will see the GOP propaganda machine immediately go to work. Democrats will move TOO QUICKLY to undo everything that Trump has done in the way of reversing EOs...not because they've done an analysis and think they're bad policy, but because it was something Trump did. The same way Trump has done everything in his power to undo everything Obama did, not because everything was inherently awful, but because it was something the black man with the funny name who they don't believe was born in the US did.

You can never move forward if you're always looking back. That's where are government is stuck right now (state and federal)