I don't understand??????


I.T.S. Athletic Director
Apr 18, 2011
la la land
at a school in DC, a class was asked to compare GWB to Hitler.

at a school in Michigan, a Father was denied access because he was dressed in his military uniform.

What is going on at school these days?
Maybe it was some sort of Military History Class where they were discussing how much less time it would have taken Hitler to subdue Iraq.
There is a distinct similarity between National Socialism (Nazi's), Communism and Shariah as practiced in the middle east and Africa. ISIS and "radical" islamic fundamentalism use the same playbook. A rigid ideology that requires absolute adherence. Those that do not conform are to be eliminated.

Marx/Lenin, Hitler believed that in order to establish Communism and Nazi-ism there would have to be a certain percentage of people (10% or more) that had to be killed/eliminated from their new utopian society. The Jews and landowners in Russia were targeted. In the middle east its the Christians/Infidels and those that don't conform completely to Shariah.

Shariah is the basis of what is occurring now with ISIS. Beheadings are allowed, even encouraged under Shariah. To them, its what Allah commands.

And we still are not allowed to completely reject Sharia in our own law (if you'll remember the voters of Oklahoma voted to condemn and eliminate any mention of Shariah a few years back but were overruled by a liberal activist federal judge).

Radicalism is always rigid and vengeful in practice. Thats what Sharia is/does.


Sorry to get off topic, but the reference to comparing Hitler and GWB was a chance to spout off about this wo starting a thread.

This post was edited on 9/19 11:08 AM by rabidTU
Actually, those similarities aren't all that surprising. If you track ISIS back in time you get ISI (Islamic State in Iraq). ISI was formed by a bunch of former Baath Party officials and military officers who were out of jobs as of 2004 (Saddam was a Baath guy as were all of his inner circle and most senior military officers). ISI bounced around and helped form ISIS during the "Arab Spring". They were able to get good traction in Syria because that was the area in which the Baath Party was founded after WW2 (1947 IIRC) to combat the Arab Communist Party.

The Baath Party took a lot of inspiration for the Nazi's and at one point was known as the Arab Socialist Party (Nazi's were "National Socialists"). I've seen lots of bad analysis regarding ISIS but in reality they are about 80% Baath/Arab Socialist and 20% Wahhabi (fundamental branch of Islam founded by Bedouins in the mid 1700s).

Wahhabism saw a big surge during the build up to the 1991 Gulf War during which its followers found the basing of "infidel" troops in Saudi Arabia to be a massive insult to Islam and Allah. About half the residents of Quatar and the UAE as well as a "significant minority" of Saudi's are Wahhabi. Wahhabi's from Saudi Arabia were the primary funding arm of Al Qaeda and supplied most of the 9/11 hijackers.

With regard to beheadings and Sharia, well, Saudi Arabia still uses beheading as a form of criminal punishment. IIRC 2007 was the modern record year during which the carried out 150 beheadings. SA is not a strict Sharia state but their legal system is based upon Sharia law. In reality, any Islamic state could allow beheadings regardless of how strictly they follow Sharia Law because all Islamic states have Sharia as the foundation for their legal system (kind of like us and the Magna Carta).

Hope this helps a bit. Thanks!
I anyone cares to, there is a very good documentary called the "Soviet Story" about the cruelties of Communism in the days of the USSR and its similarities to the Nazi's in Germany. It's a good history lesson that some of our liberal friends should see - the ramifications of totalitarian govt and how the common folks are eliminated by an intrusive, powerful govt they lose control of.

I've tried to link it but there evidently are copywrite issues. So if anyone is interested, you can google "videobash", "The Soviet Story" and include the english version. Word of warning - its not for the younguns - graffic material. There is some very good material of how Russia has treated the Ukraine over the past century.

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