
Cuz it's been proven not to work for covid, guess u just thought that was fake news. It was proven to even have a negative effect for some patients.
Cuz it's been proven not to work for covid, guess u just thought that was fake news. It was proven to even have a negative effect for some patients.
Right, that’s why 2 plants went up in flames... lol I’m done with people who after 3.5 years still wont listen.

How do you destroy a country that is already divided?

Quarantine is when you restrict the movement of people that are sick. Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of all people (including the young & healthy.)

How do you steal an election? What is the number one voter issue? “It’s the economy, stupid.”

If you believe these 2 plants going up in flames is a coincidence you’re nuts & the only doctors saying that hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work are registered Dems.
there is a doctor that has been usong hcq for years that says it can help; in some cases. I alao dr oz checked in on this.