Here’s another nightmare “can’t be true” story out of Libtard City


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
... straight out of NYC! Manhattan!

How freeing a murderer is protecting people from Chinese Virus is beyond me. What about the health of the person this guy murdered? Thanks, judge Mark Dwyer. I wonder who funds this Legal Aid Society. Actually, I don’t. It’s a bunch of idiots.

The leftists have made their beds & within less than 10 years we will all have to accept it. Your rights to free speech, freedom, bear arms & everything else that is your God given right will be gone by then. I hope people like Aston & GW & URedskin enjoy it, cause it’s going to suck. If I can I will tell them all “I told you so, I warned you,” but I doubt we’ll even be able to do so after they get their way with what is ultimately a complete, imaginary dream!
“Judge, we should free this person so he can self isolate/distance himself, even though he’s already isolated & distances from the public.”

Judge: “you’re right, the person he killed is already dead, we can’t have any more cases be potentially linked to us - murder cases we can handle but not COVID cases. Set him free. Screw the family of his victim & screw the fact he is locked up for murder. We have to care about his health.”

****ing retards.
Wow when the cops caught this guy after he (allegedly) stabbed his girlfriend to death he asked them, “is she dead? I hope so.” What a fcking piece of sh*t!

I can’t believe people like this Manhattan Judge Mark Dwyer are releasing these criminals because of this COVID nonsense. We shouldn’t be on lockdown. Businesses should be able to decide if they want to take the risk to stay open for business. Something big is happening behind the scenes of which we are unaware.

The Left is begging for Trump to act as an authoritarian leader. They’re complaining that he isn’t being a fascist leader. Don’t be surprised when the truth comes out & those who claim to be anti-fascists want a fascist regime behind which they can gather & support if we end up delaying the election. This is a joke!

You have people like Commie Cortez complaining that illegals aren’t getting money from the socialist stimulus package yet the vast majority of those illegals are already guilty of identity theft. This is a joke. The virus is a joke. Dr FAUCI is a JOKE! This isn’t going to end well for the Dems.
Who will bear arms against the Wet Dream!

Trump will win the war against the Wet Dream!

Commander in Chief of the Space Cadets!
Who will bear arms against the Wet Dream!

Trump will win the war against the Wet Dream!

Commander in Chief of the Space Cadets!
Another reply lacking any type of truly intelligent response. I give you credit for your attempt at humor, poorly executed as it may be. Seriously, y’all aren’t funny, y’all can’t even meme. It’s sad. I don’t even look forward to the results of 2020 anymore because I’ll see all the same retards screaming that their side loss & feel bad that they don’t have anyone in their lives willing to put them into the asylum (or into mental health treatment) where they belong. Freedom isn’t free, they can reEE & scream all they want - it’s their right but it wasn’t earned by them & it’s their family members who aren’t getting them the help they need. I’m not comparing them to you other than pointing out that y’all would rather have some old dude suffering from dementia or another old dude suffering a sincere love communism be President over who is the current president. It can’t be explained, it’s sickening & I would vote for Wojcik for President before I’d ever vote for the idiots y’all support.
Who will bear arms against the Wet Dream!

Trump will win the war against the Wet Dream!

Commander in Chief of the Space Cadets!
Interesting, again, how you had nothing to say about the actual article I included in the post. Maybe you don’t believe that it’s true because then you’d actually have to say, “wow, that’s messed up because I cause about that minority victim & her surviving loved ones,” which you can’t do because you apparently support this idiot tiblard mayor of NYC.

Let’s say you have a wife (maybe you do) or husband or whatever tf... there’s something called the “Right to Try” law that was signed into law by your President. So say your hypothetical wife (or husband) were on their deathbed - would you want them to have access to any & all treatments that could save them or even cure them? That binds facts with feelings & the reason I use that hypothetical example is because far too often you guys use facts only when it’s convenient but primarily operate off of feelings.
Which is exactly what you just did there you replaced a response based in fact with a feeling based response.
That binds facts with feelings & the reason I use that hypothetical example is because far too often you guys use facts only when it’s convenient but primarily operate off of feelings.
You mean republicans?