Has China Won?

It's terrible. Does the US have a strategy that will address it other than efforts to further deteriorate our relationship? Do you really think Trump cares about the Uighers?

For years Trump continued to back Saudi Arabia's genocidal bombing civilians in Yemen which has produced even worse photos and atrocities. Yemen is now the largest humanitarian crisis in the world (UNICEF). Has anyone ever posted about it here?

If we want to deal effectively with the world, we need to see the whole picture, not just pick out that which enflames our hatred and leads to more conflict.

Trump is merely using China a whipping boy for everything that he could be blamed for. Violence in our cities? Laura Ingraham of Fox News recently suggested the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “has its hands in the riots and the current push to destabilize America,” Chadwick Moore appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to argue China is funding the movement. Raheem Kassam, a Steve Bannon colleague, declared Black Lives Matter is “laying the groundwork” for a “CCP invasion.”

You'll hear a lot more designed to fuel your anger before this election is over. To the extent that Trump has a China strategy, it's designed to get him reelected.

“What is good for China is fine with me” WATU3.14