Elon / Trump highlights

RIP represalia

I.T.S. Freshman
Silver Member
Jul 1, 2024
It’s funny. I started to listen to Trump & Elon last night & it was delayed for over an hour. They claimed DDoS attack, whatever, we know who it was. Because if it wasn’t one of Kamala & A Blinkin’s ppl, it was one of their ppl. Meaning some flaming idiot that votes for them. Conservatives would never do this if Kamala ever were to have an interview on a tv network prime time slot or on social media, we would never bitch and complain about how it’s “misinformation” & demand that the government do something to combat whatever the fucc Kamala would say in an interview if she ever gave one.

2 takeaways.

Trump revealed that upon entering the White House some generals handed him a document to sign & upon learning it was to pay Boeing for Air Force One (both of them) & was agreed upon by Obama, he looked at it & say $5.7billion & said “no. I’m not signing it. It’s a bad deal.” 4 weeks later they came back with the # at $4.1billion. He probably could’ve saved us another 2-3 billion. This is what happens when you have idiots with no financial nor fiscal demeanor in the executive branch, they spend like crazy bc “screw the taxpayer, they work for us!” is their attitude. They’re also illiterate at math.

Elon got Trump to speaking about the assassination attempt pretty early. This was the best part of the whole thing. Trump described how when he turned his head, he was looking right at the shooter, that is he lined his eye up square with the barrel, which the doctors tell him is why his slight turn of the head allowed him to survive. Trump called it an “Act of God.” He called it a “miracle.” He said, “if you don’t believe in God, you should probably start thinking about that.” He said he was a believer before but now he’s really a believer. He said, of the miracle, the act of God that saved his life, “I’m honored by it.”

These are the words of a humbled man, yet I can’t lie, I’m looking forward to the headlines from camp Kamala outraged that he said these things.

The president telling people that they should consider believing in God if they don’t isn’t just a good thing, it’s a GREAT THING! Yet, this is something that Democrat politicians will never do. They will never speak about their devotion to Christ nor their belief in God. They’ll say they’re Catholic or whatever, sure. But they won’t say the word “God,” nor “our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.”

All this faux virtue signaling yall have been up to is unfortunately about to serve yall nothing, those of you who voted Dem. I don’t get it, by the way, why can’t a Democrat politician utter the word “God” or “our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ?” That’s rhetorical… I know why. It’s because they sold their souls a long time ago.

Pray 4 Peace & God Bless
  • Haha
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