ECU / WSU baseball

I saw this. My first question was how is that catcher a D1 baseball player. I seriously doubted his ability to throw down to second playing on a little league dimensioned field. 2nd...that runner stole home on the pattern observed in film. Dumb thing is the 3rd baseman (or any other infielder) should have been yelling the whole time. Problem is, and this is something you don't see in this clip because they focus only on the pitcher and catcher, but every infielder also has one of those pitch cards on their wrist and there's probably a sign coming from the coach calling the pitch and signaling the infielders where to shift and play, i.e. if a slider is called on the outer half of the plate, you shift towards 1st a bit. Point is, with an expanded view, you might see all the IFs also looking down at their wrists/play cards, etc.

Brilliant scouting and film breakdown from the ECU coaches though. And with a tie game in the better time to try it as it is the moment you least expect a call that risky.

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