Don’t fall for the trap that is blatantly being set...


I.T.S. Offensive Coordinator
Gold Member
Mar 10, 2002
Throughout the coming months you’re going to see a divide that is nonpartisan (media is trying to make it partisan, but it’s not) that will be similar to the left vs right in that half the country disagrees with the other half, only this time it will be much more fierce because actual death is involved. This is what those who attacked us (and facilitated misinformation so we’d continue to ignore it until it was to late) want to see happen. BE AWARE AND DO NOT FALL FOR IT!

They will try their best to pit those who want to go back to work vs those who want to keep the economy closed. They will tell you that by going outside without a mask (it’s all but impossible to contract the virus outside - even in Wuhan you’re not required to wear a mask outside BUT you will be shamed for doing so even though it’s completely unnecessary to wear one outdoors) you are actively killing people. They (MSM & journalists - at least, those who still have jobs lol) will do every think they can to make this divide fierce & hope that it turns violent & that we all blame the most anti-China president in history for all of it. DO NOT FALL FOR IT!

Here are some numbers for you to analyze. 27,000,000 at risk of losing their livelihood regardless (& it will grow to 50,000,000 within 6 weeks if we stay closed) & 46,000. That’s the number of unemployed vs the number of deaths (which is a lie because it’s inflated - just look at the historically low number of deaths from heart disease, pneumonia & diabetes etc). The number of deaths compared to unemployed is .00177 or 0.0177% OR for each death there are approximately 587 people losing their jobs. That’s crazy.

When analyze the number of estimated cases of the virus raise numbers get even more outrageous.
Do not fall for it!

The economy must open up, the machine must be fed. Liberty or death. If you chose to stay at home, that’s fine. No one is denying that the virus is real. However, allow those who want to work to go back to work & those who want to patronize businesses or spend money at certain places to do so. How quickly we seem to have forgotten that this is a free country.
Don’t fall for the propaganda. We are still Americans. Don’t turn on someone for having a different opinion.
Most people can’t begin to understand what’s really going on here. One of the goals is clearly mail in voting which we’ve seen is absolutely flawed absentee ballots. It’s a way to rig the election.
There are so many things going on that most people (due to social conditioning/engineering) can’t even begin to understand.

Fauci is one of these bad actors. Birx is one of these bad actors. They’re both being given more than enough rope to hang themselves. Fauci said in 2017 that this admin would face a surprise outbreak after illegally sending $3.7m to the lab in Wuhan from where this virus was released. Indictments coming Brennan Clapper Comey Strozk Page McCabe Susan Rice Lynch Yates etc...