Did Schumer threaten two Supreme Court Justices


I.T.S. Legend
Dec 3, 2003
Not really but sorta.

He says he meant it would hurt the politically. Except they never have to run for re-election so how can they be hurt politically? He didn't say Republicans would be hurt, he called them by name. Still you can't think Schumer is going be beat up either of the Justices who seem younger than him.

He was very animated before a crowd. Remember also that someone shot a Republican baseball playing member. Schumer might be accused of inciting to riot. Or maybe just poor taste for a leader in a Senate that seems to be moving away, more and more, from the mantle of World's Greatest Deliberating Body. Being from Brooklyn seems little justification.

Conclusion: Schumer is an ass.
Just like Fox News and Roberts these posts ignore Trumps years of attacks on the judiciary at all levels including most recently other Supreme Court Justices.
1). This thread has zero to do with Trump. Nice deflection. Sad when you can’t even call out threatening Justices by name by a Senator.

2). Please link where Trump threatened Justices by name or at all?
This is why i cant handle the libs on this board. Complete hypocrits. Complete TDS.
When I first heard about this I went on YouTube to see for myself. The CNN and CBS versions left out where he called them out by name and the last part where he says "you will pay the price". Here is the whole thing:
No defending that rhetoric. I'd like to see some new blood in the top position of the senate.
I looked up every link you posted. Let me ask once again.....please post a link where Trump has threatened a Supreme Court Justice....or any Judge for that matter.
He is still throwing up a smoke screen. The surgeon general has warned that smoke is harmful to your health. And he was never standing on the steps of a court with a crowd.
You're obviously having issues with my question. I'll ask one more time. Please link anything which quotes Trump threatening a Supreme Court Justice....or any Judge.
No, he just took swipes at literally every other presiding officer of the government that he didn't like. Why would he take swipes at judges on a court where he appointed the deciding votes?
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No, he just took swipes at literally every other presiding officer of the government that he didn't like. Why would he take swipes at judges on a court where he appointed the deciding votes?
Every other officer that isnt trump...he blamed trump...not every other officer.
I looked up every link you posted. Let me ask once again.....please post a link where Trump has threatened a Supreme Court Justice....or any Judge for that matter.

I looked them up too. They don't say Trump "threatened", they say he "attacked". Isn't that worse? Thats like carrying out a threat. Maybe they just misspelled "criticized".
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He did. He’s an idiot that happens to be scared out of his mind.
No, he just took swipes at literally every other presiding officer of the government that he didn't like. Why would he take swipes at judges on a court where he appointed the deciding votes?
Dude, you know what we need? Bro... we seriously need a federal feelings police agency. That would fix everything.

It’s amazing to me how people on the left boast about their scientific facts like climate change & “a cluster of cells” that act as “a parasite” to the woman. Yet, right when it comes to keeping carbon emissions in USA down the Dems are against it by saying “let everyone who wants to cross the border/overstay their visa illegally stay in USA” which inevitably goes against lowering carbon emissions. They do the same sheet with abortion by saying “it’s not a life” but ignore the science of that but then once the abortion takes place they admit that the value of organs/muscles/tissue of the fetus all the sudden have value by allowing planned parenthood to sell them. It’s so hypocritical.

I don’t understand how Dems/RINOs/Neo-Cons live with themselves. Everyone contradicts themselves at one point or another, but living an entire life as a hypocrite? Wow. I can’t even imagine. May God have mercy on all y’alls souls.
Lankford holding it down for us Oklahomies - lets go! No, seriously - God Bless this man. This is amazing. I can only aspire to be so true to my convictions one day.

For a little context, the law Schumer is ranting about is to require abortion clinics to have admitting privileges to a hospital. I would have thought that was required for any outpatient procedure that required general anesthesia.
For a little context, the law Schumer is ranting about is to require abortion clinics to have admitting privileges to a hospital. I would have thought that was required for any outpatient procedure that required general anesthesia.
Still you know good & well Schumer was talking about abortion & Roe v Wade being overturned by the votes of the two Trump-appointed Justices.
Still you know good & well Schumer was talking about abortion & Roe v Wade being overturned by the votes of the two Trump-appointed Justices.
No he wasn't. He was talking about a case currently being heard by the court. That case is the reason he and the people he was speaking to were there.
No he wasn't. He was talking about a case currently being heard by the court. That case is the reason he and the people he was speaking to were there.
I’m aware. The point is they don’t actually care about what happens in the court with regards to the case in Louisiana & Chuck Schumer definitely doesn’t actually care about ANYTHING that happens in Louisiana (unless God forbid there’s a hurricane or mass shooting upon which he can take advantage for his own political gain - or even a Supreme Court case like this for him to gain political capital). Chuck Schumer does not even care about the people in his own state! Proof: if he really cared about gun violence he wouldn’t be pushing for gun control laws that have damned near zero effect on the people using firearms in murders - approximately 3% of all gun murders are committed by people using rifles & (more importantly) less than that are committed by people who can legally purchase a firearm!

An even smaller percentage of murder victims are victims of mass shootings... it’s a joke.


I brought up gun violence because it proves my point. Chuck Schumer does not care about real gun violence, he does not care about the struggles of inner-city youths who grow up without a father in the home & are subject to heavy influence of gangsters. If he did, he wouldn’t be trying to create gun laws that would have no effect on gun violence in these areas.
I get your point. They have taken the position that any restriction on abortion or abortion clinics is a step on a march toward reversing Roe v. Wade. Even if that restriction is to protect "the live of the mother".
I get your point. They have taken the position that any restriction on abortion or abortion clinics is a step on a march toward reversing Roe v. Wade. Even if that restriction is to protect "the live of the mother".
Yeah, it’s 2020 - the mother’s life is in danger if she were to give birth less than .01% of the time. It’s amazing that the same party that claims to be so “woke” when it comes to science chooses to ignore it when it comes to babies in the womb / basic biology (there are only 2 genders) yet cites science when it comes to climate change (climate change is real but it’s simply natural - the Left only screeches about it because it’s another way for them to control you). Not to mention Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood was a heinous, awful, notoriously racist person.

Speaking of control, why are they going after law abiding citizens with “gun control” measures when those people aren’t responsible for the relatively extremely small issue of gun violence? It’s not gun control, it’s people control. Every tyrant in history has disarmed the public. Hitler did it. Mao Zhedong did it. Lenin & Stalin both did it. Don’t get woke, wake up instead.

Schumer isn’t even worried about Roe v wade being overturned as much as he’s “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” He just wants to rile up as many Dem voters as possible in hopes to get the President out of office by the end of January 2021.
Yeah, it’s 2020 - the mother’s life is in danger if she were to give birth less than .01% of the time. It’s amazing that the same party that claims to be so “woke” when it comes to science chooses to ignore it when it comes to babies in the womb / basic biology (there are only 2 genders) yet cites science when it comes to climate change (climate change is real but it’s simply natural - the Left only screeches about it because it’s another way for them to control you). Not to mention Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood was a heinous, awful, notoriously racist person.

Speaking of control, why are they going after law abiding citizens with “gun control” measures when those people aren’t responsible for the relatively extremely small issue of gun violence? It’s not gun control, it’s people control. Every tyrant in history has disarmed the public. Hitler did it. Mao Zhedong did it. Lenin & Stalin both did it. Don’t get woke, wake up instead.

Schumer isn’t even worried about Roe v wade being overturned as much as he’s “never letting a good crisis go to waste.” He just wants to rile up as many Dem voters as possible in hopes to get the President out of office by the end of January 2021.
Every tyrant in history has attacked the free press, too.
Every tyrant in history has attacked the free press, too.
There’s a difference between verbal attacks & actually taking action. What’s the worst he’s done? Suspend Jim “I’ll assault ya” Acosta for assaulting that poor young woman? That’s nothing!!! What you’re talking about is outright propaganda & nationalizing of press / destroying any news outlet/company that dare question the tyrants in any way!! This just happened recently in Nicaragua. The tyrants to which you’re referring also have journalists murdered (this also happens all the time today including recently Russian journalist & the more famous one Kashoggi murdered by Saudi Arabia). It also happens in Mexico to this day!

You seriously don’t know what you’re saying - either you’re misinformed or you are deliberately trying to compare apples & oranges while knowing damned well that Trump has not attacked the free press in any way similar to the methods used by actual tyrants. It’s mind boggling. Maybe you just haven’t taken history classes or don’t stay up on foreign current events. I already know you haven’t lived outside of the USA.

I’m shocked you would say that your President exercising his freedom of speech while the press consistently reports 93%-97% NEGATIVELY framed/slanted stories on your President... wow. It’s the exact opposite the press is attacking Trump’s freedom of speech because no matter what he says they will lie & make it seem like only the most awful person in the country could say such a thing. Clearly, you’ve fallen for what they’ve been planning since 2015 & you actually believe the lies of the mainstream media. It is a nonstop, blatant smear campaign against the president. You clearly don’t even stop to question why it is they do that. They’re all clowns who think they work for the Clown Inteligence Agency (even though they don’t get paid by C_i.A)!!!

Or maybe you just don’t know the history of Tyrants & thus don’t know what real tyrants do.